Friday 31 August 2012

hellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooooooooo Bloggers :D
well some good news I sent an email to a book company to read out one of their books "west country hauntings by Peter Underwood" and well they said yes. I would like to say thank you to Paul for replying to my email, my Youtube posts will be up very soon tonight :D so please guys go and have a look. ;) have a good weekend! shall report to you as soon as possible.

Sunday 26 August 2012

Just listening to a bit of mrcreepypasta :D I do love a bit of a scare you the point that you don't want to look behind you just in case the slenderman is watching you. Haha I now won't look behind me for the rest of the day :(

Saturday 25 August 2012
hello to my Amazing people who read this blog. Firstly hi :D how is everyone I would like to say that it has been a long week and have you had noticed I had a lot of views on one of my which was worried email but please hey ! keep watching my youtube video :D here is my YouTube link to my newest video

Friday 24 August 2012

If you guys have ever watched these ghost hunters channels, where they go to a haunted house or place and let their imaginations run away with themselves. I always watch them so that I could laugh at how scared they got. I lived in the most haunted town in the world, So noises and bangs were regular in my house. Then one day most haunted came to my village, yes most haunted. They wanted to stay in my road and the town hall basically made me stay with them until they are finished by forcing them into my house, I forgot they had the key. They wrote a script to try and make the house seem more spooky. I replied with " I don't need to fake it, there are things in this house that will make you run for the hills. But they are use to me and so won't have any trouble coming out of the wood work to meet you." They laughed anxiously and then looked seriously, like they wanted to know more. I just nodded and went into my kitchen. Strangely they looked like they were looking right through me.

Through out the day I had people jumping out of their skin, saying someone touch them  and I just sat, warning them it may not be a poke or a brush. They don't like new people. I was put into the hospital the first I moved here with self harming. But I didn't self harm at all well not at that time, it was them abusing me. I remember the worse day, No one had seen me in days and I woke up to screaming in my room. Blood every where and me on there floor, she left me there and ran out. I got up and made myself a cup of tea, it was a really cold day but the sun was out strange for a July really.

 But anyway they were becoming worse and worse. Some started jumping when I went to put my chair in after having a cup of tea, others yelped as I passed them looking right through me again. They were really creeping me out, as I had my back turned to the crew I heard the voice of the psychologist that was going to plan to talk to the spirits. HA he would see that in vain when he finds out that none will talk to him. 

We walked round the house and every so often he would say I can feel the same woman watching us and walking with us. She was around the age of 22 and died through suicide, I scoffed and said that only one woman has died in this house and that was through her friend killing her. Then the psychologist looked straight at me and said "she is right here and she is confused. She thinks she is alive and is with us, She is the girl who died through the cutting of her wrists. She was put into the hospital many time for it but she claims the only time was the last 2 two times before her death, all the rest were the ghosts hurting her. She was found in her bedroom with blood all around her." He pointed to where I was standing  and shuddered after the story. With angry I started shouting at him, claiming he was stalking me. That I was the one that had hospital visits and that I wasn't dead. With frustration I pushed pass the camera man and went into my bedroom. Evvon screamed as the camera man hit the floor with a force, the twat couldn't hold himself. 

Derrick sprinted into my room and told me to calm down that he was sorry for such detail, for me to tell him my side of the story. " I had been abused by the spirits and each time was getting worse eventually I couldn't take it but I failed the suicide.
"Darling you have died, where do you sit?" He replied in such a manner that he made me feel ill , he looked around the room like a blind man in a strange surrounding. "Derrick have you seen the imprint on the bed?" Evvon replied behind her husband.
"what are you talking about people? It's me, are you blind?" Tears started to form and I cried. Derrick sat next to me as everyone responded to my cries differently, some cried, some hid and some just sat there in silence. "sweetie you haven't realised but can you still see the blood stain? The blood suddenly became apparent, a dark reddish brown stain. I looked at him and the placed a note in his hand. Then whispered in his ear gently. He pulled away after I had finished and the told the crew that they had to stop recording. 

We travelled by car to the place I had hoped was still there, it took us a while but the crew kept filming and all of a sudden the cameras stopped working. When we had stopped the sorted out their batteries and then walked into the cemetery that my friend was buried at. Derrick followed me like a dog and it's owner, we got to his grave and I felt sorrow over come me. There next to my friends grave stood a fairly new grave, everyone had gathered round it and were chatting. 
"what's the name on it? shine a light quickly!" One of the crew shouted, and within seconds a bright LED light shone on the grave. I dropped to my knees.
Jane reeves R.I.P died on 29/06/1998. She was a good person and for such a thing to befall her was terrible. We love you Jane, a good daughter and sister. 

