Monday 19 November 2012

The crack under the door

They are right outside my door, walking back and forth. pacing and giggling, you know I have been in this room for 3 days 4 hours and 16 minutes.  I haven't moved and my breathing is shallow and slow hoping not to be heard by them. so that they can just leave me in peace, but I know inside that this vision of peace will never happen
I am saying this like everyone knows what I am talking about and I am sorry for that but the last thing on my mind at this moment in time your thoughts are not on my mind. I just wanted to pass my story on before it ends. A few days ago as usual I would go through my iPod deleting the odd email and keeping others, when I received an email saying:

To: Emily Furniss

From: you don't know what you are messing with

 Go ONto THe WEb tO SearCH FoR Us


As usual I just ignored it and went on with my day, that was at 9am and before I went to lessons. After school, I went to go and grab my iPod. I opened it to my email, 93 unread emails. Surprised I clicked onto my first account and it was the same email repeated 93 times. my iPod naturally died in my hand and went into overload mode, in anger I found my laptop and went onto my emails to delete every single one. Before I was about to block the bastard that was sending those emails, one email came just before hitting the button and saw that a different name and a different response. you are next, you are next, you are next! this line was repeated over and over. with a click I deleted that message. I walked away from my laptop, I left it to die in my bedroom. I didn't sleep in my room that night anyway so I wasn't worried.

For the next few days there was nothing, every so often I got a Facebook message. In fact I forgot complete but again a week later from the first day I got that email, another email.

To: Emily Furniss
From: you don't know what you are messing with

I hOpe you KnOW WhaT You ARe Doing
CliCK before ThE TiME IS UP


This time I actually felt fear from a few words. Again with a click I deleted that fucking message, this was actually starting to get to me. The next hour I must have deleted over 300 messages from the same person over and over again. I have had enough this point in time and replied " you think this is funny don't you, I could easily block you but I give you a chance to stop."

To: Emily Furniss
From: you don't know what you are messing with

you are next.

I heard nothing at all for another few days. It was 11:20 pm when I heard bangs from down stairs in my house, I instantly jumped out of bed and slowly crept to the door to find out what was in my house. grabbing something I took a few steps down stairs. Now my breathing was loud and I couldn't keep my hand from shaking. I heard bangs and crashes in my living room, this made me gasp and then there was silence. several footsteps around the wooden flooring made me take a step up, poking my head around the stair well I saw three people with dark clothing and bright white eyes with little red dots. This made me scream and run back up the stairs into my room. I pushed my double bed against the door and huddled myself in a corner so I could see the little gap I had left. Ever since then they have been walking back and forth, teasing me with their deep giggles. I have been getting emails until about an 3 hours, I don't know what to do. I am typing this late at night but I have put a timer on it so it will post in 24 hours. I am going to kill myself, at least I can be merciful to myself. They have started to scream at the top of their lungs, I am crying again. click on the link and you will go to a page that says not found. click on the link that is on that page and just follow the instructions  They won't kill or tease you. You will get a final email saying whether or not you will be set free, I done it too late don't let that happen to you. I beg you, don't take this as 'joke' or 'a story'. I am ending it now. I can just see them through the crack under the door.

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