Monday 27 May 2013

most amazing day of my life!

I have to say I had the best time in my life yesterday. My birthday is tomorrow on the 28th of may, knowing no one would be free during the week my parents had started planned when the amazing party was going to be. This was yesterday on the 26th of may, as I was made pretty and dressed up I had little knowledge that my parents were doing their best to get everything ready for 2pm. As I was dragged to my nans I made my way to into the house with Claire making noises. I walked in to find my Suki my cousins dog in the dinning room. I gave her a massive cuddle before being dragged out the house to be blind folded. my uncle drove a little up the road to an amazing place I knew of, he opened the door to hear my dad's voice and telling him to grab his arm. My mum grabbed my arm and we walked a few steps forward, I could hear mummers of my dads voice. Then my blind fold was taken off, all I could see was a few people standing in front of me and a sign that said 'walk this way. Happy birthday'. In my studded state I only thought a handful of people had turned up to my birthday. COULD I BE MORE WRONG. A volley of 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY' behind me, made me shoot round and with a big sigh I let out tears. I hugged my mum and dad and then my best friend Jess. The girl who had been denying the whole time. I gave my family a massive hug before going over to my friends and made sure ever single one was made sure that I loved them. I thank everyone for yesterday and I really loved ever second I had. You are all brilliant and I am surprised that I had no clue about most of it. :D
I thank
Nanny darling
( many more family members I have missed)

Thursday 23 May 2013

Last day of school.

well today is the last day of my school. I am to leave for study leave and then never come back to chingford foundation school after results day. I came to thinking and I realised this, I hadn't done a blog on my life. you might fight this strange because this is a scary story blog and so I will make this the only life blog. In 2006 September I walked into Chingford foundation school and made myself a home there. shifting from friend to friend in the first few months. well until me and Simon spoke.He was good friends with my friend Jack who had gone to Yardley with me. Simon was a great and funny guy who had the temper of a bull. He got pissed off at the slightest thing. I then got into what was to become the most famous group in our school. This is when I met Alex, Connor, Adam, George, pardo, Grace, Jess, Kate, Sophie, Rhianna and many others. This group grew and we introduced our selfs to Shelley, Harry, Daniel, Dani, Amy, Katie, Josh, Lucus, Kyle, Peter etc. Yesr 10, we were the biggest group that had the most pointless argument. loud and funny. but overall we were a good group that all stuck together but the odd argument did show sides. I sat on the fence most of the time because I would always wanted to hear both sides before making any judgements.
The end of year 11 and we had lost a few members due to disagreement. but we still were strong. As the song run through the end of year video, my emotions were sparked and I didn't cry until I stepped outside I saw all the people I would lose and may never see again.
Results day and I was thrilled to find I had gotten into 6th form. Chingford 6th form in fact. A common place to me and I would be staying with my friends.
Year 12 just seemed like another year to me but I was split from my friends and shoved into a form of relatively new people. Grace was the only one I would speak to really in the first week. The thing is that I was never really conscious until now of how much has gone down in the past two years. But seem as my friend Jess complained to me about not writing a blog about her. Here goes (love you Jess)
I am gonna write a little bit on each of my friends. (alphabetical order)

Beth: Beth I met when I was In year 10/11. She is Simons girlfriend and I got on with her instantly. she is funny, sweet and has a large obsession with pandas, which is cool with me. when I am sad she would cheer me up as I would with her. of course we would say 'don't forget the baby' which no one really understands but us. I thank her for being there for every moment I needed a chat.

Emilia: came to us in 6th form. a shy girl who was slightly socially awkward but hey I beat that out of her. I now find her as one of my best friend who I can trust and blame everything on and she will just go square. pok :3

Grace: suffered from cancer and has been a pain in the ass since. I am joking of course. Grace has gone through hell at such a young age but she stood strong. she makes me laugh on a daily bases and is so blunt with questions. she has the most adorable dog and i swear if she doesn't marry jack she knows I will sort her out :)

Jack: my best friend for 10 years and I hope for many more. no matter how much he teased and punched me in the jaw I can never hate him much longer than a day. he has a caring heart, which has so much love in but he tends to use it on rocks and mazie. I really hope commander 0 will be my friend for many years to come.

