Sunday 19 August 2012

A worried email

This was sent to me by someone I do not know, She rather that no one would know her name but said that it is a true story and has tried to put as much detail into the story that she can remember.

I read your Blog story and thought of this story that happened to me when I was younger, if you like put this email into the blog but please don't put my name for certain reasons.
Me and my sister were sitting in our room a few years ago and heard these really strange stories about a man dying in our garden like 100 years ago. He was in love with a woman who lived in that house but couldn't marry her because she was due to wed another. He said that he would stay in this world until he was with his lover then slit his own throat, it was said that the blood flooded the ground and it was so much that they had to wash it away with water. We would always laugh and chuckle about such things, one night as a laugh we thought we would do an all nighter and not sleep. We had got to 12am when we heard a cat in the garden and in panic we ran to the window to make sure it wasn't attacking our rabbits. We could not see much and the light in the garden hadn't come on for some strange reason, so we thought for safety we tread down stairs to make sure the rabbits were okay. we unlocked the back door and walked to our rabbits, both asleep and no cat was seen. my sister flinched as water splashed; where she had stepped back. suddenly the security lights shot on and showed what she had stood in. Dark red water, I screamed as a response that woke my parents up. They rushed down stairs to find me pale as possible and my sister crying whipping her foot on the ground. They asked if everything was okay and they couldn't see the blood only a puddle of dirty water. Neither of us slept that night.

I tell you this Emily because I have also had an experience recently of a sobbing man and I don't know what to do. Your right about it is not the darkness it's what is in the darkness. How did you cope? I didn't want to write this story with my blog name because people would see who I am. It's not because I am ashamed but because none of my family believe me and only my sister does.

I replied with
Just don't show fear. Thank you for being honest I will put this on my Blog as soon as possible


  1. Hello Emily I have been reading these stories and wow are these really true because they seem a little unreal if you get what I mean. Mine isn't as scary but it is something I had when I was a kid.

    As a kid I would always make up a imaginary friend and I knew the difference between real and fake but for some reason one day I met this boy and we became best friends within minutes. One day my mum came up to me and asked who I was playing with and I said John. She asked if he would like to stay for dinner. I said no because he has got to go back home to his parents. See I would always say yes and pretend to let them have dinner and always end on a good note. Mum had never heard me say no. John always came round after school and left at 6pm before dinner. I asked my mum about him a little while back and asked if she remembered John. Her faced dropped a little and said "what one of you imaginary friends?" I replied with "no John who was real mum came round like every day for years until he had to move away?" she shook her head and said "There was no John sweetie, he was your imaginary friend that you made up. Remember we went to a psychologist to talk about your friends?". Thing is I had never forgotten about the psychologist and I never had Imaginary friends after my meetings were over but John had always been there do you think that John was a ghost child that my mum couldn't see? Or am I just nuts?

    1. hello jack well seems weird I guess is the best way to put it. Maybe your mind seem to just make him real and you convinced yourself as a child that he was so real that he couldn't be imaginary and so therefore can't get rid of him :D
      One for the books I think ;) just let me know if anything else happens. Btw they don't have to be true stories to be on my Blog I thought I might share a few to get the mood going :)
