Sunday 24 November 2013

Just an average night: chapter 1

I rubbed my eyes gently as they were sore as anything. Looking at a computer screen for too long; really does mess up your eyes. I clicked a few more times before giving up and making my way to the bathroom. I looked at my phone to see the time and sighed,
"Three hours on that damn computer and I have barely got anywhere with it." I grumbled to myself and washed my face before looking at it in the mirror.
"No wonder I am single" I chuckled and made my back to the computer.
I walked back into my room and I didn't realise how cold it was. I shivered and put my hoody on, I breathed deep. I was trying to warm my body that was in complete and utter shock. My breath came out in a white mist.
"Damn heating is not working again"I growled at the old heating and wrapped a blanket around my legs.
I felt a wave of goose bumps spread over my body. I had enough for tonight but this whole assessment needed to be done by the time the clock his 12.

"you left it to the last minute didn't you?" I mocked my mum's voice
"No mum, I actually done the whole assessment a week before the due date but my computer destroyed the file" I replied to my imitation

I looked outside into my garden and watched the trees blow in the wind. I was tired and just wanted this stupid essay to go missing away from my life. I sighed and looked back at the screen and carried on  as I should of in the first place.

My eyes flickered open and a looked forward into the wall beside my computer desk.
"shit, shit, shit. I knew I shouldn't have been doing this at night, it is way too late and I am knackered." I slapped myself and looked at the time on my computer. I slammed my hand on my computer desk and yelled.
12:01, I had just missed the dead line and I was angry now. I sat at my desk in frustration and clicked on the internet tab that was up.
'I don't remember clicking on the internet while I was doing my work' I thought to myself.

It was a white submission screen that said,
Thank you for your assessment submission, Your assessment will be given back to you as soon as it has been graded.

I sat back and read the screen over and over, "I didn't submit this myself" I said, shaking my head gently knowing I would never forget me submitting my own piece of work and  I certainly wouldn't be sitting here still. I would be in bed and  would be warm. It was still freezing cold and I made my way to my bed side. A little slip of paper was on my bed side, I picked it up and placed it in the draw. It must have been receipt for something, I stripped down to my under wear and looked at the draw. What receipt was that,
"Oh of course, I need to take that toaster back."I laughed and pulled out the receipt out the draw.
"how much was that damn thing?"I looked at it and felt a lump in my throat.

I closed the paper after a while, trying to read in the darkness with only my computer screen giving me the little light.
I sat on the bed and breathed,
"I thought I would just help a little, always here watching you. lots of love" I read the note out loud and sobbed.

Friday 15 November 2013

Midnight nightmares

Have you ever been so frightened you can't look away from what is scaring you.
Yesterday I came back from an amazing conference by the RCM, it was fun and so much information was packed into my head. RCM means the royal collage of midwives.

But this doesn't matter right now, Wednesday morning we arrived at Telford for 8 Am I was at the station to leave at 5:30am to go to Telford. As you know this is a long day, when you go to your hotel room at 11:30 pm. I was Knackered, couldn't believe how long I had been up for but that isn't the point. My room mate was in the room and had already got ready to get into bed. I commented how I was going to have a shower and sorry if i keep the lights on. They dismissed my comment and said they would be asleep when I came out.

I thank them and went into the bathroom, having a very cold shower. I came out shivering and more awake then I was all day. The lights were dim and I could see the reflecting off our window. I closed the curtains closest to my side and left the others open as it didn't matter to my room mate that the curtains were open. I sighed as I pack my clothes up into the little room I had left in my case. I put my case down and made sure everything was place right. As in the morning was going to be a massive rush to get out.

I walked over to the the light switch and turned it off looking straight out side our window. Everything was dead outside and to be honest as soon as my head will hit that pillow so will I be, I thought chuckling to myself. I walked over to my bed and remembered that I had left my necklace in the bathroom. I sighed at my forgetfulnes and made my way back over to the bathroom, turn on the light and turn it off as soon as I saw my necklace. I grabbed it and laid back into my bed, the bed squeaked and moved as I shuffled into a comfortable position. This was on my back, my eyes closed and I let out a soft breath. I opened them and saw the moon light shine on the left wall. I blinked and looked at the trees swaying in the moon light. only their shadows. I blinked again. More swaying and soft breathing, I could feel myself drifting. Blinks were becoming longer, and I blinked again.

I held my breath this time and watched the shadow, the trees were no longer a light shadow on my wall and they were no longer trees. I felt my stomach tighten as saw the shadow get darker. I wanted to scream and watched the shadow with great care. A figure of a man around 6ft stood outside our window looking in. I knew this because as the shadow got darker it meant he was getting closer to the window. I heard a soft thud against the window and gasped.
'shit, he is looking in. What is he looking for?!'
I wanted to cry and what felt like a year, he left. I felt my whole body relax and just collapse into a limp state. But now I was on edge and it was late. My body screamed at my brain to relax and that we were too tired and too grown up for this crap.
"Come on Emily, you write scary stories all the time. You are just tired. Hearing and seeing things"

I giggled and closed my eyes agreeing with the logical before going into a light sleep.
I jumped up and breathed heavily, I closed my eyes again and smiled. I started drifting off again and relaxed.
I was just hearing things right? I must be.
But now as write the I know I wasn't. because what happened next made me so sure.
I laid still and heard another BANG and the what followed would be any normal persons nightmare. I could hear someone trying our door handle. I heard the lock jam and stop the handle from going down. I was now up and gently made my way to the door not making a sound.
Under the door a little light leaked in and as I placed my hand on the handle and locked it. The shadow of a person disappeared and let the light flood in.

