Friday, 21 December 2012
hello and welcome
well hello those who are reading this, as you might know i write me own stories. But this update is not about that, it is about having a great xmas. to those out there reading this, have a great Christmas :)
Monday, 17 December 2012
psycho. 2.0.
"a boys best friend is his mother", as a kid we used to watch this film called Psycho. It never really shocked me, no matter how young I was it never scared me. One day I actually understood the film, " a boys best friend is his mother." This is the one quote that has stuck with me and will always stick with me. Understanding what that actually meant wasn't the thing that shocked me, it was my friend Adam that shocked me. Like in the film he never ever turned to shout at his mum, he just done as he was told no matter what she asked. It was a reflection on the film, he was a nice guy. Would jump in front of a car if you were about to be hit. But I never clicked with him at all, there was something that was in the back of me head telling me to run and get the fuck out of there. But being logical I ignored it and carried on with life. He was the sort of child to be invisible to those around him.
we went through school together and still I was never able to get use to him. One day when we were 14 years of age we had to pair up in class to do a project. My friend ran off to her boyfriend and I was left to be paired by the teacher. Giving my friend evils, the teacher then said "Em and Adam please can you pair up."
My mouth dropped and looked behind me to see the pale, tall figure of Adam. My friend started giggling, with a swift movement of my hand I stuck my finger up at her. She just laughed harder and I walked over to him.
"hello Adam, so what are we doing and when are we doing it?" I said just ready to get this over and done with.
"well we plan it in school.Then we can go back to my house tonight and doing it together. Does that sound okay?" He was very calm and had a quiet voice. It was very calming that it almost sent me into a trance. I agreed and we actually had a laugh, he was funny and actually very cute. But still in my head was that voice, run get the fuck out of here now.
When the bell went for lunch I walked out the class and asked if he wanted to hang out with me for lunch. He agreed, the voice still ran in my head over and over again. It became background noise in the end, I was having so much fun with a guy I have never talked with. Last lesson and then home. I let my mother know what was happening before going to Adam's house. It was a large house that had 3 floors to it, his mothers bedroom was on the top floor and his on the second. We jogged up the first flight of stairs when his mother shouted down the stairs, he cringed at her voice and showed me to his room. Before flying up the flight of stairs.
His room was huge, must have been triple the size of my room. He had a computer, double bed, flat screen HD, Xbox, ps3 and a bluerayer player. He was loaded, but as promised I grabbed his laptop and pushed my memory stick in. I was a computer nerd and when it came to other people's computers I was obsessed with what they were into. So with a bit of computer magic I fiddled with a few files, and up popped a few documents. They were all boring, until I found one page that was titled ' That is it'. being a huge fan of scary stories and creepy pasta I thought it was a copy and paste of one of his stories. I was mistaken, once opening the file it was a picture enlarged. A bloody corpse of a woman, I barely got a look in when I heard him coming down the stairs. I closed the files and smiled as he came into the room.
"let's get started" he smiled and sat next to me. The voices in my head were back and now screaming at the top of their lungs RUN, FUCK SCHOOL RUN!
Everything went as normal, he offered me drink and food. He ran downstairs and started to make the drink. I gently walked out the room and upstairs. One step at a time, each I carefully placed my foot. I came to the door and gently pushed on it.
"hello Mrs..." I couldn't finished the sentence before screaming. It slipped my lips. Hearing Adam now rushing upstairs, in panic I pushed the door closed and sat behind it. He tried to push the door open, but I sobbed and looked at the begging body. She was nothing, it looked like she had been removed from her skin. Blood was everywhere and I was sitting in her blood. The skin hanged on a hanger and her the blood was warm. He had only just killed her. I sobbed seeing the eyes of the woman look deep into my soul. She looked like the imagine, so close to it but she was not that woman. She was much younger, I caught the vomit in my throat. I couldn't look at her any more.
"Em come on out and I will tell you what happened. In fact I will tell you now. She was insane and tried to stab me. so in defence I attacked back and well I got a bit carried away. You know how much I love my mum, you wrote it in you dairy the other day." A deep chuckle echoed through the door, this made me flinch away.
I stopped listening and he walked away from the door. I heard him go down the stairs and root through his draws. Cursing he went down another flight. I got up and went to the window, Putting a chair behind the door before trying to climb out the window. There was a ledge about a foot wide. I balanced and climbed for my life. To be honest, all I remembered after that, was me calling the police and me falling off the roof. Adam was arrested and well he always says when ever they interview him that "a boys best friend is his mother". He was released on insanity and has to stay in an asylum. He sees a psychologist daily. They won't get through to him, from what I saw he knew every single thing he was doing. He knew I would climb onto the roof. He was going to kill me one way or another. I was lucky to survive but am I lucky to be alive. To suffer the fear of him returning to the world...
we went through school together and still I was never able to get use to him. One day when we were 14 years of age we had to pair up in class to do a project. My friend ran off to her boyfriend and I was left to be paired by the teacher. Giving my friend evils, the teacher then said "Em and Adam please can you pair up."
My mouth dropped and looked behind me to see the pale, tall figure of Adam. My friend started giggling, with a swift movement of my hand I stuck my finger up at her. She just laughed harder and I walked over to him.
"hello Adam, so what are we doing and when are we doing it?" I said just ready to get this over and done with.
"well we plan it in school.Then we can go back to my house tonight and doing it together. Does that sound okay?" He was very calm and had a quiet voice. It was very calming that it almost sent me into a trance. I agreed and we actually had a laugh, he was funny and actually very cute. But still in my head was that voice, run get the fuck out of here now.
When the bell went for lunch I walked out the class and asked if he wanted to hang out with me for lunch. He agreed, the voice still ran in my head over and over again. It became background noise in the end, I was having so much fun with a guy I have never talked with. Last lesson and then home. I let my mother know what was happening before going to Adam's house. It was a large house that had 3 floors to it, his mothers bedroom was on the top floor and his on the second. We jogged up the first flight of stairs when his mother shouted down the stairs, he cringed at her voice and showed me to his room. Before flying up the flight of stairs.
His room was huge, must have been triple the size of my room. He had a computer, double bed, flat screen HD, Xbox, ps3 and a bluerayer player. He was loaded, but as promised I grabbed his laptop and pushed my memory stick in. I was a computer nerd and when it came to other people's computers I was obsessed with what they were into. So with a bit of computer magic I fiddled with a few files, and up popped a few documents. They were all boring, until I found one page that was titled ' That is it'. being a huge fan of scary stories and creepy pasta I thought it was a copy and paste of one of his stories. I was mistaken, once opening the file it was a picture enlarged. A bloody corpse of a woman, I barely got a look in when I heard him coming down the stairs. I closed the files and smiled as he came into the room.
"let's get started" he smiled and sat next to me. The voices in my head were back and now screaming at the top of their lungs RUN, FUCK SCHOOL RUN!
Everything went as normal, he offered me drink and food. He ran downstairs and started to make the drink. I gently walked out the room and upstairs. One step at a time, each I carefully placed my foot. I came to the door and gently pushed on it.
"hello Mrs..." I couldn't finished the sentence before screaming. It slipped my lips. Hearing Adam now rushing upstairs, in panic I pushed the door closed and sat behind it. He tried to push the door open, but I sobbed and looked at the begging body. She was nothing, it looked like she had been removed from her skin. Blood was everywhere and I was sitting in her blood. The skin hanged on a hanger and her the blood was warm. He had only just killed her. I sobbed seeing the eyes of the woman look deep into my soul. She looked like the imagine, so close to it but she was not that woman. She was much younger, I caught the vomit in my throat. I couldn't look at her any more.
"Em come on out and I will tell you what happened. In fact I will tell you now. She was insane and tried to stab me. so in defence I attacked back and well I got a bit carried away. You know how much I love my mum, you wrote it in you dairy the other day." A deep chuckle echoed through the door, this made me flinch away.
I stopped listening and he walked away from the door. I heard him go down the stairs and root through his draws. Cursing he went down another flight. I got up and went to the window, Putting a chair behind the door before trying to climb out the window. There was a ledge about a foot wide. I balanced and climbed for my life. To be honest, all I remembered after that, was me calling the police and me falling off the roof. Adam was arrested and well he always says when ever they interview him that "a boys best friend is his mother". He was released on insanity and has to stay in an asylum. He sees a psychologist daily. They won't get through to him, from what I saw he knew every single thing he was doing. He knew I would climb onto the roof. He was going to kill me one way or another. I was lucky to survive but am I lucky to be alive. To suffer the fear of him returning to the world...
Wednesday, 5 December 2012
Christmas day
My sister; Olivia for English had to write all about her Christmas day and well it made me laugh. So to cheer you all up here is my sisters Xmas day....
On Christmas morning, I wake up to instructions through text for what to make for breakfast; which is normally pancakes. After indulging my sense in sweet smells and taste, my parents, sister and me gather in the living room near the tree.We wait for the dogs to wake up (Button and Basil) until we open our presents one at a time, letting of course the dogs go first. While mum is still laughing at how cute the dogs look with their Christmas bows on and uploads photos to Facebook, me and my sister ( the brilliant Emily) SO it is present time and I have opened one; being the youngest of the 6 of us, I thank my parents and the basil and button and we carry on opening presents.
For a while me, my parents and sister take time to get ready in some of our new clothes. Finally I am ready waiting while my mum tries on her 10th outfit, because the others were "too tight around the bum". she comes down looking a mess but we say she looks lovely so she doesn't moan, but of course my dad slips in a weight joke and we end up 30 minutes late. Arriving at my dad's parents house (This is the English side) we greet everyone in a festive mood; all talking and laughing. Nanny taps her almost paper thin walls with a spoon to call us to dinner, we walk to her beautifully set dinner table and wait in anticipation for the Norfolk bronze to grace our eyes. As my Granddad walks to the table, holding what only can be described as a golden glory. The beautiful savoy smell fills my nose; I could almost taste it. My plate is severed up and pile high with:
potato, turkey, Brussels, carrots, Yorkshire, beans, peas and gravy.
It is like I had died and gone to heaven.
Recovering from the war zone that was dinner, we all hobble back into the living room hardly be able to talk properly; just slight murmurs. After getting the feeling back to my toes and neck, I join in the conversation around the room laughing occasionally at my uncles. So this nearing a close you would it was over, Oh you are so wrong. We still have my mum's side of the family * face palm*
On Christmas morning, I wake up to instructions through text for what to make for breakfast; which is normally pancakes. After indulging my sense in sweet smells and taste, my parents, sister and me gather in the living room near the tree.We wait for the dogs to wake up (Button and Basil) until we open our presents one at a time, letting of course the dogs go first. While mum is still laughing at how cute the dogs look with their Christmas bows on and uploads photos to Facebook, me and my sister ( the brilliant Emily) SO it is present time and I have opened one; being the youngest of the 6 of us, I thank my parents and the basil and button and we carry on opening presents.
