Sunday 27 October 2013


heya Guys and Gals
sorry about no updates
-I had no computer/laptop
-No time
But I have finally found some time on my hands to update. I have been writing a story and I am soon to release it. It has been so long since I have told anyone one of my stories and I miss doing things.
I have revamped the cornfield killer and soon to be writing up neat on the computer. The next few years my writing is going to be very spaced out. The reason I have suddenly updated is due to the fact I am stressing out about my journey  and  as you know if you are from London there are some fears that there is going to no train lines until 9:00 am and that is no good.  But the story I have written is well, about my journey to my university but with a twist. (come on guys don't you know me?)
:) hopefully going to release around HALLOWEEN!

have a good one and a scary one until then.
don't take your eyes off them.
EM x