I know this sounds really strange and you think I am lying. I am not, I told my friends who were staying there about it and they couldn't believe what I said. I told my dad and he even said, who did you tell.

Thing is I could have explained things away, what really seal my thoughts is that the door handle moved.

My freaky experience.

I leave you alone...

I leave my blog for a few days and it is going mental. Guys and Gals this is brilliant, I really thank you and I know youtube and google + are a bit messed up. But if you do have a Youtube account you can comment on here.
Start telling me your stories or private message me somewhere. Please I would love to see what you think :)
Just to say thank you here is a picture of alice cooper killing a woman XD Have a spooky day. I am going to write a quick story right now for you :P

Thursday 31 October 2013

Halloween special: Familiar face

I have been traveling on trains since I was young but it's only within the last month I've been using them more than anything.
What I mean by this is the most travel I've done to the sane destination.
One Thursday morning I was tired not having the best sleep the night before and train movements put me to sleep anyway my head grew heavy and I let my eyes close. I couldn't hear the voice that was telling us where we were going, my headphones blocked that out but I knew through the voice vibration where I was.
I had been asleep for 4 vibrations and I need to be asleep for five the wake up but it seems my body refused the extra 5 minutes of sleep and my eyes gently slid open. I looked up at the scroller that tells you what station you are at
This is a Victoria line to Brixton
It scrolled in bright orange dots. I looked back down,
'Seems I have a while longer' I thought to myself.
A few minutes past and looked up again. The information stayed the same. I had not actually remembered the station being this far apart. I guess sleep really does mess up you time, I looked around and everyone was reading the metro. Now for people who don't know the metro is a free paper you can get when you go to a station and very rarely when you go on the bus. Normally some really unimportant title on the front and a more gruesome and ugly tale in the middle. I would only read it for the little comic strips because they were the best bit about the whole thing. I noticed that actually not only everyone on here but on the other carriage was reading it. I felt like the odd one out and it made me feel like sick knowing that and I picked up a metro.
'Maybe I missed my station that's why it's taking this long'
I looked at the information strip again and the same bloody thing
This train is the Victoria line to Brixton.
I was frustrated now and looked over the metro at one of the people.
"Excuse me I am just wondering but what station is the next station?" I said loud enough for my ears. All of a sudden the train got faster and my stomach went tense. No one reacted to this and now I knew I must have been asleep. No one reads the metro for more than 4 stops and now one has reacted. I closed my eyes and let my head grow heavy again. I fell asleep easily and let my brain wake me up. I woke up what felt like a year later and slowly opened my eyes. I didn't lift my head just yet and looked across to my left to look at the person’s hands. They laid on his legs and no metro. It was still dark so I must have been still underground. I looked up and into the face of the person opposite. I wanted to scream in horror but I kept my face as unemotional as possible. This person has no lips, eyes, ear or nose. Just a White blur of a face and no emotions to even react to my surprised face. Sort of like slender man but you could tell this was the woman in front of me. She had her hair pulled back tight as possible as if the hair was holding her face together and kept it pegged up. I gulped and looked around. Everyone had the same blurred faces. Like someone had rubbed it out with an eraser that smudges the grey lines together. I looked into the window and saw my reflection was normal. I was the normal one and in my disturbance I hadn't noticed the train was still going. I was doing this timing by my body clock and it felt like a good 30 minutes we had been traveling in the darkness. I stood up and went to the door that joined the carriages and looked through. All the same, by this point I was angry. Why had I not waken up? This was not funny anymore and I was actually frightened of my mind.
"Get down the front and see the driver. We can't stay here!" I murmured to myself. I started to make my way to the door but the tube train got faster and made me stumble into one of the faceless people. This person got up and the door open, the trains still going as fast and the man jumped out. There is very little room between the train and the wall. The man at this speed was ripped up in the blood strips. Leaving bloody lines all across the windows. I was shocked and stayed still until the doors closed. Being more careful I made my way to the door and pulled it open. The way underground trains work is that there is no connection between them only a door and a little path way in which you can cross to the next cart. But if you open these while the train is moving there is a high chance that you will fall into the tracks and die. I was just determined to get out of this place and make my way home. The next four carts were the same when it came to the fifth cart I was surprised to find it completely empty. I sat down for a moment,
"I need a plan, what will I do if he is a faceless being like those things back there" I put my head in my hands and rubbed my face.
"What seem logical?" I looked up and saw a man that seemed very familiar to me.
"What do you mean?" I said in a hushed voice, trying to make sense of what I was hearing and seeing.
"What seems logical for you to do?" his voice was calm; his face was young but his voice wise with years of experience. He looked like he hadn't slept in a few days and his clothes were ragged.
"To run off the train like that guy back there because this is a dream and I can't wake up from this shit" I was frustrated and was actually thinking this.
"No you can't do that because this isn't a dream" he smiled and stood up. He walked up to the door and looked around.
"You should know this, there is no button to open the doors. Never has been on the Victoria line"
I looked at the train door and felt my face drop.
"Carry on walking then, until the end of the train. Rip the door open and control this train back to a station,” I said looking at him in hope I was even remotely right.
"Hmm good idea. Do you have a key to the door?" he wondered to himself.
" Oh Christ" I felt my chest clench and my heart pump.
"We are trapped and we can't get out" I couldn't catch my breath and fell to my knee. He watched me as I started having a panic attack waiting for it to pass. It felt like forever when I took a deep and needed breath.