For a while me, my parents and sister take time to get ready in some of our new clothes. Finally I am ready waiting while my mum tries on her 10th outfit, because the others were "too tight around the bum". she comes down looking a mess but we say she looks lovely so she doesn't moan, but of course my dad slips in a weight joke and we end up 30 minutes late. Arriving at my dad's parents house (This is the English side) we greet everyone in a festive mood; all talking and laughing. Nanny taps her almost paper thin walls with a spoon to call us to dinner, we walk to her beautifully set dinner table and wait in anticipation for the Norfolk bronze to grace our eyes. As my Granddad walks to the table, holding what only can be described as a golden glory. The beautiful savoy smell fills my nose; I could almost taste it. My plate is severed up and pile high with:
potato, turkey, Brussels, carrots, Yorkshire, beans, peas and gravy.
It is like I had died and gone to heaven.
Tuesday, 4 December 2012
All hope is lost....
They called me stupid when I started to panic. The first case was not reported until 6 days from when the person was infected. Dr Roland Frindle was his name I think, he had caught the Ebola virus when they were testing how it was adapting. Of course this was 6 days after the infection, the guy was on his last few hours maybe.
The thing is that this Ebola virus was actually adapted. The regular one would just get you infected and kill. It is easy to get it and easy to prevent getting it. This new strain well to put it simply, it's main objective is to get as many hosts as possible before ending that hosts life. when that person dies, the leak a large amount of blood out of every hole in your body making it easier to catch it. Your eyes, ears, mouth, nose, nipple etc will bleed.
The next four cases were reported. Each person died within 5 days of catching the virus, then a break news story happened. It said what no one had wanted to hear "The Ebola virus has no become either airborne or water borne. It has not been confirmed which one but. Please keep away from the infected, the blood touch skin could even cause you to catch the virus"
more people became infected and with panic I started to buy supplies, water, food, medical gear. It seemed no one was doing what I was doing. I called up my parents last night and asked them to prepare themselves for an epidemic. They just said I was being silly.
Eventually over 20,000 people were infected and were now walking the streets. Blood trails ran all over London. It had not hit where I lived yet and I was on the outskirts of London so I wasn't that far away. People here just carried on with their lives as if there was actually nothing threatening them. One night I fell asleep not knowing that my whole life would be changed in a few hours. As usual I would fall asleep with the Tv on and wake up at 2am to relieve my bladder and turn the Tv off. But this time I didn't wake because my bladder was aching but a scream. I jumped out of my bed and ran to my window, a woman was in the middle of the street; she looked straight down at the floor. I could hear her husband mumbling a few things at her, telling her to come back inside. Their children Sam and Alice both stood in the door way sobbing gently, the woman started to shake uncontrollably like she was laughing. My attention turned to the fact it was raining when I had gone to bed but a new puddle seem to have formed round the woman's body. She looked up at her husband and let out a loud sorrowful scream. It was shown, on her night gown was a rich red liquid. Her eyes were clouded with blood and fell from their sockets. She was falling apart right at that second in time, I held my mouth as i felt a little vomit travel up. I backed away from the window as the woman bit her husbands neck before she collapsed into a rigid corpse.
after going to the toilet, I walked back to my bedroom. But I had no chance of sleeping tonight. The army came not long after the incident. The brought the man out into the middle of the road and shot him square between the eyes. Another two shots were hear, I instantly assumed that the children had been dealt with. The left after torching the house and washing the street down. I watch the embers of the Georgian house and thought 'the world has gone to shit and I am in the middle of it.'
I awoke about 12pm, a smoky smell had polluted my house. The burnt husk of the house was left and I could see the bodies of the children and their father amongst the ash and fallen beams. I got dressed and made a trip to the bank. I got every single penny out and went to the nearest shop, again there was no one out and about; even some of the staff weren't there. I got as much as I could before getting off home. On the way home I saw three bodies in the street, on of the bodied crawled towards the middle of the road. A driver clipped the edge of her skull and killed her instantly The woman came to a stop and got out of her car. She started scream at the top of her lungs, blood started flowing out of nose and ears. Her baby in the back cried also, tears flooded to my eyes. I got home as quickly as I could and got into the house with all supplies in one go. I bolt locked the door and walked up stairs after packing away everything. I walked into my bedroom and sat at the window as I listened to the TV. I was so shocked and I wish it was all a dream. I woke up the next morning with my head against the window. There was about 20 people in the street; all in a circle looking at one point. One of the men shuffled to the side and I could see a young girl about the age of 13 gurgling as blood flowed out of her mouth. she had no legs and one usable arm. she crawled towards the nearest man and spat another mouth full of blood at him. He screamed about a minute later, falling onto the floor clawing at his eyes. blood leaked out of him and the he died not long after. I was so angry, they were just standing there looking at this girl. she went rigid and died, she had left a trail of blood behind her; leaving a mark on this world. One of the guys in the group got close to her and took a powerful kick to her head. Even me inside I heard the crack of the girls skull. This had got way too much and any food that I had that day evacuated me.
The next few days nothing happened. A few bodies more clean up and more infection. It was now taking the average person 10 days to died. It had infected the UK, USA and most of Europe. My mother and brother had caught the disease and died on the same day. My father I had called not long after the young girl incident, he had told me all this information and now was on his way to me. It had been about 2 hours from the phone call but the sudden lack of sleep hit me. So with a stupidity I decided to sleep.
Just before I went to bed I listen to the news. " Your best shot is to stay inside, do nothing. The army has failed, the government has failed and science has failed. I am afraid to report this will be the last news update and I hope those who are alive God will protect your soul" thoughts again drifted 'The world has given up and we have all been left alone with the world so damaged. I just wish it would end quickly and it would all go back to normal'
I woke up to my father shouting up the stairs. I had left the door unlocked and he was able to come in with ease. He wasn't doing that well and looked like death warmed up to me. He claimed he was fine but I knew that he had caught the disease. I am just glad he got home to me in, although I knew it was too late, 8 days after he arrived he died. I burnt his body and have cried ever since. I had caught the disease 12 days ago and I have started bleeding yet but I know I have it so I am going to overdoes on pills. There is no hope for the human race. I know this because yesterday knowing I had nothing to lose, I walked and walked. No one was even around, not even the infected all were dead in heaps on the floor. No fresh blood was spilt on the floor, all blood stains were old and brown. All hope is lost...
The thing is that this Ebola virus was actually adapted. The regular one would just get you infected and kill. It is easy to get it and easy to prevent getting it. This new strain well to put it simply, it's main objective is to get as many hosts as possible before ending that hosts life. when that person dies, the leak a large amount of blood out of every hole in your body making it easier to catch it. Your eyes, ears, mouth, nose, nipple etc will bleed.
The next four cases were reported. Each person died within 5 days of catching the virus, then a break news story happened. It said what no one had wanted to hear "The Ebola virus has no become either airborne or water borne. It has not been confirmed which one but. Please keep away from the infected, the blood touch skin could even cause you to catch the virus"
more people became infected and with panic I started to buy supplies, water, food, medical gear. It seemed no one was doing what I was doing. I called up my parents last night and asked them to prepare themselves for an epidemic. They just said I was being silly.
Eventually over 20,000 people were infected and were now walking the streets. Blood trails ran all over London. It had not hit where I lived yet and I was on the outskirts of London so I wasn't that far away. People here just carried on with their lives as if there was actually nothing threatening them. One night I fell asleep not knowing that my whole life would be changed in a few hours. As usual I would fall asleep with the Tv on and wake up at 2am to relieve my bladder and turn the Tv off. But this time I didn't wake because my bladder was aching but a scream. I jumped out of my bed and ran to my window, a woman was in the middle of the street; she looked straight down at the floor. I could hear her husband mumbling a few things at her, telling her to come back inside. Their children Sam and Alice both stood in the door way sobbing gently, the woman started to shake uncontrollably like she was laughing. My attention turned to the fact it was raining when I had gone to bed but a new puddle seem to have formed round the woman's body. She looked up at her husband and let out a loud sorrowful scream. It was shown, on her night gown was a rich red liquid. Her eyes were clouded with blood and fell from their sockets. She was falling apart right at that second in time, I held my mouth as i felt a little vomit travel up. I backed away from the window as the woman bit her husbands neck before she collapsed into a rigid corpse.
after going to the toilet, I walked back to my bedroom. But I had no chance of sleeping tonight. The army came not long after the incident. The brought the man out into the middle of the road and shot him square between the eyes. Another two shots were hear, I instantly assumed that the children had been dealt with. The left after torching the house and washing the street down. I watch the embers of the Georgian house and thought 'the world has gone to shit and I am in the middle of it.'
I awoke about 12pm, a smoky smell had polluted my house. The burnt husk of the house was left and I could see the bodies of the children and their father amongst the ash and fallen beams. I got dressed and made a trip to the bank. I got every single penny out and went to the nearest shop, again there was no one out and about; even some of the staff weren't there. I got as much as I could before getting off home. On the way home I saw three bodies in the street, on of the bodied crawled towards the middle of the road. A driver clipped the edge of her skull and killed her instantly The woman came to a stop and got out of her car. She started scream at the top of her lungs, blood started flowing out of nose and ears. Her baby in the back cried also, tears flooded to my eyes. I got home as quickly as I could and got into the house with all supplies in one go. I bolt locked the door and walked up stairs after packing away everything. I walked into my bedroom and sat at the window as I listened to the TV. I was so shocked and I wish it was all a dream. I woke up the next morning with my head against the window. There was about 20 people in the street; all in a circle looking at one point. One of the men shuffled to the side and I could see a young girl about the age of 13 gurgling as blood flowed out of her mouth. she had no legs and one usable arm. she crawled towards the nearest man and spat another mouth full of blood at him. He screamed about a minute later, falling onto the floor clawing at his eyes. blood leaked out of him and the he died not long after. I was so angry, they were just standing there looking at this girl. she went rigid and died, she had left a trail of blood behind her; leaving a mark on this world. One of the guys in the group got close to her and took a powerful kick to her head. Even me inside I heard the crack of the girls skull. This had got way too much and any food that I had that day evacuated me.
The next few days nothing happened. A few bodies more clean up and more infection. It was now taking the average person 10 days to died. It had infected the UK, USA and most of Europe. My mother and brother had caught the disease and died on the same day. My father I had called not long after the young girl incident, he had told me all this information and now was on his way to me. It had been about 2 hours from the phone call but the sudden lack of sleep hit me. So with a stupidity I decided to sleep.
Just before I went to bed I listen to the news. " Your best shot is to stay inside, do nothing. The army has failed, the government has failed and science has failed. I am afraid to report this will be the last news update and I hope those who are alive God will protect your soul" thoughts again drifted 'The world has given up and we have all been left alone with the world so damaged. I just wish it would end quickly and it would all go back to normal'
I woke up to my father shouting up the stairs. I had left the door unlocked and he was able to come in with ease. He wasn't doing that well and looked like death warmed up to me. He claimed he was fine but I knew that he had caught the disease. I am just glad he got home to me in, although I knew it was too late, 8 days after he arrived he died. I burnt his body and have cried ever since. I had caught the disease 12 days ago and I have started bleeding yet but I know I have it so I am going to overdoes on pills. There is no hope for the human race. I know this because yesterday knowing I had nothing to lose, I walked and walked. No one was even around, not even the infected all were dead in heaps on the floor. No fresh blood was spilt on the floor, all blood stains were old and brown. All hope is lost...
