Sunday 21 April 2013


We ate dinner in silence; this was slowly driving me mad, I hated silence it meant that people were keeping secrets. When Connor explained to mum that he had told me everything and she seemed relieved by this. She said
“the police think it was a tramp that lives in the woods and saw you building the den. Was wondering what it was and just walked over to see that it was just a den. Thinking he was trespassing on the land and so , he done a runner when he saw Connor went after him” she seemed like she was happy with that answer, I looked at Connor and he returned the look.  We were not as satisfied as my mum.
“Thank you mum for being so supportive, I am going to sleep next door tonight. You know to give Connor a little company.” I smiled and he seemed confused. 

1 comment:

  1. There is more for you guys and should be released onto kindle very very soon :D