We sat in silence for a while before I took out my phone and looked at the signal. I scoffed at the signal before placing it back into my pocket. My iPod had died in the first part of the journey. I sat there for a while longer before grabbing my bag and walking to the door.
"Come on then" I said adjusting my strap "might as well try our luck with the insane driver"
I sighed and opened the door.
I opened the door to the other Cart preparing for the cross over. The trained stopped and threw me across the carts like a rag doll. I screamed hearing my arm crack under the force of my body. I got up as quick as I got thrown. The man was in the other cart and blood dripped out of his head where he has collided with the glass panel. I felt a sharp stabbing pain in my arm and looked down at the disfigured limb
"Shit..." I whispered as I access the damage.
The train started moving again and went back to it's fast pace. I tried opening the door back to the helpful man but there was no hope. The sudden stop had slammed the door into a lock position. Meaning I would have to go to the front to ask for help or something. I started my way there knowing I was not only going for me but someone else now. This was a mission of life.

15 carts later I kicked someone’s leg gently and sat in his place. He jumped off the train as the many before him did and splatter across the window.
I actually feel asleep in that seat for a good half an hour. Once I woke again everyone had disappeared, leaving me shocked at the missing people. The information slide was blank and the train moved at a blurring speed.
"Shit, I didn't say bye to dad this morning." I sat straight in my chair and looked around at the many empty seats. Scratching on the chair spelled out help me, get off now, don't stop running, those blank faces. I laughed at my stupidity.
I had to carry on but knowing my false hope would just vanish soon enough. The never-ending train really does show what kind of person you are.

"I can't do this anymore. 50 carts are you kidding me!" I punch the glass plain. "What the fuck do you think I am? Did I really fucking deserve this?" I gritted my teeth and punched with all my force. The glass took the blow and all the force went back into my good arm. I screamed out in agony and looked at my bleeding knuckles. In my stupidity I forgotten about my other arm the broken one that was useless.
" Well that was a bit silly huh?" voices from behind me made my hairs stand on end.
"I couldn't get back go you." I said in a strained voice. Feeling a stabbing pain return to my arm knowing it was now there, instead of just running off the little adrenaline I had left.
"Don’t give up" he said in a hushed voice.
I looked at this man like he was mad.
"You are supposed to be dead!" I sighed.
"Be quiet now, no point stressing. Just carry on and no matter what happens to me carry on. Just trust me please" he was looking around paranoid, like someone was watching us both. I nodded and walked slowly back knowing that him being here was bad news. We both carried on, leaving doors open as we walked through the endless train.

It was at least an hour before we even spoke.
" Do you know who these faceless people are?" he asked looking at one of them. He went to reach out touching her face. She was definitely female because of the way she was dressed but also her cheek bones were far more defined than a mans. He clenched his hand and removed his hand away from her face. Just stopping his hand touching her white skin.
" I have no clue, I was walking through thinking that there is so many. Are they lost souls or something?”
I shrugged and looked at a man who was on the last seat.
" I think they are people who have got trapped on the train and gave up." he smiled and took his face away from the woman.
"And how do you know that?" my skeptical mind wondered at his sudden bluntness
"I walked behind you and you were pure White. You had started giving up and so I assumed that this is what happened" he sighed and rubbed his face
"What year is it?" he asked gently
"Erm 2013, I thought you would know that" I scoffed
"Oh really, I didn't think the years went that fast" he chuckled to himself "if I said I was on here just after the London bombings happened would you call bullshit?" my face went cold and I looked at him.
"I was on the bus behind the bus that blew up. My friend was on that bus and the reason was that she just got on the bus before the driver went. I was saying good-bye to my girlfriend and was late for work. I could of been dead now. Another body for people to morn over but instead I disappeared off the face of the earth. For people to speculate, did he kill himself? Run off with another girl? Did he start another life?" his eyes welled up.
"Oh well that is a life I could Start again but I am here so I need to deal with it" he rubbed his hands together and looked me in the eyes.
"We can do this. We can fight for it" he pulled the door open and grabbed my bag.
I nodded and we carried on forward. Even if this was infinite we were doing this and were doing it now.

We carried on chatting about our live to each other. Our experience and our futures.
"And what about relationships?" he asked gently. "Surely someone in university is ought to meet someone, especially someone as interesting as you"
I laughed and smiled
"Interesting is not always good. I haven't no. Just got great friends and I like someone but he isn't, well let's say single." I smiled
"May I say your girlfriend was lucky to have such a lovely guy?”
He laughed and put his hand on my shoulder
"I was a bastard. I was rude, moody, I didn't stop moaning and didn't know when to stop being a jackass" he smiled.
"This train has changed my mind on how I am suppose to act and you know what I thank it".
We carried on walking, taking it in turns of who was going to open the door and walking first.

"I need to sleep,” I said sitting on the chair. "I've not given up, I'm just tired." he allowed me to rest watching me for any change in my face. I was in deep sleep soon enough. My mind dragging me into it nightmares. I couldn't remember them much except that they were all me being alone.