Tuesday, 27 November 2012
The red room.
I am sitting in the corner of the room. The red room, me and my friends thought it would be funny to just venture around this place. The prison was shut down after there had been a huge fire and over 200 inmates burnt alive because the fire systems had broken down. 100 inmates escaped and 15 guards were also killed. No bodies were recovered and the building was left to rot and break down. It burnt for nearly 5 days before it was declared that no bodies would be looked for because the build would be so unsafe.
After we had learnt about what had happened in that prison at school, as a joke we all started making plans to go into it. Eventually the joke died down, and about Halloween time someone brought up the plans again.
"come on guys it will be a bit of fun. Be there in 10 minutes on our bikes and walk around the place shitting ourselves and then go home. It is simple and it will be fun"
we gave his a dirty look and carried on with life but he pestered us until we all agreed with to just visit. But of course the plan changed 4 times. Eventually the plan was, we all stayed round my friend Alan house; whose parents were never in. Him and his twin brother Jake would set up the house so when we came back it would look like we had been there for hours. we all arrived around about 7 Pm and it was very dark at this point in time. we parked our bikes outside and went inside for about 30 minutes to eat pizza. We discussed again what was the plan and then again set off.
When we got to the prison, there was a fence that was locked and had not been touched for maybe 10 years. As usual Alan was the one to lead and climb the fence, his brother, then mark, Dan and finally me. I was last because I was the slowest climber. Ever since I broke my leg, I lost all ability to be quicker than all my friends and it really got me down. But not the point, once I was over we started to walk toward the wreck of a building. It had burnt the area around it, you could see it even after so many year. Alan pushed his brother over and ran off. So the chase began, I ran after Alan as quick as I could laughing my head off trying to find the speed to run after him. We all were laughing and having fun when we heard a blood curdling scream.
I stopped straight away to look around us, the other guys took a little longer. We all stayed silent for a while and then slowly walked towards each other.
"what the hell was that?" Jake asked, I could hear him shaking as he asked us.
" A fox, just a fox or an animal of some sort." we all nodded and chuckled. How stupid can we be for being scared of a fox, we carried on until we got to the main entrance.
Some strange reason there was a set of blueprints, they were near enough unreadable but we could understand the basic out line of the structure. we entered the huge door way, there was some form of a roof but it was in pieces and was crumbling even when we were looking up. we walked slowly around the building the first room was where the visitors came to get ready to see the men. There was a really foul smell that seem to stick to this room, it smelt of a dead animal. I was brought out of the thought process when I slipped onto my ass into a wet patch. I let out a cry and wiped off the nasty smelling liquid.
"it looks like petrol and a lot of it. This hasn't been here that long either because if it was here when the fire it would have been burnt off." Jake got onto his knees and smelt the liquid. It made him gag as he took in realisation that it was petrol.
We carried on still, now into the main prison. There must have been over 3000 cells in this area and they were all open. Every single one was open, meaning either there was bullshit said in the news that the fire systems failed or people had been here before us. Which actually seemed likely, we looked on the first floor and saw no bodies. Not one body and this made me feel sick. Someone was covering something up.
we walked round the first floor and found nothing. My friends were not happy, they wanted to find a dead body at least. So we went into the canteen and sat down at one of the tables.
"Where the hell is our food!?!" Dan shouted at the top of his lungs
we all had a giggle and again was enjoying ourselves. A huge bang came from the kitchen, it was so loud it made the floor shake. I jumped out of my seat and pulled Mark out of the way as a table came flying past our side. It looked like the table had been pushed from the opposite end to us, Mark's face was pale and he threw up not long after. I pat his back as he threw up, the other 3 were shocked and went to investigate the area of the crash. When Mark had finishing throwing up I sat him down and gave him some water that I had in my backpack. He Thanked me and took a sip.
"what the fuck!? It looks like the floor above collapsed and pushed the tables towards you guys. what is this?" Alan pulled a book out of the rubble and opened it.
" There is one guy here that I am curious about that doesn't seem to be right. I think he is insane and so I want to prove it so we can get him out of this place as soon as possible. He just doesn't sit right and he loves the red room"
I looked at him as he finished the entry.
" is that it?" I asked quietly
He nodded and replied " the rest has been ripped out and burnt"
There was a mad man in this prison, we had to find the red room. I started to walk before the rest of the guys and started to run. I knew there was something strange about that blueprint, I ran up the first flight of stairs and looked for a sign across the floors. The next flight, and this is where I stopped to catch my breath. They had caught up to me by this time, I ignored their shots at me calling me all sorts of names. I looked left and right to see what I had wanted to see.
"shut up! If you looked on the blueprints there is a third floor but no third flight of stairs" I walked slowly knowing this floor was where the floor had fell through. They followed me slowly minding their step, Mark had stopped and threw up again. He was badly ill and so through concern I turned round not thinking and fell straight through the floor into a cell. I blacked out.
It must had only been a few minutes because the guys had only just got to me when I re awoke. I had hurt my arm and I had a nose bleed but I really didn't care. behind my worrying friends stood a man, he was in a straight jacket and stood looking at me. Blood covered his face and the straight jacket was yellow and bloody. I stood up and again ignored my friends, the mad man smiled and disappeared. I walked up the stairs holding my broken arm against my chest and walked toward the room at the end of the hall. My friends again caught up and stepped back.
"what is that smell?" Alan covered his face.
I pushed again the door and the red room was discovered.
I gagged and pulled my hoody over my face, the others done the same. There was a set of stairs that lead to another door. I walked up and pushed it open. Bodies, hundreds of dead bodies decorated the room. I could not take it and threw up. My friends walked in slowly and saw what had made me chuck.
I cried, I couldn't take it any more. I got onto my knees and cried. This was over whelming. I couldn't stop.
Alan screamed, I turned round to see the door shut behind us.
" No, no no no no no! Please god No!" Jake and Alan pulled at the door and tried to get it open. Mark and Dan looked at the me with the jaws almost hitting the floor. I was shaking and looked behind me. The mad man stood about a meter in front of me. The smile still on his face, I stood up and went to run but the door slammed behind me. I heard Mark and Dan on the other side shouting at me to run somewhere. I walked over to the corner of the room and covered my face. If this mad man was going to kill me, I would just be unaware and would prefer to have my eyes closed. I breathed gently and allowed myself to cry again. I was in so much pain and I was so scared. i heard the mad man slowly shuffle towards me. My throat went tight and I started chocking. They man had the arm of his straight jacket around my neck I looked up to see him bloody face before closing my eyes and becoming one of the many bodies in the red room.
I am now in the corner of the red room, like one of the many bodies I just wait to be found and buried Me and my friends can't be near each other because the mad man has kept us apart. There has been so many teenagers since I died been here, I scream to warm them to go away. Most run and don't come back. Those who don't listen will become one of those people in the red room.
After we had learnt about what had happened in that prison at school, as a joke we all started making plans to go into it. Eventually the joke died down, and about Halloween time someone brought up the plans again.
"come on guys it will be a bit of fun. Be there in 10 minutes on our bikes and walk around the place shitting ourselves and then go home. It is simple and it will be fun"
we gave his a dirty look and carried on with life but he pestered us until we all agreed with to just visit. But of course the plan changed 4 times. Eventually the plan was, we all stayed round my friend Alan house; whose parents were never in. Him and his twin brother Jake would set up the house so when we came back it would look like we had been there for hours. we all arrived around about 7 Pm and it was very dark at this point in time. we parked our bikes outside and went inside for about 30 minutes to eat pizza. We discussed again what was the plan and then again set off.
When we got to the prison, there was a fence that was locked and had not been touched for maybe 10 years. As usual Alan was the one to lead and climb the fence, his brother, then mark, Dan and finally me. I was last because I was the slowest climber. Ever since I broke my leg, I lost all ability to be quicker than all my friends and it really got me down. But not the point, once I was over we started to walk toward the wreck of a building. It had burnt the area around it, you could see it even after so many year. Alan pushed his brother over and ran off. So the chase began, I ran after Alan as quick as I could laughing my head off trying to find the speed to run after him. We all were laughing and having fun when we heard a blood curdling scream.
I stopped straight away to look around us, the other guys took a little longer. We all stayed silent for a while and then slowly walked towards each other.
"what the hell was that?" Jake asked, I could hear him shaking as he asked us.
" A fox, just a fox or an animal of some sort." we all nodded and chuckled. How stupid can we be for being scared of a fox, we carried on until we got to the main entrance.
Some strange reason there was a set of blueprints, they were near enough unreadable but we could understand the basic out line of the structure. we entered the huge door way, there was some form of a roof but it was in pieces and was crumbling even when we were looking up. we walked slowly around the building the first room was where the visitors came to get ready to see the men. There was a really foul smell that seem to stick to this room, it smelt of a dead animal. I was brought out of the thought process when I slipped onto my ass into a wet patch. I let out a cry and wiped off the nasty smelling liquid.
"it looks like petrol and a lot of it. This hasn't been here that long either because if it was here when the fire it would have been burnt off." Jake got onto his knees and smelt the liquid. It made him gag as he took in realisation that it was petrol.
We carried on still, now into the main prison. There must have been over 3000 cells in this area and they were all open. Every single one was open, meaning either there was bullshit said in the news that the fire systems failed or people had been here before us. Which actually seemed likely, we looked on the first floor and saw no bodies. Not one body and this made me feel sick. Someone was covering something up.
we walked round the first floor and found nothing. My friends were not happy, they wanted to find a dead body at least. So we went into the canteen and sat down at one of the tables.
"Where the hell is our food!?!" Dan shouted at the top of his lungs
we all had a giggle and again was enjoying ourselves. A huge bang came from the kitchen, it was so loud it made the floor shake. I jumped out of my seat and pulled Mark out of the way as a table came flying past our side. It looked like the table had been pushed from the opposite end to us, Mark's face was pale and he threw up not long after. I pat his back as he threw up, the other 3 were shocked and went to investigate the area of the crash. When Mark had finishing throwing up I sat him down and gave him some water that I had in my backpack. He Thanked me and took a sip.
"what the fuck!? It looks like the floor above collapsed and pushed the tables towards you guys. what is this?" Alan pulled a book out of the rubble and opened it.
" There is one guy here that I am curious about that doesn't seem to be right. I think he is insane and so I want to prove it so we can get him out of this place as soon as possible. He just doesn't sit right and he loves the red room"
I looked at him as he finished the entry.
" is that it?" I asked quietly
He nodded and replied " the rest has been ripped out and burnt"
There was a mad man in this prison, we had to find the red room. I started to walk before the rest of the guys and started to run. I knew there was something strange about that blueprint, I ran up the first flight of stairs and looked for a sign across the floors. The next flight, and this is where I stopped to catch my breath. They had caught up to me by this time, I ignored their shots at me calling me all sorts of names. I looked left and right to see what I had wanted to see.
