Sunday 30 September 2012


hello people
I have found a little free to update you on this fine now afternoon. been watching the craftycockney recently and my god he is funny guys go and have a look at his channel

Friday 28 September 2012


so hello guys
got a bit of a problem because tomorrow and Sunday I really have nooooooooooooooooo time to upload a video. So tonight I am going to release a blog and how to make creeper shoes

Thursday 27 September 2012

Can you help?

Hello people of Blogger.
Hope everyone is good and is having a good week. Mine is slightly stressful and your help is needed. basically I need you guys to share or post or comment. I really need you guys to help me so that I can at least be seen by more than 10 people and my god those people are great for looking at my blog! I love you guys for reading but help me a long and share! It takes a click of one button and that is it :D so please share my blog you beautiful people

Saturday 22 September 2012


I am fairly bored so here is what happened this week.
Like everyday of my school I have biology, psychology and Religious Studies. The one thing that has got me is that we have within two weeks of being in school have got to pick 5 universities and the subject that we want to study and then send in the application in a dead line of 3 weeks now. I barely have got over the shock that I can't do my chosen subject due to that I don't have the grade needed. Anyway so this is a warning just before I abandon you guys, I won't be able to post a lot of things at all during this next few weeks. So while I have the time now I am going to try and record enough material to just edit and post on the weekends. I have had barely any time today let alone during the week. But I thank those who watch and read this blog. This is my main blog that I will try to post every Saturday  on here. But I cannot promise. This will be called the Blog of the week and will be different to my blog on YouTube. Anyway Guys have a good week and weekend. BTW PLEASE SEND ME SHOE SUGGESTION!

competition ??

Hello bloggers

Sunday 16 September 2012

The Geek collection 8D

Hello people of Blogger
My very brilliant friend has came up with a name for the shoes I am intending to make. It is The Geek Collection for Gamers. This is a fantastic idea and so :D. Guys please throw ideas at me that YOU would like to see on a shoe :D ;) so far I have

.   .       Harry potter
2.      Creeper (Minecraft)
3.      Pigs (minecraft)
4.      SpongeBob
5.      Sesame street
6.      Mario
7.      Assassins creed
8.      Pac man
9.       Sonic
1.    Tetris
1.    Angry birds
1.    Space invaders
1.    Pewdiepie? (Stephano)

minecraft creeper shoes :D

hello guys I am here to show you my newest creation that I have done. And if you guys would like a pair, tell me I will sell them for £10-£15 depending on the size of your feet. :D tell me the size then I will put them on eBay. Also I will do any design you request so please comment and I will give you £3 off if you post a comment on here today  about what kind of shoe you would like.

Saturday 15 September 2012

challenge :D

hello guys to set the limits of what I want here is a picture I drew and used paint to help me define the colours. so please see and try get better than that.

Friday 14 September 2012

competition for those who can draw

Hello people of Blogger.
 I am EMassassins here and I would like to throw something out there. I am doing a competition for those who can draw!!! :D

BASICALLY I feel my YouTube picture Isn't suited to my name which of course is EMassassins. I want you guys to post a picture on this blog and if you can't do that then go onto my Google + page and post it on there.
But there is requirements:
~It has to be linked to my name in some way, no matter how small.
~ I won't accept stick men unless the are funny and don't forget the one above
~ I will accept the picture no matter how badly drawn.

WHAT DO YOU WIN? well your picture; if chosen will be used on my YouTube picture and the top 5 will be put onto YouTube. You will also, if you have a YouTube account I will mention your YouTube account and link any video of your choice into my video. Plus if you are really up to it, You can be the main voice in my next video. All you have to do is send me a picture that is linked to EMassassins.

Little tip: I am a writer so pen, paper or pencil would be great. But is not required
Good luck!
The closing date will be next week on Sunday  23/9/12
please guys If you don't you will be missing an opitunity :D

P.s guys please send asap so i can update by next Sunday. 

Monday 10 September 2012


Guys and Gals please comment bellow on what should be my YouTube picture. I am gonna change it to something more EMassassins

Sunday 9 September 2012

I am gonna blog on YouTube today because I have had time and I really love you guys. I might put a story on here if I can be bothered. You got to understand that I just had my first few days back and it was fairly tiring so by posting this is me pushing myself :D haha so I love you guy and please have a good week ;) Emily out. here is the link to my newest video :D

Saturday 8 September 2012

hello bloggers
all I have to say to you is that I am sooooo tired! this week has been long and going back to school was hard

Tuesday 4 September 2012

helllllllllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo guyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyysssssssssss this is my last blog before I go back to school and I thought I say well hi. I am right now writing a few more stories and a few will be put onto YouTube but I have had inspiration from a film I watch recently and so I am gonna base it on it. No I am not copying I like the idea ;) that is all, thanks for everyone who reads this and help me out by sharing :D

Sunday 2 September 2012

bovey house

hey guy as you can see on my blog that I have released a video that has true stories within from the book west country hauntings please enjoy and comment on here share you stories by posting a comment

Saturday 1 September 2012

This is my blog for the week please guy go and have a listen. I will give you 5 EMassassins tokens if you click on the link <----- YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO :D
posting many videos today guy. so please go and have a look. I may even post a story up on here because I really do love you guys who read my blog and watch my YouTube channel :D