Tuesday 27 November 2012

The red room.

I am sitting in the corner of the room. The red room, me and my friends thought it would be funny to just venture around this place. The prison was shut down after there had been a huge fire and over 200 inmates burnt alive because the fire systems had broken down. 100 inmates escaped and 15 guards were also killed. No bodies were recovered and the building was left to rot and break down. It burnt for nearly 5 days before  it was declared that no bodies would be looked for because the build would be so unsafe.

After we had learnt about what had happened in that prison at school, as a joke we all started making plans to go into it. Eventually the joke died down, and about Halloween time someone brought up the plans again.
"come on guys it will be a bit of fun. Be there in 10 minutes on our bikes and walk around the place shitting ourselves and then go home. It is simple and it will be fun"
we gave his a dirty look and carried on with life but he pestered us until we all agreed with to just visit. But of course the plan changed 4 times. Eventually the plan was, we all stayed round my friend Alan house; whose parents were never in. Him and his twin brother Jake would set up the house so when we came back it would look like we had been there for hours. we all arrived around about 7 Pm and it was very dark at this point in time. we parked our bikes outside and went inside for about 30 minutes to eat pizza. We discussed again what was the plan and then again set off.

When we got to the prison, there was a fence that was locked and had not been touched for maybe 10 years. As usual Alan was the one to lead and climb the fence, his brother, then mark, Dan and finally me. I was last because I was the slowest climber. Ever since I broke my leg, I lost all ability to be quicker than all my friends and it really got me down. But not the point, once I was over we started to walk toward the wreck  of a building. It had burnt the area around it, you could see it even after so many year. Alan pushed his brother over and ran off. So the chase began, I ran after Alan as quick as I could laughing my head off  trying to find the speed to run after him. We all were laughing and having fun when we heard a blood curdling scream.

I stopped straight away to look around us, the other guys took a little longer. We all stayed silent for a while and then slowly walked towards each other.
"what the hell was that?" Jake asked, I could hear him shaking as he asked us.
" A fox, just a fox or an animal of some sort." we all nodded and chuckled. How stupid can we be for being scared of a fox, we carried on until we got to the main entrance.

Some strange reason there was a set of blueprints, they were near enough unreadable but we could understand the basic out line of the structure. we entered the huge door way, there was some form of a roof but it was in pieces and was crumbling even when we were looking up. we walked slowly around the building the first room was where the visitors came to get ready to see the men. There was a really foul smell that seem to stick to this room, it smelt of a dead animal. I was brought out of the thought process when I slipped onto my ass into a wet patch. I let out a cry and wiped off the nasty smelling liquid.
"it looks like petrol and a lot of it. This hasn't been here that long either because if it was here when the fire it would have been burnt off." Jake got onto his knees and smelt the liquid. It made him gag as he took in realisation that it was petrol.
We carried on still, now into the main prison. There must have been over 3000  cells in this area and they were  all open. Every single one was open, meaning either there was bullshit said in the news that the fire systems failed or people had been here before us. Which actually seemed likely, we looked on the first floor and saw no bodies. Not one body and this made me feel sick. Someone was covering something up.

we walked round the first floor and found nothing. My friends were not happy, they wanted to find a dead body at least. So we went into the canteen and sat down at one of the tables.
"Where the hell is our food!?!" Dan shouted at the top of his lungs
we all had a  giggle and again was enjoying ourselves. A huge bang came from the kitchen, it was so loud it made the floor shake. I jumped out of my seat and pulled Mark out of the way as a table came flying past our side. It looked like the table had been pushed from the opposite end to us, Mark's face was pale and he threw up not long after. I pat his back as he threw up, the other 3 were shocked and went to investigate the area of the crash. When Mark had finishing throwing up I sat him down and gave him some water that I had in my backpack. He Thanked me and took a sip.

"what the fuck!? It looks like the floor above collapsed and pushed the tables towards you guys. what is this?" Alan pulled a book out of the rubble and opened it.
" There is one guy here that I am curious about that doesn't seem to be right. I think he is insane and so I want to prove it so we can get him out of this place as soon as possible. He just doesn't sit right and he loves the red room"
I looked at him as he finished the entry.
" is that it?" I asked quietly
He nodded and replied " the rest has been ripped out and burnt"
There was a mad man in this prison, we had to find the red room. I started to walk before the rest of the guys and started to run. I knew there was something strange about that blueprint, I ran up the first flight of stairs and looked for a sign across the floors. The next flight, and this is where I stopped to catch my breath. They had caught up to me by this time, I ignored their shots at me calling me all sorts of names. I looked left and right to see what I had wanted to see.
"shut up! If you looked on the blueprints there is a third floor but no third flight of stairs" I walked slowly knowing this floor was where the floor had fell through. They followed me slowly minding their step, Mark had stopped and threw up again. He was badly ill and so through concern I turned round not thinking and fell straight through the floor into a cell. I blacked out.

It must had only been a few minutes because the guys had only just got to me when I re awoke. I had hurt my arm and I had a nose bleed but I really didn't care. behind my worrying friends stood a man, he was in a straight jacket and stood looking at me. Blood covered his face and the straight jacket was yellow and bloody. I stood up and again ignored my friends, the mad man smiled and disappeared. I walked up the stairs holding my broken arm against my chest and walked toward the room at the end of the hall. My friends again caught up and stepped back.
"what is that smell?" Alan covered his face.
I pushed again the door and the red room was discovered.

I gagged and pulled my hoody over my face, the others done the same. There was a set of stairs that lead to another door. I walked up and pushed it open. Bodies, hundreds of dead bodies decorated the room. I could not take it and threw up. My friends walked in slowly and saw what had made me chuck.
I cried, I couldn't take it any more. I got onto my knees and cried. This was over whelming. I couldn't stop.
Alan screamed, I turned round to see the door shut behind us.
" No, no no no no no! Please god No!" Jake and Alan pulled at the door and tried to get it open. Mark and Dan looked  at the me with the jaws almost hitting the floor. I was shaking and looked behind me. The mad man stood about a meter in front of me. The smile still on his face, I stood up and went to run but the door slammed behind me. I heard Mark and Dan on the other side shouting at me to run somewhere. I walked over to the corner of the room and covered my face. If this mad man was going to kill me, I would just be unaware and would prefer to have my eyes closed. I breathed gently and allowed myself to cry again. I was in so much pain and I was so scared. i heard the mad man slowly shuffle towards me. My throat went tight and I started chocking. They man had the arm of his straight jacket around my neck I looked up to see him bloody face before closing my eyes and becoming one of the many bodies in the red room.

I am now in the corner of the red room, like one of the many bodies I just wait to be found and buried  Me and my friends can't be near each other because the mad man has kept us apart. There has been so many teenagers since I died been here, I scream to warm them to go away. Most run and don't come back. Those who don't listen will become one of those people in the red room.

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