"shut up! If you looked on the blueprints there is a third floor but no third flight of stairs" I walked slowly knowing this floor was where the floor had fell through. They followed me slowly minding their step, Mark had stopped and threw up again. He was badly ill and so through concern I turned round not thinking and fell straight through the floor into a cell. I blacked out.
It must had only been a few minutes because the guys had only just got to me when I re awoke. I had hurt my arm and I had a nose bleed but I really didn't care. behind my worrying friends stood a man, he was in a straight jacket and stood looking at me. Blood covered his face and the straight jacket was yellow and bloody. I stood up and again ignored my friends, the mad man smiled and disappeared. I walked up the stairs holding my broken arm against my chest and walked toward the room at the end of the hall. My friends again caught up and stepped back.
"what is that smell?" Alan covered his face.
I pushed again the door and the red room was discovered.
I gagged and pulled my hoody over my face, the others done the same. There was a set of stairs that lead to another door. I walked up and pushed it open. Bodies, hundreds of dead bodies decorated the room. I could not take it and threw up. My friends walked in slowly and saw what had made me chuck.
I cried, I couldn't take it any more. I got onto my knees and cried. This was over whelming. I couldn't stop.
Alan screamed, I turned round to see the door shut behind us.
" No, no no no no no! Please god No!" Jake and Alan pulled at the door and tried to get it open. Mark and Dan looked at the me with the jaws almost hitting the floor. I was shaking and looked behind me. The mad man stood about a meter in front of me. The smile still on his face, I stood up and went to run but the door slammed behind me. I heard Mark and Dan on the other side shouting at me to run somewhere. I walked over to the corner of the room and covered my face. If this mad man was going to kill me, I would just be unaware and would prefer to have my eyes closed. I breathed gently and allowed myself to cry again. I was in so much pain and I was so scared. i heard the mad man slowly shuffle towards me. My throat went tight and I started chocking. They man had the arm of his straight jacket around my neck I looked up to see him bloody face before closing my eyes and becoming one of the many bodies in the red room.
I am now in the corner of the red room, like one of the many bodies I just wait to be found and buried Me and my friends can't be near each other because the mad man has kept us apart. There has been so many teenagers since I died been here, I scream to warm them to go away. Most run and don't come back. Those who don't listen will become one of those people in the red room.
Monday, 26 November 2012
The guide.
I have done studies on this process. It is called guidance or what I have called it anyway. I am being too forward, my name is Dr Jung. I have been for years studying psychology as a primary subject and now been taken on as an apprentice at a local mental hospital and hoping to gain a further knowledge in this field. I recently have had no time to record any of my thoughts but not the point. I am recording them now, I have experienced something so much more powerful than any human being can take. The full power of the mind has been presented to me and now I have not slept for the past few days. The neurosis is when a person has been presented with a quick glance at the whole power of our mind and not being able to cope with it. I think I can cope just about but I have not been able to sleep. I am sorry if I do repeat myself it is a thing to process but I will explain.
I fell asleep a few days ago with the thoughts about one of my patents who happen to slip into a mental state without any influence. I woke up in a vivid dream and dreamt of a bulled horn man who could fly. At this moment in time you have just told me to go away and say yes of course he is in a dream. but it felt as real as anything, but with my logical mind I know it was a dream. He came up to me and placed his hand on my shoulder and made me feel safe. I wanted to just wake up, and he said in a deep voice " I am Philemon and I am your guide." I looked at this strange creature and question him. "my guide?"
"yes your guide Jung, the mind you seem to be so fond of. I am your guide and hope I can help" A smile spread across this Philemon's face and I felt ill. This was not normal for even one of my dreams and I actually felt light headed and so sat down. Philemon sat next to me and explained the mind a simplest form he could, but I could not take it in. Every word I absorbed made me feel worse and worse, I noticed the more worked up I got the bigger Philemon got and infact the more evil he looked. This just made me worse and then I woke up. people who are reading this are going is that it. well no I wouldn't be this on edge, Philemon is real. He walks around this world, watching me work and look after my patients. The fact is that my female patient Anne tends to say hello every time he walks into a room, she said she can see him and that I ought to be careful.
I found out that we have a person that sits on our shoulder judging every thing we do. Like our angle but the problem is that whether you are person who has a good or bad ID or super ego. basically, if you are bad and have an ID they get more powerful, meaning Philemon is a version of an ID. I don't know, I can not think any more and my mind has gone into a strange place. Philemon is watching me write this and....
This was never completed by Jung but is said not long after his first dream with Philemon, his attitudes to life changed dramaticly. It was like he was a completely different person.
I fell asleep a few days ago with the thoughts about one of my patents who happen to slip into a mental state without any influence. I woke up in a vivid dream and dreamt of a bulled horn man who could fly. At this moment in time you have just told me to go away and say yes of course he is in a dream. but it felt as real as anything, but with my logical mind I know it was a dream. He came up to me and placed his hand on my shoulder and made me feel safe. I wanted to just wake up, and he said in a deep voice " I am Philemon and I am your guide." I looked at this strange creature and question him. "my guide?"
"yes your guide Jung, the mind you seem to be so fond of. I am your guide and hope I can help" A smile spread across this Philemon's face and I felt ill. This was not normal for even one of my dreams and I actually felt light headed and so sat down. Philemon sat next to me and explained the mind a simplest form he could, but I could not take it in. Every word I absorbed made me feel worse and worse, I noticed the more worked up I got the bigger Philemon got and infact the more evil he looked. This just made me worse and then I woke up. people who are reading this are going is that it. well no I wouldn't be this on edge, Philemon is real. He walks around this world, watching me work and look after my patients. The fact is that my female patient Anne tends to say hello every time he walks into a room, she said she can see him and that I ought to be careful.
I found out that we have a person that sits on our shoulder judging every thing we do. Like our angle but the problem is that whether you are person who has a good or bad ID or super ego. basically, if you are bad and have an ID they get more powerful, meaning Philemon is a version of an ID. I don't know, I can not think any more and my mind has gone into a strange place. Philemon is watching me write this and....
This was never completed by Jung but is said not long after his first dream with Philemon, his attitudes to life changed dramaticly. It was like he was a completely different person.
I know, I know....
I know, I know
you want to go free
Please, please don't hurt me
you shout and sob
I laugh and say
you wait and see,
what I have for you today.
Ah I see you have stopped
No more crying, I wonder why
You have seen my special friend
He will see you until your end
So please ignore my little friend.
I know, I know
Now you scream and shout
Please, please help me out.
Hush your little head
It is almost time for your final bed
Don't worry It will not hurt a bit
Did I say will not, I lied
Your hands are tied
You are gagged
No more please, please
Just hush child, your end is near
please enjoy your time here
I know, I know
watch that blood flow
Saturday, 24 November 2012
The Sudden Drop
Relax, you lay on your back and slow your breathing. You concentrate on the little light source in your room. You feel comfort from this little light and let your eyes become heavy and close naturally, your breathing now covering any sound that may disturb you. This deep sleep slowly dragging you into it's depths. You feel you legs go heavy; the sensation starting from your toes, slowly moving up your feet and then you legs; paralysing them. This would normally make you panic but it is a nice sensation and makes you just relax even more. Your dreams now becoming more vivid.
You see yourself on an island,walking along the white sand beaches. you look at the sea, pick up a random pebble and with all your power you throw the pebble. It skims the water 1,2,3,4 times before sinking into the water. You get onto your knees and splash the cool, clear water onto you face cleaning it. The cool gems clearing your face. The sun has set, when you re-open your eyes. You walk along the beach a little while longer, watching the sun set from red to pink, until you hit a rock face. You look up and see an unnatural light, so you start to climb. You can not stop yourself from climbing it is like an automatic response. Finally reaching the top, you feel tired and so sit down taking in the final sights before the sun disappears from earth.
You stand up and breath in the fresh salty air. The rock face looks over the sea. As you look down an overwhelming feeling of a light headedness makes you step back. Again an automatic response makes you take a few more steps back to ready yourself to do a run up, you tell yourself to stop there is a cliff, STOP!
You fall through the air, and you are thinking you are going to die. You hit the water and wake up in reality. You are covered in sweat and breathing fast. But wait you are not in bed and that is not sweat. You lay in a pool of your own blood on the floor not even in your own room. In an ally with a knife 3 inches into you torso. A dark figure stands at your feet there watching you. You can only see a white smile "Sweet dreams"
You see yourself on an island,walking along the white sand beaches. you look at the sea, pick up a random pebble and with all your power you throw the pebble. It skims the water 1,2,3,4 times before sinking into the water. You get onto your knees and splash the cool, clear water onto you face cleaning it. The cool gems clearing your face. The sun has set, when you re-open your eyes. You walk along the beach a little while longer, watching the sun set from red to pink, until you hit a rock face. You look up and see an unnatural light, so you start to climb. You can not stop yourself from climbing it is like an automatic response. Finally reaching the top, you feel tired and so sit down taking in the final sights before the sun disappears from earth.
You stand up and breath in the fresh salty air. The rock face looks over the sea. As you look down an overwhelming feeling of a light headedness makes you step back. Again an automatic response makes you take a few more steps back to ready yourself to do a run up, you tell yourself to stop there is a cliff, STOP!
You fall through the air, and you are thinking you are going to die. You hit the water and wake up in reality. You are covered in sweat and breathing fast. But wait you are not in bed and that is not sweat. You lay in a pool of your own blood on the floor not even in your own room. In an ally with a knife 3 inches into you torso. A dark figure stands at your feet there watching you. You can only see a white smile "Sweet dreams"
Tuesday, 20 November 2012
I am in the shadows...
when you sleep I am there
that feeling of comfort that you feel at night,
I can make that disappear.
I will step into your room at the dead of night.
Not a sound, not a fright.
But wait that light that shines in your room.
I hide behind the beam and soon.
I will be next to you.
I get close to your face and breath gently.
your face twitch with slight, your dream dragging you deeper in.
oh no I best to go back into the shadows.
you will not know I was there, in your room, in the shadows.
but tomorrow night I will be back when you sleep.
That feeling of comfort that you feel at night,
I can make disappear. I am standing here
I am in the shadows
that feeling of comfort that you feel at night,
I can make that disappear.
I will step into your room at the dead of night.
Not a sound, not a fright.
But wait that light that shines in your room.
I hide behind the beam and soon.
I will be next to you.
I get close to your face and breath gently.
your face twitch with slight, your dream dragging you deeper in.
oh no I best to go back into the shadows.
you will not know I was there, in your room, in the shadows.
but tomorrow night I will be back when you sleep.