I woke to the man shaking my arm. A thought slipped into my Mind, you still don't know his name.
I let a smile cross my lips gently and nodded.
"What’s your name?" I asked quickly.
"Oh yes, Mark is my name" he picked up my things and started walk. The smile was erased as I remembered I was in this nightmare.
We carried on walking and kept to our system. He opens 3 doors and I open three. No matter if it was an hour apart, it was a system to keep us both focused on it.
Every so often we would see a flash of light outside the train, this had only started happening once we had started watching the passing Walls.

We were having a break and counted the lights. 24 flashes of light. I was waiting for the next light and with all concentration I focuses and looked right where the light would be.
"3...2...1" and a flash of light. My mind made the image out and with a force I pushed myself out of my chair and pressed my face against the window.
"No fucking way" I cheered to myself and ran over to Mark who was sitting down at the other end playing with what was in his pocket.
"You’ll never guess what!" I said. I felt like a child that had just found that they were going to Disney.
He looked up at me with a questioning look. I pulled a piece of paper out of my bag and wrote:

I have to be silent, I have a feeling the train is listening.
The lights are not just lights. Concentrate on one of them and you will see bodies of people on a platform. I've seen 25 so far but as far as I remember there are 13 stations to Brixton. Meaning one station. Look out the window and concentrate.
After reading the messy writing, his eyes focused on the outside of the train. The light came past and I smiled at him.
"Holy..." a smile spread across his face
"And I know how to get it open"

We carried on forward a bit and found a full carriage. My broken arm was swollen and sore but I ignored the pain I was in to get ready for our escape.
We had to find a way to keep the door open.
My plan was simple "so we touch one of these lost souls they get up and open the door for us. All we have to do is jam it open before timing ourselves to jump out at the perfect time"
He nodded and I started make things to jam the door. Using paper from my pad of paper I screwed them into tight balls. Paper by itself is weak buy if you add lots of different paper together you can make a pretty strong barrier. But there needed to be an adhesive holding them together. Me not think we tried our first obstruction. Mark kicked the leg of the nearest and the man got up and opened the door. I started pushing paper in the cracks. The door closed not long after the man jumped off. I face palmed as the door compressed the paper to a leaving the door open a crack. I stuck my finger in the hole and looked at him.
"Going to need a lot more paper" we left that plan and went to marks one.
We tried to undo some screws on things, that didn't work. These screw on the train were here for a reason, to keep things in place and only to be removed with the right tool.
Final thing was to break what we could or anything we could get our hands. Having only one useable hand really was a disadvantage but I still tried my best to destroy the train.
With pure anger I stuck my foot into the metal sheet under the seats. It hit the floor and we both looked at our possible object that will save us. I smiled and Mark done the pleasure of kicking our next victim. The got up as usual, went to the door, it opened and before he jumped Mark placed the metal in the door. Laying it flat on the floor and as the door closed the sheet held strong.
The train’s speed increased all of a sudden and threw us into alert. It knew we were trying to out of this hell. Now we had to wait for the flashes of light.
"I am going to climb outside and see if we can hold onto anything to wait for the stations" Mark clambered and held his body close to the door. He shimmied to the gap and waited for a moment before coming back.
"Okay, you need two arms really for this but I think we can improvise around this situation." he reached into his pocket and got out a penknife.
"Wait, what that could have made our lives much easier" I sighed
"The man dropped it as he walked out" he smiled as if it wasn't his fault. Using the penknife he stuck it into one of the chairs and ripped through the material. He got a long strip and made a loop. We his gently touchy he pulled my arm through and made a second loop round my neck. Cutting another he placed it in his pocket.

We then planned to move. He grabbed my bag and shimmied into position. I followed him knowing it wasn't going to be as easy as he had made it look. The rush of the train made me fear for my life. The faceless people looked at me through the widow and watched me risk my life. Using my one arm I gripped the end of the train for dear life. Letting one foot stay on the step I reached to pull myself forward. I was kicking but there was no hard surface. I felt panic hit me and kept I looked up to see Mark waving me towards him. My broken arm hung uselessly as it swung in its blue support. I looked back at him and he was miming jump. I was frozen feeling the wall of the tunnel getting close. It was only a matter of time before the train turned. I took a deep breath and jumped towards Mark. His grip was quick and secure as I fell into him. He looked me in the eyes and nodded at me.

As the train moved we had to articulate with it. There really wasn't any room for us to breath. Mark had been messing round with the doors for a good half an hour. I watched him fiddling with it. I noticed when a door closed behind us we couldn't open it again. The doors had a latched sort of thing on them that was locking them in place and as Mark flicked something the doors opened. I smiled as he stood in the door way and I slipped in the one opposite. We looked at each other as the train rocked us back and forth. He smiled as he looked at me. I pulled a face at him and he laughed.
We waited for the first light and with in moments a flash of light made us pay attention.
He pulled me towards him and shouted in my ear.
"You go first..." his face was sad with realization
I started shaking my head and tears rolled down my face.
"You have to. I have very little motivation. Let you be my motivation to go back. I don’t have a family to remember Me." he had started cry and as we both sobbed. I felt his handgrip onto my arm.
"You have to do this for me and I will promise you I will find you when you are back" he leaned closer to me and kissed my head.
A smiled crept across his face as though he was trying to make me feel better.
"You have to keep that promise. I'm..."
"I know who you are don't worry".

Another light flashed and now his attention was focused on getting me safely to the station. I knew the next light was within the next few minutes.
I turned to him and slipped my iPod into his pocket. He didn't have an idea that I had slipped it in there.
"Get ready!"

