Saturday 24 November 2012

The Sudden Drop

Relax, you lay on your back and slow your breathing. You concentrate on the little light source in your room. You feel comfort from this little light and let your eyes become heavy and close naturally, your breathing now covering any sound that may disturb you. This deep sleep slowly dragging you into it's depths. You feel you legs go heavy; the sensation starting from your toes, slowly moving up your feet and then you legs; paralysing them. This would normally make you panic but it is a nice sensation and makes you just relax even more. Your dreams now becoming more vivid.

You see yourself on an island,walking along the white sand beaches. you look at the sea, pick up a random pebble and with all your power you throw the pebble. It skims the water 1,2,3,4 times before sinking into the  water. You get onto your knees and splash the cool, clear water onto you face cleaning it. The cool gems clearing your face. The sun has set, when you re-open your eyes. You walk along the beach a little while longer, watching the sun set from red to pink, until you hit a rock face. You look up and see an unnatural light, so you start to climb. You can not stop yourself from climbing it is like an automatic response. Finally reaching the top, you feel tired and so sit down taking in the final sights before the sun disappears from earth.
You stand up and breath in the fresh salty air. The rock face looks over the sea. As you look down an overwhelming feeling of a light headedness makes you step back. Again an automatic response makes you take a few more steps back to ready yourself to do a run up, you tell yourself to stop there is a cliff, STOP!
You fall through the air, and you are thinking you are going to die. You hit the water and wake up in reality. You are covered in sweat and breathing fast. But wait you are not in bed and that is not sweat. You lay in a pool of your own blood on the floor not even in your own room. In an ally with a knife 3 inches into you torso. A dark figure stands at your feet there watching you. You can only see a white smile "Sweet dreams" 

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