That feeling of comfort that you feel at night,
I can make disappear. I am standing here
I am in the shadows
Monday, 19 November 2012
The crack under the door
They are right outside my door, walking back and forth. pacing and giggling, you know I have been in this room for 3 days 4 hours and 16 minutes. I haven't moved and my breathing is shallow and slow hoping not to be heard by them. so that they can just leave me in peace, but I know inside that this vision of peace will never happen
I am saying this like everyone knows what I am talking about and I am sorry for that but the last thing on my mind at this moment in time your thoughts are not on my mind. I just wanted to pass my story on before it ends. A few days ago as usual I would go through my iPod deleting the odd email and keeping others, when I received an email saying:
To: Emily Furniss
From: you don't know what you are messing with
Go ONto THe WEb tO SearCH FoR Us
As usual I just ignored it and went on with my day, that was at 9am and before I went to lessons. After school, I went to go and grab my iPod. I opened it to my email, 93 unread emails. Surprised I clicked onto my first account and it was the same email repeated 93 times. my iPod naturally died in my hand and went into overload mode, in anger I found my laptop and went onto my emails to delete every single one. Before I was about to block the bastard that was sending those emails, one email came just before hitting the button and saw that a different name and a different response. you are next, you are next, you are next! this line was repeated over and over. with a click I deleted that message. I walked away from my laptop, I left it to die in my bedroom. I didn't sleep in my room that night anyway so I wasn't worried.
For the next few days there was nothing, every so often I got a Facebook message. In fact I forgot complete but again a week later from the first day I got that email, another email.
To: Emily Furniss
From: you don't know what you are messing with
I hOpe you KnOW WhaT You ARe Doing
CliCK before ThE TiME IS UP
This time I actually felt fear from a few words. Again with a click I deleted that fucking message, this was actually starting to get to me. The next hour I must have deleted over 300 messages from the same person over and over again. I have had enough this point in time and replied " you think this is funny don't you, I could easily block you but I give you a chance to stop."
To: Emily Furniss
From: you don't know what you are messing with
you are next.
I heard nothing at all for another few days. It was 11:20 pm when I heard bangs from down stairs in my house, I instantly jumped out of bed and slowly crept to the door to find out what was in my house. grabbing something I took a few steps down stairs. Now my breathing was loud and I couldn't keep my hand from shaking. I heard bangs and crashes in my living room, this made me gasp and then there was silence. several footsteps around the wooden flooring made me take a step up, poking my head around the stair well I saw three people with dark clothing and bright white eyes with little red dots. This made me scream and run back up the stairs into my room. I pushed my double bed against the door and huddled myself in a corner so I could see the little gap I had left. Ever since then they have been walking back and forth, teasing me with their deep giggles. I have been getting emails until about an 3 hours, I don't know what to do. I am typing this late at night but I have put a timer on it so it will post in 24 hours. I am going to kill myself, at least I can be merciful to myself. They have started to scream at the top of their lungs, I am crying again. click on the link and you will go to a page that says not found. click on the link that is on that page and just follow the instructions They won't kill or tease you. You will get a final email saying whether or not you will be set free, I done it too late don't let that happen to you. I beg you, don't take this as 'joke' or 'a story'. I am ending it now. I can just see them through the crack under the door.
I am saying this like everyone knows what I am talking about and I am sorry for that but the last thing on my mind at this moment in time your thoughts are not on my mind. I just wanted to pass my story on before it ends. A few days ago as usual I would go through my iPod deleting the odd email and keeping others, when I received an email saying:
To: Emily Furniss
From: you don't know what you are messing with
Go ONto THe WEb tO SearCH FoR Us
As usual I just ignored it and went on with my day, that was at 9am and before I went to lessons. After school, I went to go and grab my iPod. I opened it to my email, 93 unread emails. Surprised I clicked onto my first account and it was the same email repeated 93 times. my iPod naturally died in my hand and went into overload mode, in anger I found my laptop and went onto my emails to delete every single one. Before I was about to block the bastard that was sending those emails, one email came just before hitting the button and saw that a different name and a different response. you are next, you are next, you are next! this line was repeated over and over. with a click I deleted that message. I walked away from my laptop, I left it to die in my bedroom. I didn't sleep in my room that night anyway so I wasn't worried.
For the next few days there was nothing, every so often I got a Facebook message. In fact I forgot complete but again a week later from the first day I got that email, another email.
To: Emily Furniss
From: you don't know what you are messing with
I hOpe you KnOW WhaT You ARe Doing
CliCK before ThE TiME IS UP
This time I actually felt fear from a few words. Again with a click I deleted that fucking message, this was actually starting to get to me. The next hour I must have deleted over 300 messages from the same person over and over again. I have had enough this point in time and replied " you think this is funny don't you, I could easily block you but I give you a chance to stop."
To: Emily Furniss
From: you don't know what you are messing with
I heard nothing at all for another few days. It was 11:20 pm when I heard bangs from down stairs in my house, I instantly jumped out of bed and slowly crept to the door to find out what was in my house. grabbing something I took a few steps down stairs. Now my breathing was loud and I couldn't keep my hand from shaking. I heard bangs and crashes in my living room, this made me gasp and then there was silence. several footsteps around the wooden flooring made me take a step up, poking my head around the stair well I saw three people with dark clothing and bright white eyes with little red dots. This made me scream and run back up the stairs into my room. I pushed my double bed against the door and huddled myself in a corner so I could see the little gap I had left. Ever since then they have been walking back and forth, teasing me with their deep giggles. I have been getting emails until about an 3 hours, I don't know what to do. I am typing this late at night but I have put a timer on it so it will post in 24 hours. I am going to kill myself, at least I can be merciful to myself. They have started to scream at the top of their lungs, I am crying again. click on the link and you will go to a page that says not found. click on the link that is on that page and just follow the instructions They won't kill or tease you. You will get a final email saying whether or not you will be set free, I done it too late don't let that happen to you. I beg you, don't take this as 'joke' or 'a story'. I am ending it now. I can just see them through the crack under the door.
Sunday, 11 November 2012
well I have had such a week I am sorry I have not been a regular as I was before going to school, A lot has happened but for you beautiful people I will write a quick story for you :) Thank you all for the support I am getting :D
well I have had such a week I am sorry I have not been a regular as I was before going to school, A lot has happened but for you beautiful people I will write a quick story for you :) Thank you all for the support I am getting :D
Saturday, 3 November 2012
I am back
well hello :D
sorry it has been a while since I have lasted update, this week the real slender was suppose to be recorded. due to wrong timing it has been put back and I am sorry.
my beautiful people keep happy and have a good weekend :D
sorry it has been a while since I have lasted update, this week the real slender was suppose to be recorded. due to wrong timing it has been put back and I am sorry.
my beautiful people keep happy and have a good weekend :D
Monday, 15 October 2012
heya people :D
Right so I have now got 12 people or so to play The real slender game. We will be in groups of 3/4 depending who will turn up. Instead of one person just holding a camera, There will be one person in every group so you can see ppl shitting themselves in all groups. There will also be a certain colour note for that team and in that team will be a selected slender. So the rules to this as before is that you only have a camera and a torch, The notes will be glowing. red, green, blue and yellow (glow sticks) I am guessing they will be the colour of the notes depending. But yeah so if you guys wanna see me and my friends shit ourselves then please tune in :D more updates and name for those who will be entering.
The date this suppose to happening is the 1st of November
Right so I have now got 12 people or so to play The real slender game. We will be in groups of 3/4 depending who will turn up. Instead of one person just holding a camera, There will be one person in every group so you can see ppl shitting themselves in all groups. There will also be a certain colour note for that team and in that team will be a selected slender. So the rules to this as before is that you only have a camera and a torch, The notes will be glowing. red, green, blue and yellow (glow sticks) I am guessing they will be the colour of the notes depending. But yeah so if you guys wanna see me and my friends shit ourselves then please tune in :D more updates and name for those who will be entering.
The date this suppose to happening is the 1st of November
Friday, 12 October 2012
Good morning, the real slender and an investigation
hello you beautiful people.
Well I feel a great force has been lifted and so I am up at 7:12 am to greet you beautiful people ( not because my dog woke me up for a wee) so the I am gonna give you a plan of what I am planning to record and make.
1. The investigation. A little while ago I added a little intro for the story, I have got a guest voicing and he has said he is doing it. I will have to wait a few days before releasing a hint who it is. All I can say is that he has a lot more subscribers than me.
2. The real slender. This is going to be a video of me doing the real slender at 9 pm in a forest near me. I have to collect notes (8 of them) and I don't know where they are or where I will be, I will leave that to my sister and my sister friend. There will be a fence around the area and I will only have a torch. I am gonna test a glow stick against the darkness. I will have to escape as well and there will be a slender but my sister and her friend are keeping that away from me. But this will take me a while
3. The chair part 3, the final part to this series is coming out today. Although it will be tonight
so guys have a great day and weekend. I will check back with you soon :D EMILY OUT
guys and gals please comment on this so I can see what you think, maybe if you love me enough you would share this with Ur fanstatic friends
Well I feel a great force has been lifted and so I am up at 7:12 am to greet you beautiful people ( not because my dog woke me up for a wee) so the I am gonna give you a plan of what I am planning to record and make.
1. The investigation. A little while ago I added a little intro for the story, I have got a guest voicing and he has said he is doing it. I will have to wait a few days before releasing a hint who it is. All I can say is that he has a lot more subscribers than me.
2. The real slender. This is going to be a video of me doing the real slender at 9 pm in a forest near me. I have to collect notes (8 of them) and I don't know where they are or where I will be, I will leave that to my sister and my sister friend. There will be a fence around the area and I will only have a torch. I am gonna test a glow stick against the darkness. I will have to escape as well and there will be a slender but my sister and her friend are keeping that away from me. But this will take me a while
3. The chair part 3, the final part to this series is coming out today. Although it will be tonight
so guys have a great day and weekend. I will check back with you soon :D EMILY OUT
guys and gals please comment on this so I can see what you think, maybe if you love me enough you would share this with Ur fanstatic friends
Thursday, 11 October 2012
Sunday, 7 October 2012
Slowly my eyes came back from the darkness and I looked forward to see what I hoped not to be there. I got onto my knees and cried. " I am sorry, I am so sorry" I kept crying trying to seem like I had some soul but the fact I was laughing so hard in my mind. "why am I lying to myself?" I started laughing as I got off my knees. I nearly cried where I was laughing so hard, when I heard a moan from across the room. I stopped so there was silence and the odd dripping. Another moan across the room, I raced to the source of the moan. A man about 23 years of age, dark hair and green eye. He was very handsome, I place my hand on his back and he started to cry. A few mumbles that I couldn't quite catch except the last one. "please just kill me, not more pain" I sighed and pulled the guys limp body across to the centre of the room. No sobs this time but actual cries. "please no more, I beg of you no more"
He was hysterical and so to stop him I slapped my hand around the right side of his face. He went back into gentle sobs,
" I will let you live and not hurt you if you can complete this task. This door behind me is locked, there is a key of course but only one." I looked around
"but it is not in plain sight and so therefore you have to find it. But I will give you a clue there are 15 people in this room, You have 10 minutes."
I walked to the door and sat down. The man gritting his teeth got up and started searching every where. I rocked slowly back and forth waiting for him to get the hint. " would you like another clue but you have to forfeit a minute of your time,You have 8 minutes." He looked at me with dark eyes and nodded.