The world went slow when he said that, I shifted my body so that I could get ready to spring forward. I messed this up and then this whole thing would be for nothing. I would be dead and Mark would become one of the faceless. Using my good arm I grabbed on to the edge of the train. Marks hands rested on my back. I breathed deeply, feeling marks hands become heavier.
The wind got more aggressive against my face and the lights could be seen at the end of the train. In a matter of mille seconds I could feel Mark push me and my body flew forward into the wall. It felt like an age, I braced myself for death and covered my face with my good arm. I took in my last breath as I hit the hard surface. I was screaming as loud as I possible can to cover any crunching that could be heard as my body flung into the wall. I prepared for the most pain I have ever experienced.

I hit the hard surface with full impact on my front. I wasn't dead and I was a bright room. My lungs screamed for some air and as the pain travelled to my heart I rolled onto my back. The lights blinded me and made me shield my face. The shocking pain in my arm returned as the blue carpet support grappled onto it.
Blurry black shapes appeared over me as the light blinded me.
The shape moved towards me and touched my body.
"GOD NO!!! Did he make it?" I screamed at the shadow as it backed away from me. My eyes started to clear and I saw the shadow was a man in a suit. He had moved towards the emergency button and was shouting at the staff to help. I looked around me and saw I was in Tottenham Hale station. I smiled and relaxed. I deserved a long and undisturbed sleep.

I woke up in a complete daze as I heard sobs from beside me. I looked across and saw my mum. I sat still waiting for her to respond to my body movement. She looked at me and saw I was awake. Her eyes lit up and reached across to hug me. I smiled and use little effort to comfort her back. I was in a lot of pain and was more concerned if I could get any painkillers. I looked around my room as to establish an idea of what was happening.
It turns out I was missing for 2 years. I disappeared one day when I was on a train to university I was last seen on the Victoria line but when it got to the last stop I had vanished out of thin air. Mum said she had seen the CCTV and really was strange that such a thing had happened. Brixton was the last stop but you can clearly see the staff checking the carriages and walk past. I wasn't there. In the time I missed there was war between countries, threats and bitching.
Nothing truly interesting happened. When people found me, some say that I appeared out of thin air and hit the ground. They said all they saw was a mans face behind me and I came out of nowhere. It was for a split second but it happened.
I am a changed person now. Some may say in a good way and some have said that it's in a strange way. I learnt to drive soon after; I have now got an irrational fear of going on a train. Or that is what the psychologist said and I laughed at the fact he called it irrational. I kidnapped by a train and you know what, I personally think that is a rational fear. They think I am lying about how I got trapped but I gave up on explaining to them what happened. I am now a midwife and I have never stopped thinking about the train.
I think I have found out why this whole thing happened.
This train goes past a station; that to it is a flash of light because it is moving so fast. When I fell asleep I was the only one who had my guard down on my carriage. Just the wrong kind of timing really, as the train past a station it was in line with the other train and I was taken by it. I think I was right about the lost soul. When we touched them then they would jump which made them free. Or did it just send them into years of punishment. It had actually turned out those few hours were a few years of my life gone. About 3 years and mum and dad never stopped trying to find me. My heart aches every time I think about him and I wonder if he will ever make it without me. If he will ever find me again.

"Your waters have broken but you are a little bit off being in established labor" I smiled at the lady lying on her back breathing through her contraction.
I allowed it to pass and then carried on doing the basics and smiled as she looked up at me.
"I am just going to get the doctor to look at something and then I will leave you in peace. Is that okay?" I smiled at her as she nodded.
I called for a doctor and waited for him to come in.
I saw the door open and the doctor come in. I was far too into the paper work to respond.
"Hello Mrs. ray, I'm Dr. Arbe is it okay if I bring a student in to watch?" he asked gently. I perked up and looked across the room at the student.
I felt my eyes fill will tears and stream down my face. I wiped then away before anyone asked.
"Now can you please going ask the lovely midwife if she has the report" a young student around age 24/25 walked towards me and asked for the files. I nodded and handed the files to him and carried on filling in my paper work.
The Doctor done his job and left with the student.
"So are you going to ask him out?" my client chuckled. I looked up and smiled.
"No, he is a familiar face but I don't think it was the guy I knew from a while back" my face was obvious enough for her to dismiss my pessimism.
The door opened and in walked the student doctor.
" Sorry, I left my notes. Is it okay if I grab them?” I smiled and nodded
"Sorry to intrude doctor. But what are you doing tonight?" my clients smile reached ear to ear.
"Nothing at all madam, why do you ask?" he smiled and made eye contact with her.
"Well my lovely midwife is free too and she fancies you by the look she was giving you and the sexual tension is way too much. So you two should totally go out tonight around 7"she sat up in her bed and laughed.
"Sounds good. Meet you at outside at 7?” he smiled as I agreed to it and left soon after.
"Oh you are a pain, he doesn't remember me!" I was going to be angry with her but then she just smiled. I laughed and hugged her.
"He is rather attractive and I think you two suite"
"I hope so because he promised something a long time ago"

I finished my shift with my woman and then made my way to get dressed for my 'date'. I waited outside the hospital for a good 15-20 minutes before giving up hope. I bent over and grabbed my bag. I could feel all these sudden feelings pushing their way up. Anger, sadness and disappointed all mixed into one and a tear ran down my face.
"Oh hey, sorry the doctor held me in for longer than." a voice came from behind me.
I felt the anger push up out of all the emotions. 'Sorry! After everything all he can say is thank you.'
I turned round and smiled.
"Shall we go?" I said bluntly
He allowed me to go into his car and we drove to restaurant he wanted to try. I kept silent on the way there, listening to all he had to say.
"What’s up?" he murmured as I had gone into my own world.
"I personally think I'm tired, I'm not too sure at the moment really."