Jess: well what can I saw. she is mad. I want to slam my head into a table sometime because of her. but no matter how much she drives me crazy I cannot stop loving Jess. she will read this and hug me like mad when she next sees me. I have never had so much fun with her. she keeps me up when I am down and keeps me going. even if it takes a punch in the head. she treats me like her little sister and looks after me. I know we had fights in the past but I know we will never be separated because of a disagreement. Jess has been there for me and knows me so well. no matter how much she judges me, she only does it out of love. We have been through hours of food lessons together and I am still alive.

Sam: what can I say... GREENDAY. the first words I heard from sam were "do you like greenday?" I said no and the reply "well fuck you". me and sam got off on the wrong foot. but as I got to know him, I know for a fact he is a kind and loving guy who only is a bit of a man whore. I am joking . he is a laugh and I still feel incredibly bad for spraying water across his head. I have to admit over the past year I have grown to green day but I still don't think they are great.

Shelley: bouncing ball of fun. she never stops smiling and knows how to brighten a day up. throws the greatest parties and has the greatest fun. she never stops being the awesome, happy person she is.

Simon: Guns, army, knife and dogs. can be hyper and pokey. or pissy and pokey. but either way I get fricken poked :3 he is a laugh and thinks of the best jokes. even though some of them are way across the line. I will miss the mad man but I know I will see him on crime watch one day. :P

Sophie: we are known for arguments us two. I get on her nerves and she gets on mine. we both get driven mad but we know at the end of the day we are there for each other and we always be. although I do wish I could get 1 Mark better than her in one RS essay.
of course this is the group I hang out with on a daily basis there are others I love to hang out with and chat with.

My form. 13P we are mad but we all get along unless there is a quiz, then shit goes down. unless your jade and you never get involved. (joking) each form has a different relationship but I know ours is closely linked and I hope to keep in contact with a few people.

My free group with jack, beth, shelley, Alice, Rebecca and shirin. A few laughs and jokes and a lot of fun.

Alice a great girl with complete confidence in herself. Is a huddle of fun and can be a pain in the ass. can give advice on everything and really is one Gaga fan :3
Rebecca (aka puffling) is fun and very strong willed. I can never see myself winning an argument against her just because I would be scared to disagree. she is smart and funny. she is unbelievably strong and I hope the best for her.
Shirin, a quiet girl who seems to never do work :). she is shy but a good laugh and cares greatly for boyfriend. I wish the best for her and her boyfriend

Now for all the other awesome people I hang out with in school

Matthew, an amazing guy who I can have a laugh with. although I have only really spoken to him for a few week, I've known him for year and I know for a fact that he is caring, independent, stubborn, funny and very talented. strong and very selfless. but I am so jealous of how talented he is at guitar and how cool he acts around the fact I cool him talented. He also likes minecraft.

Kajal (not sure if this is spelt right) is great at beating jack up and making him rage. saying geography is not a subject

Lacki, a form member but still a laugh. she is sweet and cares for others. listens to you no matter how boring you think you are. she is a maths genius and I wish I had a third of her talent.

Yong, the most innocent person I have ever met. in some way that's cute. but others you have to explain the most awkward things ever. if you wink at her she will wink back without knowing she is. bio buddies.

Ninet, has put up with me through out the year in psychology and has been amazing. she only laughs at my stuff and is kind.

Stacey, another genius who I cannot understand how she understands maths. I just don't get how she does it.
there is still a massive amount of friend I have out of school who are equally amazing but this blog is about those in school. I want to finish this on a little note.

I know it has been two hard years of our lives. With things within families happening and friendships slowly dying but that is surely a part of growing up. I know for a fact I would have got no where without you guys when my Nonno died. You just have to think when we all started off in this new group in year 12 we were new to each other. We have all changed, as far as I know it is for the best. I know that this may sound like I am getting all emotional but I am not. I know as I walk into uni in a few months I will be going to keep contact every day. I will miss talking and chatting about pointless things. Laughing at Mr Armsby as he eats a banana, or Grace looking Jenks up and down. It maybe a tense time for us all but all you have to remember is the good times. I know I may have not come on trips but hearing about your drunken times is alway fun. I know we will alway keep contact, I know for a fact I don't have a choice ;). I will miss the I don't give two crap convos with Sam, talkin about how bad of our teachers are, looking at cute pandas, quoting Lee evens, talking about xbox, making new philosophies, winking at people, laughing about how if you mess around with the word canada it makes anal, drawing different picture, playing pac man and just having fun. I know you guys are reading this ( because I told you to) but I really will miss you all.
I love you guys.
I pinky promise, I will try my best to keep in contact with all of you ( even you sam) 
I hope that you all like this little tribute
Em x