"I made one of the males in the room, swallow the key." He rushed to his friends side and started looking over the body for some kind of clue. It took him a while to get the man, he was able to get the right one because that was the only one who was blue in the room all the rest were bloody and white.
"what do I have to use to cut him open?" The man looked at me with sorrow in his eye. He already knew the answer to that question.
"tick-tock 4 minutes" I said looking around the room when a mask caught my eye. I was a Venetian masks that looked like a jesters face. It half blue and half gold with blood from my victims splattered over it. I smiled and walked over. I pulled it off the wall to put it onto my face and chuckled as it fit perfectly.
I heard ripping behind me as my prey ripped open the guys stomach with his bare hand. A foul smell filled the room as the stomach of the guy empty, followed by the throwing up of my prey. I laughed at his reaction
"what do I have to use to cut him open?" The man looked at me with sorrow in his eye. He already knew the answer to that question.
"tick-tock 4 minutes" I said looking around the room when a mask caught my eye. I was a Venetian masks that looked like a jesters face. It half blue and half gold with blood from my victims splattered over it. I smiled and walked over. I pulled it off the wall to put it onto my face and chuckled as it fit perfectly.
I heard ripping behind me as my prey ripped open the guys stomach with his bare hand. A foul smell filled the room as the stomach of the guy empty, followed by the throwing up of my prey. I laughed at his reaction
"1 minute and then you are my play thing." I kept laughing, when he pulled the key out. I went silent as he ran to the door to unlock it. The key went in smoothly and my prey's face smiled as he went to turn the key snapped. He stood there shocked and fell onto his knees. I walked up behind him with my mask on my face and smiled. I ran my fingers from one side of his back to the other.With force I smacked his head against the metal door knob to hear him hit the floor with pain.
He didn't last long after I started nailing his hands into the floor, shame he was fun to play around with. Oh don't get me wrong he is still alive, Just he is almost dead through pure pain and blood loss. I was watching the news this morning and they found him babbling random words. But he kept saying these word,
He didn't last long after I started nailing his hands into the floor, shame he was fun to play around with. Oh don't get me wrong he is still alive, Just he is almost dead through pure pain and blood loss. I was watching the news this morning and they found him babbling random words. But he kept saying these word,
"she wouldn't stop laughing and that mask just made her worse.That haunting laughter and That mask"
That is only the start though and I can't wait for my next play date. Oh but it looks like people are trying to find me. my name on the news is the masked killer, bit cheesy but it will have to do until I find a better name.
That is only the start though and I can't wait for my next play date. Oh but it looks like people are trying to find me. my name on the news is the masked killer, bit cheesy but it will have to do until I find a better name.
Saturday, 6 October 2012
mystery guest on YouTube
second part of the chair will be out tonight and I am chatting with a Youtuber about helping me voice but no promises. But I will tell you who it is when he has confirmed that he is willing to do some voice acting for me. But all I know he has done more videos and if a lot more popular so guy keep an eye on this blog if you want to find out who this fab guy is ;)
Friday, 5 October 2012
MY statistics looks like a hat
HAHA it looks like a hat and I am really bored as you can tell haha x
Monday, 1 October 2012
SO I have received a few PM asking me for a new story and don't worry 1 shall be up this weekend. I have had such a busy life and if I had started this a few months before then I would have had plenty of time, so guys please be patient. Thank you anyway for asking :D have a good one
Sunday, 30 September 2012
hello people
I have found a little free to update you on this fine now afternoon. been watching the craftycockney recently and my god he is funny guys go and have a look at his channel
I have found a little free to update you on this fine now afternoon. been watching the craftycockney recently and my god he is funny guys go and have a look at his channel
Friday, 28 September 2012
so hello guys
got a bit of a problem because tomorrow and Sunday I really have nooooooooooooooooo time to upload a video. So tonight I am going to release a blog and how to make creeper shoes
got a bit of a problem because tomorrow and Sunday I really have nooooooooooooooooo time to upload a video. So tonight I am going to release a blog and how to make creeper shoes
Thursday, 27 September 2012
Can you help?
Hello people of Blogger.
Hope everyone is good and is having a good week. Mine is slightly stressful and your help is needed. basically I need you guys to share or post or comment. I really need you guys to help me so that I can at least be seen by more than 10 people and my god those people are great for looking at my blog! I love you guys for reading but help me a long and share! It takes a click of one button and that is it :D so please share my blog you beautiful people
Hope everyone is good and is having a good week. Mine is slightly stressful and your help is needed. basically I need you guys to share or post or comment. I really need you guys to help me so that I can at least be seen by more than 10 people and my god those people are great for looking at my blog! I love you guys for reading but help me a long and share! It takes a click of one button and that is it :D so please share my blog you beautiful people
Saturday, 22 September 2012
I am fairly bored so here is what happened this week.
Like everyday of my school I have biology, psychology and Religious Studies. The one thing that has got me is that we have within two weeks of being in school have got to pick 5 universities and the subject that we want to study and then send in the application in a dead line of 3 weeks now. I barely have got over the shock that I can't do my chosen subject due to that I don't have the grade needed. Anyway so this is a warning just before I abandon you guys, I won't be able to post a lot of things at all during this next few weeks. So while I have the time now I am going to try and record enough material to just edit and post on the weekends. I have had barely any time today let alone during the week. But I thank those who watch and read this blog. This is my main blog that I will try to post every Saturday on here. But I cannot promise. This will be called the Blog of the week and will be different to my blog on YouTube. Anyway Guys have a good week and weekend. BTW PLEASE SEND ME SHOE SUGGESTION!
I am fairly bored so here is what happened this week.
Like everyday of my school I have biology, psychology and Religious Studies. The one thing that has got me is that we have within two weeks of being in school have got to pick 5 universities and the subject that we want to study and then send in the application in a dead line of 3 weeks now. I barely have got over the shock that I can't do my chosen subject due to that I don't have the grade needed. Anyway so this is a warning just before I abandon you guys, I won't be able to post a lot of things at all during this next few weeks. So while I have the time now I am going to try and record enough material to just edit and post on the weekends. I have had barely any time today let alone during the week. But I thank those who watch and read this blog. This is my main blog that I will try to post every Saturday on here. But I cannot promise. This will be called the Blog of the week and will be different to my blog on YouTube. Anyway Guys have a good week and weekend. BTW PLEASE SEND ME SHOE SUGGESTION!
competition ??
Hello bloggers
Sunday, 16 September 2012
The Geek collection 8D
Hello people of Blogger
My very brilliant friend has came up with a name for the shoes I am intending to make. It is The Geek Collection for Gamers. This is a fantastic idea and so :D. Guys please throw ideas at me that YOU would like to see on a shoe :D ;) so far I have
My very brilliant friend has came up with a name for the shoes I am intending to make. It is The Geek Collection for Gamers. This is a fantastic idea and so :D. Guys please throw ideas at me that YOU would like to see on a shoe :D ;) so far I have
. . Harry potter
2. Creeper (Minecraft)
3. Pigs (minecraft)
4. SpongeBob
5. Sesame street
6. Mario
7. Assassins creed
8. Pac man
9. Sonic
1. Tetris
1. Angry birds
1. Space invaders
1. Pewdiepie? (Stephano)
minecraft creeper shoes :D
hello guys I am here to show you my newest creation that I have done. And if you guys would like a pair, tell me I will sell them for £10-£15 depending on the size of your feet. :D tell me the size then I will put them on eBay. Also I will do any design you request so please comment and I will give you £3 off if you post a comment on here today about what kind of shoe you would like.
Saturday, 15 September 2012
challenge :D
hello guys to set the limits of what I want here is a picture I drew and used paint to help me define the colours. so please see and try get better than that.
Friday, 14 September 2012
competition for those who can draw
Hello people of Blogger.
I am EMassassins here and I would like to throw something out there. I am doing a competition for those who can draw!!! :D
BASICALLY I feel my YouTube picture Isn't suited to my name which of course is EMassassins. I want you guys to post a picture on this blog and if you can't do that then go onto my Google + page and post it on there.
But there is requirements:
~It has to be linked to my name in some way, no matter how small.
~ I won't accept stick men unless the are funny and don't forget the one above
~ I will accept the picture no matter how badly drawn.
WHAT DO YOU WIN? well your picture; if chosen will be used on my YouTube picture and the top 5 will be put onto YouTube. You will also, if you have a YouTube account I will mention your YouTube account and link any video of your choice into my video. Plus if you are really up to it, You can be the main voice in my next video. All you have to do is send me a picture that is linked to EMassassins.
Little tip: I am a writer so pen, paper or pencil would be great. But is not required
Good luck!
The closing date will be next week on Sunday 23/9/12
please guys If you don't you will be missing an opitunity :D
P.s guys please send asap so i can update by next Sunday.
I am EMassassins here and I would like to throw something out there. I am doing a competition for those who can draw!!! :D
BASICALLY I feel my YouTube picture Isn't suited to my name which of course is EMassassins. I want you guys to post a picture on this blog and if you can't do that then go onto my Google + page and post it on there.
But there is requirements:
~It has to be linked to my name in some way, no matter how small.
~ I won't accept stick men unless the are funny and don't forget the one above
~ I will accept the picture no matter how badly drawn.
WHAT DO YOU WIN? well your picture; if chosen will be used on my YouTube picture and the top 5 will be put onto YouTube. You will also, if you have a YouTube account I will mention your YouTube account and link any video of your choice into my video. Plus if you are really up to it, You can be the main voice in my next video. All you have to do is send me a picture that is linked to EMassassins.
Little tip: I am a writer so pen, paper or pencil would be great. But is not required
Good luck!
The closing date will be next week on Sunday 23/9/12
please guys If you don't you will be missing an opitunity :D
P.s guys please send asap so i can update by next Sunday.
Monday, 10 September 2012
Guys and Gals please comment bellow on what should be my YouTube picture. I am gonna change it to something more EMassassins
Sunday, 9 September 2012
I am gonna blog on YouTube today because I have had time and I really love you guys. I might put a story on here if I can be bothered. You got to understand that I just had my first few days back and it was fairly tiring so by posting this is me pushing myself :D haha so I love you guy and please have a good week ;) Emily out. here is the link to my newest video :D
Saturday, 8 September 2012
Tuesday, 4 September 2012
helllllllllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo guyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyysssssssssss this is my last blog before I go back to school and I thought I say well hi. I am right now writing a few more stories and a few will be put onto YouTube but I have had inspiration from a film I watch recently and so I am gonna base it on it. No I am not copying I like the idea ;) that is all, thanks for everyone who reads this and help me out by sharing :D
Sunday, 2 September 2012
Saturday, 1 September 2012
This is my blog for the week please guy go and have a listen. I will give you 5 EMassassins tokens if you click on the link <----- YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO :D
Friday, 31 August 2012
hellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooooooooo Bloggers :D
well some good news I sent an email to a book company to read out one of their books "west country hauntings by Peter Underwood" and well they said yes. I would like to say thank you to Paul for replying to my email, my Youtube posts will be up very soon tonight :D so please guys go and have a look. ;) have a good weekend! shall report to you as soon as possible.
well some good news I sent an email to a book company to read out one of their books "west country hauntings by Peter Underwood" and well they said yes. I would like to say thank you to Paul for replying to my email, my Youtube posts will be up very soon tonight :D so please guys go and have a look. ;) have a good weekend! shall report to you as soon as possible.