We kept silent until we got the place.
"Please go ahead and get a table I will park" he smiled and I got out the car.
"I knew you wouldn't remember me,” I said as I closed the door knowing he didn't hear what I said.

We ate dinner and chatted for a while. He spoke about how amazing his life was and how it was nice to go on a date. I put on my fake smile. Nodding and noting what he said but I was dead inside.
"Enough about me. What about you?" he asked as he took a bite. I felt my insides shrink, hoping he wouldn't ask me anything.
"Not much really. Went through a lot of treatment for a mental disorder a few years ago but sane as they wanted me. Midwife and things now." I smiled as he looked at me.
"Excuse me I am just going to the bathroom. Are we having desert?" I asked gently
"Erm no unless..."
"No I am fine" I finished his sentence for him

I walked towards the toilet and stopped at the front desk.
I paid for the dinner and left. I explained to the waiter to pass the note over to him. Which said I've paid and gone.

I left and made my way on the main road. It would take me about 50 minutes to walk home which I wasn't too fussed about but the rain was freezing and hard. I pulled my arms around me and started the long journey. This was better than feeling dead inside by far.

20 minutes in the journey I was frozen. My hands had turned blue and I hadn't stopped crying since I first set off. Cars passed me over and over again. It was surprising that there were so many cars at this time of night. I heard a toot of a car horn; I jumped out of my skin and turned round.
The man jumped out the car and ran up to me.
"What the hell are you doing!" his voice was filled with frustration and worry.
"Walking...home" I couldn't even speak I was so cold.
He grabbed a towel from his car and wrapped it round me. He explained he went gym and kept spare stuff in his car.
I helped me get in and started driving me home.
We didn't talk at all but I could see how frustrated he was with me. At one point a tear rolled down his face. He pulled outside me house and looked at me.
"How’s your arm?" he asked me.
"My arm is fine? Why did you ask me that?" I scoffed.
"I thought... don't worry. Why did you leave?" he seemed upset
"It wasn't you as a person. How can you forget? That is why. You promised me when I left you would never forget me!" I felt all the anger push up and make me sick.
"I am confused what you mean?"
He looked at me and I shook my head. I left the car giving him back the towel.

I lay in bed watching the ceiling. I was going to have a bad night.

I was asleep, sitting up and had arms on either side of me. I was too tired to lift my head and respond to anyone around me. I let my eyes open and I looked at the grey flooring with a range of blue spots around. My head whipped back as the flooring looked so familiar.
"WHAT AM I DOING HERE!?"I screamed. A figure of a man slipped next me and stood looking at me. Faceless as those on the train but he wore a doctors uniform. White coat with red piping lining the coat. He had a Parker pen in his top pocket with two other bic pens. He had a mask covering his non-existent mouth and nose. I pulled away from his gloved hand as he went to reach for my mouth.
"WHAT AM I DOING ON THIS THING?!" I screamed at him again. He stood out the way for a man to walk forward.
"No, no, no. It can't be, I wont believe you took him. I saw him, I was with him not long ago" I sobbed to myself as the man I had waited for many years was standing their faceless. I cried more and the doctor came towards me. He grabbed a ready needle and pushed it into my arm. I allowed the thick, green liquid flow into my arm. Feeling it travel down my arm. My head became heavy and I felt my heart slow to barely beating. At least it was a quick death or would be. Beeping in the background of the door closing me in with the damned

I gasped for air and sat up in bed. Hold my throat and chocking for the little air that I could access. My phone rang next to me. Buzzing and beeping to tell me I had a call.
A random number that I had not saved on my phone had called me 23 times at 12:34-1:23. It rang again making me launch out to get.
"Hello?" I said, wondering who this persist-ant caller was
"Your woman has gone into labor, she requests that you are here"
"On my way".
I got ready for this whole event. I had been with this soon to be mother from the start and I was going to be as excited as was. Once I had woke up a little more I made a call to the cab company I normally used and waited.

40 minutes after the call I arrived at her bed side.
"Right, how is it going?" I asked smiling at her as she breathed through her contraction.
"Well a baby is on its way so good but the pain is not great"
I smiled and offered her pain relief and helped her through the next contraction.
As that happened, in walked Dr. Arbe and his student doctor. An overwhelming amount of emotions hit me and I looked back at my woman. The Doctor checked her over as she was breathing through it.
"What I am going to do..." he started his sentence and my woman ended it.
"You are going to leave. This is a midwife's job and not a doctor's. Now both you and your student leave!" she screamed through her next contraction
"But Mrs..." the doctor protested

The doctor left with his student and I smiled at her
"That guy isn't going to get away with hurting my friend" I looked up at her
"How did you?"
"You looked like someone had stabbed you in the heart when he walked in."
I looked back down and the next 30 minutes we had a little baby girl in the room.

