Sunday 19 May 2013

little bit of thinking and life :')

As I write this it is late and I am sorry for any mistakes. But I was thinking that I am in my last week of school before I leave to have study leave and then leave completely to move onto the big world. That is a scary thought and the other day I thought that if I gave up I would never have to try 10 times harder and then be kicked to the floor, only to leave damaged and in pain. That is how I saw life, a continuous ball of hate. But I have to say that I looked at one of my friends today and I realised how lucky I was to have him as a friend and how strong he is compared to me. But then I carried on thinking and this is what I now think of life:
Life is a ball. It has millions of layers that we all experience in different ways, life a gob stopper. The outer layer being sweet and smooth, this is our younger years. Then the next layer a rough and bitter layer, this is our teen years. A less bitter and slight more smooth layer, this is adulthood. The final layer is the soft and chewy centre that is sweet and tasty, elder years. But as you chew the gum you start to remember the flavors of the previous layer and you are glad you have experienced them because you wouldn't have appreciated them as much as you do now. but each person goes through those layers at different times and speed. We are all strong if we don't give up and no matter how scary a situation is, you should fight so much harder. I feel like I have been kicked down the ladder so many times but all you can do is keep climbing and until you get where you want. Although you can get people who are there to keep you down just keep fighting.

Night I hope I gave people something to think about.
Em x

1 comment:

  1. Just like to let people know I was so out of it when I wrote this and now I am reading it again I am actually suprised... it truly does make you think