It must have been a few minutes before any of the crew responded. "what's so good about that name may I ask?" Derrick just shook his head and held out the note I had passed him.
"she put the note in my pocket with her name, date of when she was last ill and that she wanted me to prove her death for her. She is sitting her right now and not talking or anything. She is shocked as much as we are." 

They left me there and went back to the house. Of course the usual bangs and bumped but nothing as big as a note that I had written. I went back home and didn't really contact the work. New people moved in and they really were into ghosts. I didn't mind that because I could walk about and do my thing without freaking them out. One day they started watching most haunted and of course having to watch what they did, I just paid little attention. Day dreaming about my life when the wife of the owner of the house shouted "Oh my god! It's our house!" The series had been new and my god it was shocking. They put everything about me in there. I smile as a note came up at the end say that: 

The new owners of the house should allow the spirit to still live there because she is  am not ready to leave this world. 

Tuesday 21 August 2012

hello guy watch my videos on YouTube :D here is the link.
But how are you today those who actually read my blog :D please read and reply if you like :D

Monday 20 August 2012

hello and welcome to today's entry. I am fairly tired and now got no stories left to write. But hey doesn't mean you guys can't help me out and put a random stories onto my website :D I love to read stories that others have written and if you like I will record it and put it on YouTube for you. I will link your blog and YouTube if you want ;)
have a good week Emily out!

Sunday 19 August 2012

hello guys go onto my YouTube channel and watching this video
or post one of your stories onto my Blog. I have promised I will post someone's on YouTube which shall be very soon :D

A worried email

This was sent to me by someone I do not know, She rather that no one would know her name but said that it is a true story and has tried to put as much detail into the story that she can remember.

I read your Blog story and thought of this story that happened to me when I was younger, if you like put this email into the blog but please don't put my name for certain reasons.
Me and my sister were sitting in our room a few years ago and heard these really strange stories about a man dying in our garden like 100 years ago. He was in love with a woman who lived in that house but couldn't marry her because she was due to wed another. He said that he would stay in this world until he was with his lover then slit his own throat, it was said that the blood flooded the ground and it was so much that they had to wash it away with water. We would always laugh and chuckle about such things, one night as a laugh we thought we would do an all nighter and not sleep. We had got to 12am when we heard a cat in the garden and in panic we ran to the window to make sure it wasn't attacking our rabbits. We could not see much and the light in the garden hadn't come on for some strange reason, so we thought for safety we tread down stairs to make sure the rabbits were okay. we unlocked the back door and walked to our rabbits, both asleep and no cat was seen. my sister flinched as water splashed; where she had stepped back. suddenly the security lights shot on and showed what she had stood in. Dark red water, I screamed as a response that woke my parents up. They rushed down stairs to find me pale as possible and my sister crying whipping her foot on the ground. They asked if everything was okay and they couldn't see the blood only a puddle of dirty water. Neither of us slept that night.

I tell you this Emily because I have also had an experience recently of a sobbing man and I don't know what to do. Your right about it is not the darkness it's what is in the darkness. How did you cope? I didn't want to write this story with my blog name because people would see who I am. It's not because I am ashamed but because none of my family believe me and only my sister does.

I replied with
Just don't show fear. Thank you for being honest I will put this on my Blog as soon as possible

Saturday 18 August 2012


When I was a child, I was the first grandchild on both sides of my family so both my grandparents saw me weekly, my Nonna (Grandmother in Italian) and Nonno (Italian Granddad) saw me Sunday due to this was to have dinner and also take me church. My Nanny and Granddad I would see on Thursday and we would have tea and cakes. Though you may say this sounds lovely, I refused to sleep in my Nanny's house and I have never known why until recently, I think until a few months back. This is a real and true story that has happened to me and my family. some are of course sceptical but who can blame them.

The first time I slept round there was when I was very young but not too young not to remember. As I recall My sister was only a toddler but she slept here because my Mum had gone hospital. I remember going to sleep and I was a heavy sleeper because my dad snored and my sister tend to cry in the night until recently. I woke up to see the door swinging slightly and hated my door open. Thinking it was my granddad I got up and asked them for a drinking thinking they were awake. Both were fast asleep until I had awoken them from their fairy lands. Granddad trod downstairs and got me a glass of water. I asked him why my door had swung open and he reported that it was a someone checking on me to see if I was okay because it knew I was scared of the house. I shuddered at the thought but laughed thinking it was a joke and drunk my water thanking granddad before going to bed again. It was sometime before I had slept in that bed again.

We had now moved house to a nicer place closer to My Nanny's. They had asked me to sleep round there and I had agreed, so not to offend them. I had forgotten about my last experiences as I laid in their double bed waiting for sleep to overcome me. I don't tend to stay up for very long because my bed time at home was 8pm in bed asleep by 9. But something was in the back of my mind, I got up and asked granddad for a drink. He said that I should get my own, because I was a big girl now. For the first time in my life I said the words and under stood them, but Granddad I am scared of going down alone. With frustration he walked out the bedroom and plodded downstairs. I felt terrible but I wasn't risking my little life going down into the darkness alone.