I left my woman with her baby and smiled saying congratulation as I left the room. Walking straight into the student doctor.
"Come on. You can't ignore me for the rest of your life."
"Damn well try,” I murmured
"Here is a present I saw for you. Please take it."
I looked at the gift box and took it from his hand.
"Open it!" he hand a bright smile across his face.
I took the bow and pulled on one of the ends. It was red, silky and the box itself was black. I let the bow fall before and then lifted up the lid expecting to find necklace or something equal. I felt a rock in my stomach form and become heavy. I couldn't speak and looked up into his eyes
"Of course I didn't forget" he whispered and let a tear roll down his face.
I let the gift drop and hugged him sobbing into his chest.

Lets say that my world hasn't become any stranger. We gained a following after we both said we experienced it. People started coming out of the woodwork and said they had to. But now it was on different lines. Our website is huge now and I am not going to lie but people have threatened us to stop our 'lying'. They don't scare me at all to be honest. I got married to Mark after he gave me that gift. If you are asking what that gift was. It was my old iPod; he even had the penguin cover.
He had to buy a special charger for it so he could give it to me working. I laughed at the fact he was so cute about it.
Now the reason I told you this story is because in a weeks time the story will be posted and most people see it as just another horror story for Halloween. But those who have experienced this please him and me are here to help if we come back alive that is.
We are going back on the ghost train and we are not coming back until we know it's true purpose. It may kill us or even worse may make us one of its slaves. I will be gone by Halloween. I may have updated my blog days before but I am just saying good-bye.

PS (enjoy your halloween and have a scary night) 
EM x

Sunday 27 October 2013


heya Guys and Gals
sorry about no updates
-I had no computer/laptop
-No time
But I have finally found some time on my hands to update. I have been writing a story and I am soon to release it. It has been so long since I have told anyone one of my stories and I miss doing things.
I have revamped the cornfield killer and soon to be writing up neat on the computer. The next few years my writing is going to be very spaced out. The reason I have suddenly updated is due to the fact I am stressing out about my journey  and  as you know if you are from London there are some fears that there is going to no train lines until 9:00 am and that is no good.  But the story I have written is well, about my journey to my university but with a twist. (come on guys don't you know me?)
:) hopefully going to release around HALLOWEEN!

have a good one and a scary one until then.
don't take your eyes off them.
EM x

Sunday 4 August 2013

an update :D

It has been a year since I am established this blog and well hasn't it been a year :D
I have got 1855 views at the moment and I am so proud.
on the 15th will be the actual day that I made this blog but on that will be when I upload one story for you guys. Now this will be the follow on from my very first posted story :D
Anyway for Geek week me and my sister want to play D&D and now I am creating my character, so please guys have fun and please +1 my blog, every little helps :D

Sunday 23 June 2013


guys have a look on youtube if you want an update about somethings. now going to listen to some myuu and write some stories :D

Friday 21 June 2013

Streamside valley part 2

I walked towards the altar and saw a door that went into the back of the church where confessions were  made. It's hinges were cracked and rusted, they hadn't been moved for years. I pushed the idea of a person in this village out of my messed up my head, they weren't going to be here and if they were it would be a different place. I chuckled at my childish thinking and made my way of the church and saw that one of the houses was falling apart. I had not noticed this before, I walked towards what was left of it. I walked to the top of the mound as I saw something sticking out that was slightly stranger. I pulled it out before realising what it actually was, I screamed at the top of my lung; throwing the bone of an animal across the rubble. I wiped my hand on my jeans in a reaction of the sticky flesh that was left. I felt the hairs on the back of my neck raise up, I couldn't believe I was reacting in such a way. 'What am I a child?!' I questioned myself before rubbing down my arms from the goose bumps. I turned round to see of course nothing, this investigation was getting to me but I had to hold tight for the night as I was going to have to suffer the freezing cold and the ghost that may haunt me. I saw birds fly over the village hall and doing a circle before diving into a hole in the roof. That was my way in, I ran over to the side of the building and saw that a smashed window was just above my head. I saw a chair in the collapsed build and yanked it out seeing all the rubble in the middle fall further into the holes. A crashing sound echoed round the building, I made sure nothing else reacted to the sounds and then run over to the window. I stood on the chair and peered into the broken window, it was empty. Nothing was left at all, it was a large hall with a piece of paper left in the middle and that was it. I pulled myself onto the ledge and smashed the window a little bit more; before stepping inside the dark abyss. I hung from the inside ledge and dropped down.
"Hello?" I shouted loud enough for the building to answer back hello. It was a lot colder in here than outside and it made me shiver. I looked round for maybe something the village people missed, but the had made sure that everything was missing.
"It will seem the village people were prepared to clear this area but not the church, I wonder why?" I felt my chest tickle as the dust had slowly filled my lung. I started going into a coughing fit, heaving over trying to get air into the one working lung. I breathed heavily and looked up.
"Thanks!" I said; in a fit of rage
"I am sorry" a whisper barely audible shocked me into a upright positions and made me hold the cough that was trying to interrupt the peace,
"sorry for what?" I said hoping that it was the wind
" I am so sorry..." The voice was silent again and I waited for a minute or so before moving again. I was determined to remove myself from this building. I walked to the front door and tried the lock, I should have known that this was going to be the building that stood strong. I heard the door behind me creak open, I turned round as slow as I could, keeping one eye closed before revealing one of the hall doors had open. It was into the garden at the back of the village hall. I was all grown over and was barely visible but there was path down the middle. I made my way down it, pushing away the weeds and wild flowers. Eventually I had to stop because of the mesh of brambles at the bottom of the garden. I shook my head, this was a pointless day. I had been chasing shadows all day and now I had to get out of this fricking building and this frustrated me more. I could stand this place, why did I think of such a stupid idea.
"FUCK THIS PLACE!!" I screamed and threw a piece of plank at the door that had just closed. I calmed myself down before thinking how I was going to get out of this damn garden. I saw the fence that was covered in brambles, every other possibility was blown out the water because I really had nothing else. I walked over and got a grip on the edge of the bramble nest, I saw a dead piece of tree and pulled myself forward straight into the bush of bramble. I kept still so the thorns could not grapple onto my skin, seeing the fence I grabbed the little part that was showing pulled myself forward cringing in agony biting into my lip as the thorns ripped through my skin now matter how much effort I put in. I eventually was close enough to the fence to try and flip over it. It isn't a tall fence but the brambles made it look massive, I used both arms to pull myself over and I landed on the other side of the fence into a grass pile. I laid there for a while, letting my body rest. I sat up picking any remaining thorns out of me before going to my sleeping area. I had enough of today and I was ready to sleep, even if it was only 5pm.