Sunday, 26 August 2012
Saturday, 25 August 2012
hello to my Amazing people who read this blog. Firstly hi :D how is everyone I would like to say that it has been a long week and have you had noticed I had a lot of views on one of my which was worried email but please hey ! keep watching my youtube video :D here is my YouTube link to my newest video
Friday, 24 August 2012
If you guys have ever watched these ghost hunters channels, where they go to a haunted house or place and let their imaginations run away with themselves. I always watch them so that I could laugh at how scared they got. I lived in the most haunted town in the world, So noises and bangs were regular in my house. Then one day most haunted came to my village, yes most haunted. They wanted to stay in my road and the town hall basically made me stay with them until they are finished by forcing them into my house, I forgot they had the key. They wrote a script to try and make the house seem more spooky. I replied with " I don't need to fake it, there are things in this house that will make you run for the hills. But they are use to me and so won't have any trouble coming out of the wood work to meet you." They laughed anxiously and then looked seriously, like they wanted to know more. I just nodded and went into my kitchen. Strangely they looked like they were looking right through me.
Through out the day I had people jumping out of their skin, saying someone touch them and I just sat, warning them it may not be a poke or a brush. They don't like new people. I was put into the hospital the first I moved here with self harming. But I didn't self harm at all well not at that time, it was them abusing me. I remember the worse day, No one had seen me in days and I woke up to screaming in my room. Blood every where and me on there floor, she left me there and ran out. I got up and made myself a cup of tea, it was a really cold day but the sun was out strange for a July really.
But anyway they were becoming worse and worse. Some started jumping when I went to put my chair in after having a cup of tea, others yelped as I passed them looking right through me again. They were really creeping me out, as I had my back turned to the crew I heard the voice of the psychologist that was going to plan to talk to the spirits. HA he would see that in vain when he finds out that none will talk to him.
We walked round the house and every so often he would say I can feel the same woman watching us and walking with us. She was around the age of 22 and died through suicide, I scoffed and said that only one woman has died in this house and that was through her friend killing her. Then the psychologist looked straight at me and said "she is right here and she is confused. She thinks she is alive and is with us, She is the girl who died through the cutting of her wrists. She was put into the hospital many time for it but she claims the only time was the last 2 two times before her death, all the rest were the ghosts hurting her. She was found in her bedroom with blood all around her." He pointed to where I was standing and shuddered after the story. With angry I started shouting at him, claiming he was stalking me. That I was the one that had hospital visits and that I wasn't dead. With frustration I pushed pass the camera man and went into my bedroom. Evvon screamed as the camera man hit the floor with a force, the twat couldn't hold himself.
Derrick sprinted into my room and told me to calm down that he was sorry for such detail, for me to tell him my side of the story. " I had been abused by the spirits and each time was getting worse eventually I couldn't take it but I failed the suicide.
"Darling you have died, where do you sit?" He replied in such a manner that he made me feel ill , he looked around the room like a blind man in a strange surrounding. "Derrick have you seen the imprint on the bed?" Evvon replied behind her husband.
"what are you talking about people? It's me, are you blind?" Tears started to form and I cried. Derrick sat next to me as everyone responded to my cries differently, some cried, some hid and some just sat there in silence. "sweetie you haven't realised but can you still see the blood stain? The blood suddenly became apparent, a dark reddish brown stain. I looked at him and the placed a note in his hand. Then whispered in his ear gently. He pulled away after I had finished and the told the crew that they had to stop recording.
"Darling you have died, where do you sit?" He replied in such a manner that he made me feel ill , he looked around the room like a blind man in a strange surrounding. "Derrick have you seen the imprint on the bed?" Evvon replied behind her husband.
"what are you talking about people? It's me, are you blind?" Tears started to form and I cried. Derrick sat next to me as everyone responded to my cries differently, some cried, some hid and some just sat there in silence. "sweetie you haven't realised but can you still see the blood stain? The blood suddenly became apparent, a dark reddish brown stain. I looked at him and the placed a note in his hand. Then whispered in his ear gently. He pulled away after I had finished and the told the crew that they had to stop recording.
We travelled by car to the place I had hoped was still there, it took us a while but the crew kept filming and all of a sudden the cameras stopped working. When we had stopped the sorted out their batteries and then walked into the cemetery that my friend was buried at. Derrick followed me like a dog and it's owner, we got to his grave and I felt sorrow over come me. There next to my friends grave stood a fairly new grave, everyone had gathered round it and were chatting.
"what's the name on it? shine a light quickly!" One of the crew shouted, and within seconds a bright LED light shone on the grave. I dropped to my knees.
Jane reeves R.I.P died on 29/06/1998. She was a good person and for such a thing to befall her was terrible. We love you Jane, a good daughter and sister.
Jane reeves R.I.P died on 29/06/1998. She was a good person and for such a thing to befall her was terrible. We love you Jane, a good daughter and sister.
It must have been a few minutes before any of the crew responded. "what's so good about that name may I ask?" Derrick just shook his head and held out the note I had passed him.
"she put the note in my pocket with her name, date of when she was last ill and that she wanted me to prove her death for her. She is sitting her right now and not talking or anything. She is shocked as much as we are."
"she put the note in my pocket with her name, date of when she was last ill and that she wanted me to prove her death for her. She is sitting her right now and not talking or anything. She is shocked as much as we are."
They left me there and went back to the house. Of course the usual bangs and bumped but nothing as big as a note that I had written. I went back home and didn't really contact the work. New people moved in and they really were into ghosts. I didn't mind that because I could walk about and do my thing without freaking them out. One day they started watching most haunted and of course having to watch what they did, I just paid little attention. Day dreaming about my life when the wife of the owner of the house shouted "Oh my god! It's our house!" The series had been new and my god it was shocking. They put everything about me in there. I smile as a note came up at the end say that:
The new owners of the house should allow the spirit to still live there because she is am not ready to leave this world.
Tuesday, 21 August 2012
hello guy watch my videos on YouTube :D here is the link.
But how are you today those who actually read my blog :D please read and reply if you like :D
But how are you today those who actually read my blog :D please read and reply if you like :D
Monday, 20 August 2012
hello and welcome to today's entry. I am fairly tired and now got no stories left to write. But hey doesn't mean you guys can't help me out and put a random stories onto my website :D I love to read stories that others have written and if you like I will record it and put it on YouTube for you. I will link your blog and YouTube if you want ;)
have a good week Emily out!
have a good week Emily out!
Sunday, 19 August 2012
hello guys go onto my YouTube channel and watching this video
or post one of your stories onto my Blog. I have promised I will post someone's on YouTube which shall be very soon :D
or post one of your stories onto my Blog. I have promised I will post someone's on YouTube which shall be very soon :D
A worried email
This was sent to me by someone I do not know, She rather that no one would know her name but said that it is a true story and has tried to put as much detail into the story that she can remember.
I read your Blog story and thought of this story that happened to me when I was younger, if you like put this email into the blog but please don't put my name for certain reasons.
Me and my sister were sitting in our room a few years ago and heard these really strange stories about a man dying in our garden like 100 years ago. He was in love with a woman who lived in that house but couldn't marry her because she was due to wed another. He said that he would stay in this world until he was with his lover then slit his own throat, it was said that the blood flooded the ground and it was so much that they had to wash it away with water. We would always laugh and chuckle about such things, one night as a laugh we thought we would do an all nighter and not sleep. We had got to 12am when we heard a cat in the garden and in panic we ran to the window to make sure it wasn't attacking our rabbits. We could not see much and the light in the garden hadn't come on for some strange reason, so we thought for safety we tread down stairs to make sure the rabbits were okay. we unlocked the back door and walked to our rabbits, both asleep and no cat was seen. my sister flinched as water splashed; where she had stepped back. suddenly the security lights shot on and showed what she had stood in. Dark red water, I screamed as a response that woke my parents up. They rushed down stairs to find me pale as possible and my sister crying whipping her foot on the ground. They asked if everything was okay and they couldn't see the blood only a puddle of dirty water. Neither of us slept that night.
I tell you this Emily because I have also had an experience recently of a sobbing man and I don't know what to do. Your right about it is not the darkness it's what is in the darkness. How did you cope? I didn't want to write this story with my blog name because people would see who I am. It's not because I am ashamed but because none of my family believe me and only my sister does.
I replied with
Just don't show fear. Thank you for being honest I will put this on my Blog as soon as possible
I read your Blog story and thought of this story that happened to me when I was younger, if you like put this email into the blog but please don't put my name for certain reasons.
Me and my sister were sitting in our room a few years ago and heard these really strange stories about a man dying in our garden like 100 years ago. He was in love with a woman who lived in that house but couldn't marry her because she was due to wed another. He said that he would stay in this world until he was with his lover then slit his own throat, it was said that the blood flooded the ground and it was so much that they had to wash it away with water. We would always laugh and chuckle about such things, one night as a laugh we thought we would do an all nighter and not sleep. We had got to 12am when we heard a cat in the garden and in panic we ran to the window to make sure it wasn't attacking our rabbits. We could not see much and the light in the garden hadn't come on for some strange reason, so we thought for safety we tread down stairs to make sure the rabbits were okay. we unlocked the back door and walked to our rabbits, both asleep and no cat was seen. my sister flinched as water splashed; where she had stepped back. suddenly the security lights shot on and showed what she had stood in. Dark red water, I screamed as a response that woke my parents up. They rushed down stairs to find me pale as possible and my sister crying whipping her foot on the ground. They asked if everything was okay and they couldn't see the blood only a puddle of dirty water. Neither of us slept that night.
I tell you this Emily because I have also had an experience recently of a sobbing man and I don't know what to do. Your right about it is not the darkness it's what is in the darkness. How did you cope? I didn't want to write this story with my blog name because people would see who I am. It's not because I am ashamed but because none of my family believe me and only my sister does.
I replied with
Just don't show fear. Thank you for being honest I will put this on my Blog as soon as possible
Saturday, 18 August 2012
When I was a child, I was the first grandchild on both sides of my family so both my grandparents saw me weekly, my Nonna (Grandmother in Italian) and Nonno (Italian Granddad) saw me Sunday due to this was to have dinner and also take me church. My Nanny and Granddad I would see on Thursday and we would have tea and cakes. Though you may say this sounds lovely, I refused to sleep in my Nanny's house and I have never known why until recently, I think until a few months back. This is a real and true story that has happened to me and my family. some are of course sceptical but who can blame them.