It took him a while to come back upstairs because he had to let Edward out (he was their dog), when he asked me "why were you banging?". I shook my head and said I didn't do any Banging and I also heard none. Nanny was awake and backed me up. Confused he went into his bedroom wishing me good night. I went into the double bedroom and closed the door shut so that it's latch clicked. Sleep had hit me within minutes but I woke up at 5 am in the morning to respond to a ticking noise just to my left. It was a clock and I hated sleeping with clocks. I sat up and viewed a small brass clock that I had removed from my bedroom before night had even struck. I sat up watching that clock for 2 hours until granddad finally woke.

My uncle came round that day with his wife. I adored my uncle to pieces, he was like a best friend that would tell me anything and I would tell him anything. So naturally I told him about the night I had and then told him about the previous stay, that I had a few years ago; I remembered it while I was watching the clock. He looked at me shocked and asked if I was lying. I explained that I would only tell him because people think I make stories on the spot and as you can see by my YouTube channel it has carried onto my future but this was real. I promised him, so he told me the following story.

Quoted from what I can remember: " Well my girlfriend a few years ago was going away for a long while and so nanny and granddad let me sleep with her, this was the first time we had ever slept in the same bed. we went to bed nice and I had woken up to her screaming at the top of her lungs. Next minute I know I had nanny and granddad and Gavin (his other brother beside my dad) sprint down the stairs into the room, thinking I had some how hurt her.  She had stopped screaming and was white, when I mean white Emily I mean she looked like someone had drained every single drop of colour out of her. After calming her down so that colour returned she had explained to us that she woke up to the feeling that someone had punched her chest and it felt hot. She went to hit me but her eyes focused onto the man at the end of the sofa bed. A black figure that standing with something in his hand. But she was so scared she let out a cry when she felt her chest hurt again. The figure was moving closer to her so she screamed, that is why I asked you Emily if you are lying because what nanny had done was that she got someone in to help put the souls to rest because the extension is build on grave stones ripped from the ground of a church. Nanny and Granddad had problems as well so putting the souls to rest was a good idea. There are going to be one or two come back of course but they are ones that like people. As long as you feel like that spirit isn't going to hurt you then you should be fine."

After that I still can't sleep round there without that thought. Though every time I go there I always close the door until it latches but always find the door open in the morning. A new feature was added to my experience, he wasn't a bad guy and i guessed he put that clock there to wake me up. He didn't mean to scare me because one night the clock had been left in the room and then it stopped. I had my back turned to it and when I looked back it had disappeared. I found it under some socks in the morning. He was worried I might be upset.

All i can say is that all though I have been scared in my life, it is never the darkness it is the unknown that scares people...

Scary Stories

Scary Stories : Hello guys
This is my update this week I am so sor...
: Hello guys This is my update this week I am so sorry for it being so late on a Saturday evening, I have had a busy day up London with my pa...
Hello guys
This is my update this week I am so sorry for it being so late on a Saturday evening, I have had a busy day up London with my parents and so haven't had time to really do anything. Question: what do the people reading my Blog think of London. Do you think it is amazing or just dull?
I ask because the amount of stuff London has been through and survived is amazing. Me being a scary story writer I love to read the history on things that have happened in London. Like jack the ripper I have to say was an amazing crime. I thought it amazing that he didn't even get caught even after someone had interrupted his kill. But anyway tell me what you guys thing, please keep watching my videos and enjoy. I would love to hear some of your scary stories. :)
Emily out!
YouTube channel:
First story hello hell:
First blog :
latest video:

Wednesday 15 August 2012

This is the beginning of the investigation

The investigation

This book has been recently found by someone who wants to remain anonymous. This was written by a Man by the name of Mark Longus who went missing in 1887 and has never been found. This shows what has happened to him and maybe many others. It is said that the place where they found the book could be nowhere near the source of the pain and anguish shown in his chilling notes. We hope that this has not been carried on. 

o see what happens please got onto YouTube... it is a chilling story and I am sure you will enjoy it.
Hello and welcome to my scary and creepy story blog. I am here on the internet to show you what I write and I will also like you to send me some suggestion to what I should narrate on YouTube. My YouTube channel is called EMassassins and I narrate stories that I have written but in the future I would like others to send me their stories so that I can narrate them. I will of course give you credit from those stories I am not a story hog. So please do read my blog every week because I will like my YouTube channel update basically every weekend maybe even during the week. I also have a blog on YouTube but is slightly different to what I write in here. I will mostly just go on about what I am doing. Please watch my videos every little helps, have a good weekend and week guy ;) Emily out! 
I am going to give you a little taster of one of my new stories that I am planning to release soon on YouTube.