As I walked across the village I saw the door of my sleep area open. I shook my head as I remember not locking it. I let out a sign and continued forward into the house,
"can this day get any worse!" I looked at my things as I had noticed something had stole some of my socks from my bag. Not food, water, bedding but socks. I grabbed my can of food that I had grabbed from the house and heated it up through the means of the still working stove.
"oh shit!" I hit my head before turning the food off and hobbled to the church, I had left the damn camera in there.
I made my way into the doors again and saw my camera on the bench. I smiled as it had been on all this time and still was on. I stopped it and closed it before hobbling back to where my food was cooking. I sat down and ate the beans, they were hot but I was too tired to focus on the amount of actual pain I was in. After I had settled down to rest I looked at the camera, I shut the door and bolted it, then undressed myself pulling on my pjs for bed. I kept the same socks on before of that bloody animal that stole socks!
I laid in my sleeping bag that was next to the fire in the living room. I had actually got this fire going before I bolted the door closed for the night, the window I smashed in was covered in a plastic I had found in the house. I made sure that my sleep wasn't going to be stopped by some stupid animal. I watch the footage on the camera and saw the point I had put it down, nothing really was noticeable until it came to me around the time hearing that voice. The church was empty but then the figure I thought I saw that morning; returned in the door way and stood there for a good few minutes before walking back into the church. The door shut and it was gone, nothing again until I picked up the camera. You could hear my pants and as I picked up the camera it got the final shot of the man near the altar. I felt chills go up my spine and make me sick. I gulped before putting the camera down for the night. I fell asleep not long after.

I woke at 3 am, there was a heavy air about the place that made me breath gently. I looked up to see an actual mist form around me. I sat up slowly, dragging myself out of my dream state and looked around.
"I am sorry..." The voice had hit me again
"what for? I am..." I looked around to see where had the voice had come from, a woman with no face and wasn't touching the floor.
"He was the one, no children, no women, no life..." she said in her gently but ghostly voice.
"what? you are making no sense" I was now frustrated, this woman had decided to turn up at 3am and not make sense.
"RUN! He will not have any one live if they know the secret."
"what secret?"
"He killed everyone, the villagers never left, he brutally murdered everyone"
"I... I don't believe it" I said standing now, I heard a knocking at the front door.
I was shocked, why do we freeze when we are scared. I stood there what felt like hours and finally came to when I heard the second lot of bangs. I grabbed my bag which was next to my bed and shoved my sleeping bag in there. Another lot of bangs and I was rushing now, I shoved my camera and notes in there too before hearing a cracking at the front door. He was breaking in, I looked around to hide and hole in the fire place was big enough for me to fit into it. I squeezed myself into the gap and felts the floor collapse, it was a tunnel under me and I fell through. I stood still as I heard the footsteps on the floor boards, he was huge but not human. He wasn't physical at all and this scared me into running out the tunnel. He had heard me and started to follow the crashes of rock that followed me. I came out into an opening which I knew was under the church. I held my breath as I heard him turn up behind me, I looked round and saw this shadow man. Like the woman he wasn't touching the floor. But he had a face, too many teeth for his face, no eyes and thin nose.
"I just want to leave." I begged him
He just laughed and bashed me over the head.

"So are you saying, that the reason there is no inhabitants is because there was a man who murdered all the people Streamside village?"
"I am saying that this is a plausible suggestion, they found me at the side of a road with a crack in my skull where I had been bashed over the head. You can't call that fake evidence, plus the footage I have just shown you was not edited. I don't know what I can say to convince my fellow class mates that there is a huge murder scene that has been missed. That animal bone wasn't an animal bone, it was a fucking human bone"
"where are they then? The bodies?"
" To be honest I didn't really want to ask a man where he buried his victims, she wouldn't have told me either. He is coming here, he isn't just at the village and he will not just come after to me any more. You guys will be next unless you move from here."
I finished my project and then left the school, I asked my parents to move as quick as possible. They agreed and said the city life should be better for me anyway.
Months later I read an article in the news that said that
I placed the paper down and smiled at mum, she smiled back and drunk her tea.
"anything happened?" she asked gently
" Nah, just the usual" I smiled as I poured myself a cup of tea
I warned them