Sunday 24 November 2013

Just an average night: chapter 1

I rubbed my eyes gently as they were sore as anything. Looking at a computer screen for too long; really does mess up your eyes. I clicked a few more times before giving up and making my way to the bathroom. I looked at my phone to see the time and sighed,
"Three hours on that damn computer and I have barely got anywhere with it." I grumbled to myself and washed my face before looking at it in the mirror.
"No wonder I am single" I chuckled and made my back to the computer.
I walked back into my room and I didn't realise how cold it was. I shivered and put my hoody on, I breathed deep. I was trying to warm my body that was in complete and utter shock. My breath came out in a white mist.
"Damn heating is not working again"I growled at the old heating and wrapped a blanket around my legs.
I felt a wave of goose bumps spread over my body. I had enough for tonight but this whole assessment needed to be done by the time the clock his 12.

"you left it to the last minute didn't you?" I mocked my mum's voice
"No mum, I actually done the whole assessment a week before the due date but my computer destroyed the file" I replied to my imitation

I looked outside into my garden and watched the trees blow in the wind. I was tired and just wanted this stupid essay to go missing away from my life. I sighed and looked back at the screen and carried on  as I should of in the first place.

My eyes flickered open and a looked forward into the wall beside my computer desk.
"shit, shit, shit. I knew I shouldn't have been doing this at night, it is way too late and I am knackered." I slapped myself and looked at the time on my computer. I slammed my hand on my computer desk and yelled.
12:01, I had just missed the dead line and I was angry now. I sat at my desk in frustration and clicked on the internet tab that was up.
'I don't remember clicking on the internet while I was doing my work' I thought to myself.

It was a white submission screen that said,
Thank you for your assessment submission, Your assessment will be given back to you as soon as it has been graded.

I sat back and read the screen over and over, "I didn't submit this myself" I said, shaking my head gently knowing I would never forget me submitting my own piece of work and  I certainly wouldn't be sitting here still. I would be in bed and  would be warm. It was still freezing cold and I made my way to my bed side. A little slip of paper was on my bed side, I picked it up and placed it in the draw. It must have been receipt for something, I stripped down to my under wear and looked at the draw. What receipt was that,
"Oh of course, I need to take that toaster back."I laughed and pulled out the receipt out the draw.
"how much was that damn thing?"I looked at it and felt a lump in my throat.

I closed the paper after a while, trying to read in the darkness with only my computer screen giving me the little light.
I sat on the bed and breathed,
"I thought I would just help a little, always here watching you. lots of love" I read the note out loud and sobbed.

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