The first time I slept round there was when I was very young but not too young not to remember. As I recall My sister was only a toddler but she slept here because my Mum had gone hospital. I remember going to sleep and I was a heavy sleeper because my dad snored and my sister tend to cry in the night until recently. I woke up to see the door swinging slightly and hated my door open. Thinking it was my granddad I got up and asked them for a drinking thinking they were awake. Both were fast asleep until I had awoken them from their fairy lands. Granddad trod downstairs and got me a glass of water. I asked him why my door had swung open and he reported that it was a someone checking on me to see if I was okay because it knew I was scared of the house. I shuddered at the thought but laughed thinking it was a joke and drunk my water thanking granddad before going to bed again. It was sometime before I had slept in that bed again.
We had now moved house to a nicer place closer to My Nanny's. They had asked me to sleep round there and I had agreed, so not to offend them. I had forgotten about my last experiences as I laid in their double bed waiting for sleep to overcome me. I don't tend to stay up for very long because my bed time at home was 8pm in bed asleep by 9. But something was in the back of my mind, I got up and asked granddad for a drink. He said that I should get my own, because I was a big girl now. For the first time in my life I said the words and under stood them, but Granddad I am scared of going down alone. With frustration he walked out the bedroom and plodded downstairs. I felt terrible but I wasn't risking my little life going down into the darkness alone.
It took him a while to come back upstairs because he had to let Edward out (he was their dog), when he asked me "why were you banging?". I shook my head and said I didn't do any Banging and I also heard none. Nanny was awake and backed me up. Confused he went into his bedroom wishing me good night. I went into the double bedroom and closed the door shut so that it's latch clicked. Sleep had hit me within minutes but I woke up at 5 am in the morning to respond to a ticking noise just to my left. It was a clock and I hated sleeping with clocks. I sat up and viewed a small brass clock that I had removed from my bedroom before night had even struck. I sat up watching that clock for 2 hours until granddad finally woke.
My uncle came round that day with his wife. I adored my uncle to pieces, he was like a best friend that would tell me anything and I would tell him anything. So naturally I told him about the night I had and then told him about the previous stay, that I had a few years ago; I remembered it while I was watching the clock. He looked at me shocked and asked if I was lying. I explained that I would only tell him because people think I make stories on the spot and as you can see by my YouTube channel it has carried onto my future but this was real. I promised him, so he told me the following story.
Quoted from what I can remember: " Well my girlfriend a few years ago was going away for a long while and so nanny and granddad let me sleep with her, this was the first time we had ever slept in the same bed. we went to bed nice and I had woken up to her screaming at the top of her lungs. Next minute I know I had nanny and granddad and Gavin (his other brother beside my dad) sprint down the stairs into the room, thinking I had some how hurt her. She had stopped screaming and was white, when I mean white Emily I mean she looked like someone had drained every single drop of colour out of her. After calming her down so that colour returned she had explained to us that she woke up to the feeling that someone had punched her chest and it felt hot. She went to hit me but her eyes focused onto the man at the end of the sofa bed. A black figure that standing with something in his hand. But she was so scared she let out a cry when she felt her chest hurt again. The figure was moving closer to her so she screamed, that is why I asked you Emily if you are lying because what nanny had done was that she got someone in to help put the souls to rest because the extension is build on grave stones ripped from the ground of a church. Nanny and Granddad had problems as well so putting the souls to rest was a good idea. There are going to be one or two come back of course but they are ones that like people. As long as you feel like that spirit isn't going to hurt you then you should be fine."
After that I still can't sleep round there without that thought. Though every time I go there I always close the door until it latches but always find the door open in the morning. A new feature was added to my experience, he wasn't a bad guy and i guessed he put that clock there to wake me up. He didn't mean to scare me because one night the clock had been left in the room and then it stopped. I had my back turned to it and when I looked back it had disappeared. I found it under some socks in the morning. He was worried I might be upset.
All i can say is that all though I have been scared in my life, it is never the darkness it is the unknown that scares people...
When I was a child, I was the first grandchild on both sides of my family so both my grandparents saw me weekly, my Nonna (Grandmother in Italian) and Nonno (Italian Granddad) saw me Sunday due to this was to have dinner and also take me church. My Nanny and Granddad I would see on Thursday and we would have tea and cakes. Though you may say this sounds lovely, I refused to sleep in my Nanny's house and I have never known why until recently, I think until a few months back. This is a real and true story that has happened to me and my family. some are of course sceptical but who can blame them.
The first time I slept round there was when I was very young but not too young not to remember. As I recall My sister was only a toddler but she slept here because my Mum had gone hospital. I remember going to sleep and I was a heavy sleeper because my dad snored and my sister tend to cry in the night until recently. I woke up to see the door swinging slightly and hated my door open. Thinking it was my granddad I got up and asked them for a drinking thinking they were awake. Both were fast asleep until I had awoken them from their fairy lands. Granddad trod downstairs and got me a glass of water. I asked him why my door had swung open and he reported that it was a someone checking on me to see if I was okay because it knew I was scared of the house. I shuddered at the thought but laughed thinking it was a joke and drunk my water thanking granddad before going to bed again. It was sometime before I had slept in that bed again.
We had now moved house to a nicer place closer to My Nanny's. They had asked me to sleep round there and I had agreed, so not to offend them. I had forgotten about my last experiences as I laid in their double bed waiting for sleep to overcome me. I don't tend to stay up for very long because my bed time at home was 8pm in bed asleep by 9. But something was in the back of my mind, I got up and asked granddad for a drink. He said that I should get my own, because I was a big girl now. For the first time in my life I said the words and under stood them, but Granddad I am scared of going down alone. With frustration he walked out the bedroom and plodded downstairs. I felt terrible but I wasn't risking my little life going down into the darkness alone.
It took him a while to come back upstairs because he had to let Edward out (he was their dog), when he asked me "why were you banging?". I shook my head and said I didn't do any Banging and I also heard none. Nanny was awake and backed me up. Confused he went into his bedroom wishing me good night. I went into the double bedroom and closed the door shut so that it's latch clicked. Sleep had hit me within minutes but I woke up at 5 am in the morning to respond to a ticking noise just to my left. It was a clock and I hated sleeping with clocks. I sat up and viewed a small brass clock that I had removed from my bedroom before night had even struck. I sat up watching that clock for 2 hours until granddad finally woke.
My uncle came round that day with his wife. I adored my uncle to pieces, he was like a best friend that would tell me anything and I would tell him anything. So naturally I told him about the night I had and then told him about the previous stay, that I had a few years ago; I remembered it while I was watching the clock. He looked at me shocked and asked if I was lying. I explained that I would only tell him because people think I make stories on the spot and as you can see by my YouTube channel it has carried onto my future but this was real. I promised him, so he told me the following story.
Quoted from what I can remember: " Well my girlfriend a few years ago was going away for a long while and so nanny and granddad let me sleep with her, this was the first time we had ever slept in the same bed. we went to bed nice and I had woken up to her screaming at the top of her lungs. Next minute I know I had nanny and granddad and Gavin (his other brother beside my dad) sprint down the stairs into the room, thinking I had some how hurt her. She had stopped screaming and was white, when I mean white Emily I mean she looked like someone had drained every single drop of colour out of her. After calming her down so that colour returned she had explained to us that she woke up to the feeling that someone had punched her chest and it felt hot. She went to hit me but her eyes focused onto the man at the end of the sofa bed. A black figure that standing with something in his hand. But she was so scared she let out a cry when she felt her chest hurt again. The figure was moving closer to her so she screamed, that is why I asked you Emily if you are lying because what nanny had done was that she got someone in to help put the souls to rest because the extension is build on grave stones ripped from the ground of a church. Nanny and Granddad had problems as well so putting the souls to rest was a good idea. There are going to be one or two come back of course but they are ones that like people. As long as you feel like that spirit isn't going to hurt you then you should be fine."
After that I still can't sleep round there without that thought. Though every time I go there I always close the door until it latches but always find the door open in the morning. A new feature was added to my experience, he wasn't a bad guy and i guessed he put that clock there to wake me up. He didn't mean to scare me because one night the clock had been left in the room and then it stopped. I had my back turned to it and when I looked back it had disappeared. I found it under some socks in the morning. He was worried I might be upset.
All i can say is that all though I have been scared in my life, it is never the darkness it is the unknown that scares people...
Scary Stories
Scary Stories : Hello guys
This is my update this week I am so sor...: Hello guys This is my update this week I am so sorry for it being so late on a Saturday evening, I have had a busy day up London with my pa...
This is my update this week I am so sor...: Hello guys This is my update this week I am so sorry for it being so late on a Saturday evening, I have had a busy day up London with my pa...
Hello guys
This is my update this week I am so sorry for it being so late on a Saturday evening, I have had a busy day up London with my parents and so haven't had time to really do anything. Question: what do the people reading my Blog think of London. Do you think it is amazing or just dull?
I ask because the amount of stuff London has been through and survived is amazing. Me being a scary story writer I love to read the history on things that have happened in London. Like jack the ripper I have to say was an amazing crime. I thought it amazing that he didn't even get caught even after someone had interrupted his kill. But anyway tell me what you guys thing, please keep watching my videos and enjoy. I would love to hear some of your scary stories. :)
Emily out!
YouTube channel:
First story hello hell:
First blog :
latest video:
This is my update this week I am so sorry for it being so late on a Saturday evening, I have had a busy day up London with my parents and so haven't had time to really do anything. Question: what do the people reading my Blog think of London. Do you think it is amazing or just dull?
I ask because the amount of stuff London has been through and survived is amazing. Me being a scary story writer I love to read the history on things that have happened in London. Like jack the ripper I have to say was an amazing crime. I thought it amazing that he didn't even get caught even after someone had interrupted his kill. But anyway tell me what you guys thing, please keep watching my videos and enjoy. I would love to hear some of your scary stories. :)
Emily out!
YouTube channel:
First story hello hell:
First blog :
latest video:
Wednesday, 15 August 2012
This is the beginning of the investigation
The investigation
book has been recently found by someone who wants to remain anonymous. This was
written by a Man by the name of Mark Longus who went missing in 1887 and has
never been found. This shows what has happened to him and maybe many others. It
is said that the place where they found the book could be nowhere near the
source of the pain and anguish shown in his chilling notes. We hope that this
has not been carried on.
to see what happens please got onto YouTube... it is a chilling story and I am sure you will enjoy it.
to see what happens please got onto YouTube... it is a chilling story and I am sure you will enjoy it.
Hello and welcome to my scary and creepy story blog. I am here on the internet to show you what I write and I will also like you to send me some suggestion to what I should narrate on YouTube. My YouTube channel is called EMassassins and I narrate stories that I have written but in the future I would like others to send me their stories so that I can narrate them. I will of course give you credit from those stories I am not a story hog. So please do read my blog every week because I will like my YouTube channel update basically every weekend maybe even during the week. I also have a blog on YouTube but is slightly different to what I write in here. I will mostly just go on about what I am doing. Please watch my videos every little helps, have a good weekend and week guy ;) Emily out!
I am going to give you a little taster of one of my new stories that I am planning to release soon on YouTube.
I am going to give you a little taster of one of my new stories that I am planning to release soon on YouTube.
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