Sunday 19 May 2013

little bit of thinking and life :')

As I write this it is late and I am sorry for any mistakes. But I was thinking that I am in my last week of school before I leave to have study leave and then leave completely to move onto the big world. That is a scary thought and the other day I thought that if I gave up I would never have to try 10 times harder and then be kicked to the floor, only to leave damaged and in pain. That is how I saw life, a continuous ball of hate. But I have to say that I looked at one of my friends today and I realised how lucky I was to have him as a friend and how strong he is compared to me. But then I carried on thinking and this is what I now think of life:
Life is a ball. It has millions of layers that we all experience in different ways, life a gob stopper. The outer layer being sweet and smooth, this is our younger years. Then the next layer a rough and bitter layer, this is our teen years. A less bitter and slight more smooth layer, this is adulthood. The final layer is the soft and chewy centre that is sweet and tasty, elder years. But as you chew the gum you start to remember the flavors of the previous layer and you are glad you have experienced them because you wouldn't have appreciated them as much as you do now. but each person goes through those layers at different times and speed. We are all strong if we don't give up and no matter how scary a situation is, you should fight so much harder. I feel like I have been kicked down the ladder so many times but all you can do is keep climbing and until you get where you want. Although you can get people who are there to keep you down just keep fighting.

Night I hope I gave people something to think about.
Em x

Thursday 16 May 2013

Short story: Streamside village part one

Where I live there isn't a lot around. I live in the moore, so there is just fields and the odd house. Up the road from me there is a small village with a small school. I go there with a few people, there is 150 of us. Which is a lot of children and the most we have had in years. Myself I am in the last year and will be send off at the end of the year.
Each year we were made to do an essay at the end about the overall school year. But in yeah we are all given a topic and we could do anything related to that topic.
;I had finished lunch when the head teacher came in the dinning hall to request all the final years to meet in the main hall. With excitement we all ran into the main hall chattering like birds.
"This year you guys are special. All.30 of you will be given an individual essay to write. But you can present the paper in any form. You will be given a form with ur name on it. Don't show anyone and leave. You have three weeks." His booming voice annouched the new arrangements.
People around me go their forms and I was the last to get it. There were different choices but no one kept it to themselves. I took mine and went to class.
As I sat through class it became heavy everytime I thought about it. I bit my lip as the temptation ran through me. I ran home to open the damn thing.
"Stream side village" I murmmered to myself and sat on the chair near to me. The thing is this place was abbondoned when I was young and has been left to rot. No one knows why everyone left so quickly. Shaking my head I walked over to the laptop. It maybe a small village where I live but I still have WiFi. I looked up stream side village, nothing with relevance came. Only about a restaurant in Pennsylvania, it has a 4 star review. In frustration I left my house to the libary. I needed to get a start now otherwise I will never finish.
The librian was busy when I first walked in. Ignoring her I went straight to the history of local surroundings. I spent an hour and a half before giving up. I walked towards the front door before I was intrupted by the librian.
" I didn't see you come in." Sweet tone which made wanna curl up and vomit.
" I erm... I can't find what I'm looking for it is okay."
" oh what are you looking for? I shall look on our system"
I told her what I needed and her faced dropped.
"I am sorry we don't have that here. Maybe go to your head teacher and change the subject, I've had everyone looking for books today for their essays" she smiled and waved me good bye.
<p>When I got home dinner was served and I couldnt eat. I asked them both what happened to streamside village and the laughed.
"no one know. Why do you ask?"
"it is my essay and so far no one has been able to help"
Mum and dad looked at each other and shrugged. They couldn't help either.
<p>As I laid in bed that night I thought of different ways to set the essay when a brilliant plan hit me. I would go into the village tomorrow and see if there was anything that I could write about. I smiled as I was proud of my brilliant plan.
I got up at 5 am making sure I was up a little earlier than my parents. I packed a lunch and left s note to tell them I went out. I grabbed my bike and rode towards streamside village. It took about an hour and half before getting to the entrance. I collasped onto one of the grassy hills before taking a big gulp of water down. The sun was bright and rising quickly, I allowed my legs to stop hurting before continuing.
