Sunday 24 November 2013

Just an average night: chapter 1

I rubbed my eyes gently as they were sore as anything. Looking at a computer screen for too long; really does mess up your eyes. I clicked a few more times before giving up and making my way to the bathroom. I looked at my phone to see the time and sighed,
"Three hours on that damn computer and I have barely got anywhere with it." I grumbled to myself and washed my face before looking at it in the mirror.
"No wonder I am single" I chuckled and made my back to the computer.
I walked back into my room and I didn't realise how cold it was. I shivered and put my hoody on, I breathed deep. I was trying to warm my body that was in complete and utter shock. My breath came out in a white mist.
"Damn heating is not working again"I growled at the old heating and wrapped a blanket around my legs.
I felt a wave of goose bumps spread over my body. I had enough for tonight but this whole assessment needed to be done by the time the clock his 12.

"you left it to the last minute didn't you?" I mocked my mum's voice
"No mum, I actually done the whole assessment a week before the due date but my computer destroyed the file" I replied to my imitation

I looked outside into my garden and watched the trees blow in the wind. I was tired and just wanted this stupid essay to go missing away from my life. I sighed and looked back at the screen and carried on  as I should of in the first place.

My eyes flickered open and a looked forward into the wall beside my computer desk.
"shit, shit, shit. I knew I shouldn't have been doing this at night, it is way too late and I am knackered." I slapped myself and looked at the time on my computer. I slammed my hand on my computer desk and yelled.
12:01, I had just missed the dead line and I was angry now. I sat at my desk in frustration and clicked on the internet tab that was up.
'I don't remember clicking on the internet while I was doing my work' I thought to myself.

It was a white submission screen that said,
Thank you for your assessment submission, Your assessment will be given back to you as soon as it has been graded.

I sat back and read the screen over and over, "I didn't submit this myself" I said, shaking my head gently knowing I would never forget me submitting my own piece of work and  I certainly wouldn't be sitting here still. I would be in bed and  would be warm. It was still freezing cold and I made my way to my bed side. A little slip of paper was on my bed side, I picked it up and placed it in the draw. It must have been receipt for something, I stripped down to my under wear and looked at the draw. What receipt was that,
"Oh of course, I need to take that toaster back."I laughed and pulled out the receipt out the draw.
"how much was that damn thing?"I looked at it and felt a lump in my throat.

I closed the paper after a while, trying to read in the darkness with only my computer screen giving me the little light.
I sat on the bed and breathed,
"I thought I would just help a little, always here watching you. lots of love" I read the note out loud and sobbed.

Friday 15 November 2013

Midnight nightmares

Have you ever been so frightened you can't look away from what is scaring you.
Yesterday I came back from an amazing conference by the RCM, it was fun and so much information was packed into my head. RCM means the royal collage of midwives.

But this doesn't matter right now, Wednesday morning we arrived at Telford for 8 Am I was at the station to leave at 5:30am to go to Telford. As you know this is a long day, when you go to your hotel room at 11:30 pm. I was Knackered, couldn't believe how long I had been up for but that isn't the point. My room mate was in the room and had already got ready to get into bed. I commented how I was going to have a shower and sorry if i keep the lights on. They dismissed my comment and said they would be asleep when I came out.

I thank them and went into the bathroom, having a very cold shower. I came out shivering and more awake then I was all day. The lights were dim and I could see the reflecting off our window. I closed the curtains closest to my side and left the others open as it didn't matter to my room mate that the curtains were open. I sighed as I pack my clothes up into the little room I had left in my case. I put my case down and made sure everything was place right. As in the morning was going to be a massive rush to get out.

I walked over to the the light switch and turned it off looking straight out side our window. Everything was dead outside and to be honest as soon as my head will hit that pillow so will I be, I thought chuckling to myself. I walked over to my bed and remembered that I had left my necklace in the bathroom. I sighed at my forgetfulnes and made my way back over to the bathroom, turn on the light and turn it off as soon as I saw my necklace. I grabbed it and laid back into my bed, the bed squeaked and moved as I shuffled into a comfortable position. This was on my back, my eyes closed and I let out a soft breath. I opened them and saw the moon light shine on the left wall. I blinked and looked at the trees swaying in the moon light. only their shadows. I blinked again. More swaying and soft breathing, I could feel myself drifting. Blinks were becoming longer, and I blinked again.

I held my breath this time and watched the shadow, the trees were no longer a light shadow on my wall and they were no longer trees. I felt my stomach tighten as saw the shadow get darker. I wanted to scream and watched the shadow with great care. A figure of a man around 6ft stood outside our window looking in. I knew this because as the shadow got darker it meant he was getting closer to the window. I heard a soft thud against the window and gasped.
'shit, he is looking in. What is he looking for?!'
I wanted to cry and what felt like a year, he left. I felt my whole body relax and just collapse into a limp state. But now I was on edge and it was late. My body screamed at my brain to relax and that we were too tired and too grown up for this crap.
"Come on Emily, you write scary stories all the time. You are just tired. Hearing and seeing things"

I giggled and closed my eyes agreeing with the logical before going into a light sleep.
I jumped up and breathed heavily, I closed my eyes again and smiled. I started drifting off again and relaxed.
I was just hearing things right? I must be.
But now as write the I know I wasn't. because what happened next made me so sure.
I laid still and heard another BANG and the what followed would be any normal persons nightmare. I could hear someone trying our door handle. I heard the lock jam and stop the handle from going down. I was now up and gently made my way to the door not making a sound.
Under the door a little light leaked in and as I placed my hand on the handle and locked it. The shadow of a person disappeared and let the light flood in.

I know this sounds really strange and you think I am lying. I am not, I told my friends who were staying there about it and they couldn't believe what I said. I told my dad and he even said, who did you tell.

Thing is I could have explained things away, what really seal my thoughts is that the door handle moved.

My freaky experience.

I leave you alone...

I leave my blog for a few days and it is going mental. Guys and Gals this is brilliant, I really thank you and I know youtube and google + are a bit messed up. But if you do have a Youtube account you can comment on here.
Start telling me your stories or private message me somewhere. Please I would love to see what you think :)
Just to say thank you here is a picture of alice cooper killing a woman XD Have a spooky day. I am going to write a quick story right now for you :P