 I took out my camera and took a picture of the outside. It looked pretty normal. Odd building falling a part but nothing. I walked towards the road that was into the entrance of the village. It was called streamside due to on the 12th of July every year a stream would appear for a day and then disappear. This was the entrance sign. I walked in pedaling my bike to on of the houses before resting it against the brick work. I put my backpack on and made my way slowly. I had noted down what the sign said and took a picture of it. This was a tiny village, the main road became dusty and rugged. There was houses either side of the road. About 15 small cottages and some bungalows. I took a picture of the road and made my way towards the village hall and church. The hall was locked tight and the church door was stiff. But with a little bit of force I busted the door open. I looked around as 17 years worth of dust had formed in this place. I could see my foot prints on the floor as I walked up the centre carpet towards the altar. The statue of Jesus looked up towards the little light that had been formed due to the slowly crumbling roof. A bag of equipment was on the altar, barely anything left in the bag all just poured over the altar.
"Wait, that is gold..." My face dropped as I saw a statue of gold. They had left a gold statue and no one had thought that they would have gone back to get it. I made my way around to the back to make sure that there was no one still here.
I left taking pictures of the money, gold and jewels that had been left by the inhabitants of steamside village. I sat at 11 am to have my lunch as I had missed my breakfast. I ate my sandwhich watching the empty fields for life. I wrote down my thoughts which were
Not very many buildings and each in fairly bad condition. Still no reason for suspision of why they left. It seems strange that there is so much left behind.  coming back tomorrow at the same time but I will be sleeping in one of the cottages. I need to get into the village hall but as far as I am concerned this would much better for me as I have next week off to get this essay done.
I had another hour in the village wondering round gathering the size. In total there were 30 houses, 1 village hall and 1 church. There was a little shop that had farm goods but the main produce was made by themselves. I had a quick sit down and then made my way home. I was concenrating on the road when a floak of sheep took me out. I rolled into a ball and allowed the sheep to run off. I got up with a few cuts and starting cursing at the sheep. I turned round to grab my bike into a farmer. He was not impressed.
"what are you doing here?" His voice boomed. I simply grabbed my bike
"bike ride, the sheep took me out off my bike. Sorry" I gently pushed off and made my home. My parents face were shocked when they saw the dryed blood on my face. I ate dinner and collapsed on my bed around 7:30. I was too tired to even think.
 At 4am and rubbed my head. I grabbed my bag and sleeping bag. I was so sore from the day before but I made my way out. I made it there in a little more than time than the day before and laid out my sleeping bag behind a rock as a wind breaker and slept for another hour.
I woke with the sun shining on my face and stretched. I grabbed all my things and made my way to the nearest cottage. I smashed my body weight against the door and sighed as the door didn't budge. I looked through the window, it was dark with everything still in contact. Using my bag I spun it around and smashed the window in. The sounded echoed through out the village.
I climbed through the shattered window and landed on the wooden floor of the abondoned building.
A piece of glass had cut my leg but I was too busy inspecting my surroundings to care about my slowly bleeding leg. I picked the bag up from floor brushing off the shards of glass the had coated it. It was a lovely house that was fully in tack. I set up my writing pad and equipment before setting up my camera to record the day events. I recorded the time and what I had found. I explained that I had broken into the house through the window know that no one lived here.
Once I had some writen evidence as well I made my way out with my camera and to the church to show what I had found. The door was still stiff and the church seemed a little less dusty. I made my points before seeing what I thought was a person.

Wednesday 1 May 2013


I want to thank all of you! I reached my highest views last month I want to start beating the views each month. Last month we hit 289 views in one month, I was very happy with that in total of under a year I have had 1,311 view. That is amazing, what would really help if you guys view and +1 my work and so I can be seen. I will be releasing a few more stories soon. Childhood nightmares put me behind a little.
I thank you everyone again. Have a great week
EM x