Friday, 21 December 2012
hello and welcome
well hello those who are reading this, as you might know i write me own stories. But this update is not about that, it is about having a great xmas. to those out there reading this, have a great Christmas :)
Monday, 17 December 2012
psycho. 2.0.
"a boys best friend is his mother", as a kid we used to watch this film called Psycho. It never really shocked me, no matter how young I was it never scared me. One day I actually understood the film, " a boys best friend is his mother." This is the one quote that has stuck with me and will always stick with me. Understanding what that actually meant wasn't the thing that shocked me, it was my friend Adam that shocked me. Like in the film he never ever turned to shout at his mum, he just done as he was told no matter what she asked. It was a reflection on the film, he was a nice guy. Would jump in front of a car if you were about to be hit. But I never clicked with him at all, there was something that was in the back of me head telling me to run and get the fuck out of there. But being logical I ignored it and carried on with life. He was the sort of child to be invisible to those around him.
we went through school together and still I was never able to get use to him. One day when we were 14 years of age we had to pair up in class to do a project. My friend ran off to her boyfriend and I was left to be paired by the teacher. Giving my friend evils, the teacher then said "Em and Adam please can you pair up."
My mouth dropped and looked behind me to see the pale, tall figure of Adam. My friend started giggling, with a swift movement of my hand I stuck my finger up at her. She just laughed harder and I walked over to him.
"hello Adam, so what are we doing and when are we doing it?" I said just ready to get this over and done with.
"well we plan it in school.Then we can go back to my house tonight and doing it together. Does that sound okay?" He was very calm and had a quiet voice. It was very calming that it almost sent me into a trance. I agreed and we actually had a laugh, he was funny and actually very cute. But still in my head was that voice, run get the fuck out of here now.
When the bell went for lunch I walked out the class and asked if he wanted to hang out with me for lunch. He agreed, the voice still ran in my head over and over again. It became background noise in the end, I was having so much fun with a guy I have never talked with. Last lesson and then home. I let my mother know what was happening before going to Adam's house. It was a large house that had 3 floors to it, his mothers bedroom was on the top floor and his on the second. We jogged up the first flight of stairs when his mother shouted down the stairs, he cringed at her voice and showed me to his room. Before flying up the flight of stairs.
His room was huge, must have been triple the size of my room. He had a computer, double bed, flat screen HD, Xbox, ps3 and a bluerayer player. He was loaded, but as promised I grabbed his laptop and pushed my memory stick in. I was a computer nerd and when it came to other people's computers I was obsessed with what they were into. So with a bit of computer magic I fiddled with a few files, and up popped a few documents. They were all boring, until I found one page that was titled ' That is it'. being a huge fan of scary stories and creepy pasta I thought it was a copy and paste of one of his stories. I was mistaken, once opening the file it was a picture enlarged. A bloody corpse of a woman, I barely got a look in when I heard him coming down the stairs. I closed the files and smiled as he came into the room.
"let's get started" he smiled and sat next to me. The voices in my head were back and now screaming at the top of their lungs RUN, FUCK SCHOOL RUN!
Everything went as normal, he offered me drink and food. He ran downstairs and started to make the drink. I gently walked out the room and upstairs. One step at a time, each I carefully placed my foot. I came to the door and gently pushed on it.
"hello Mrs..." I couldn't finished the sentence before screaming. It slipped my lips. Hearing Adam now rushing upstairs, in panic I pushed the door closed and sat behind it. He tried to push the door open, but I sobbed and looked at the begging body. She was nothing, it looked like she had been removed from her skin. Blood was everywhere and I was sitting in her blood. The skin hanged on a hanger and her the blood was warm. He had only just killed her. I sobbed seeing the eyes of the woman look deep into my soul. She looked like the imagine, so close to it but she was not that woman. She was much younger, I caught the vomit in my throat. I couldn't look at her any more.
"Em come on out and I will tell you what happened. In fact I will tell you now. She was insane and tried to stab me. so in defence I attacked back and well I got a bit carried away. You know how much I love my mum, you wrote it in you dairy the other day." A deep chuckle echoed through the door, this made me flinch away.
I stopped listening and he walked away from the door. I heard him go down the stairs and root through his draws. Cursing he went down another flight. I got up and went to the window, Putting a chair behind the door before trying to climb out the window. There was a ledge about a foot wide. I balanced and climbed for my life. To be honest, all I remembered after that, was me calling the police and me falling off the roof. Adam was arrested and well he always says when ever they interview him that "a boys best friend is his mother". He was released on insanity and has to stay in an asylum. He sees a psychologist daily. They won't get through to him, from what I saw he knew every single thing he was doing. He knew I would climb onto the roof. He was going to kill me one way or another. I was lucky to survive but am I lucky to be alive. To suffer the fear of him returning to the world...
we went through school together and still I was never able to get use to him. One day when we were 14 years of age we had to pair up in class to do a project. My friend ran off to her boyfriend and I was left to be paired by the teacher. Giving my friend evils, the teacher then said "Em and Adam please can you pair up."
My mouth dropped and looked behind me to see the pale, tall figure of Adam. My friend started giggling, with a swift movement of my hand I stuck my finger up at her. She just laughed harder and I walked over to him.
"hello Adam, so what are we doing and when are we doing it?" I said just ready to get this over and done with.
"well we plan it in school.Then we can go back to my house tonight and doing it together. Does that sound okay?" He was very calm and had a quiet voice. It was very calming that it almost sent me into a trance. I agreed and we actually had a laugh, he was funny and actually very cute. But still in my head was that voice, run get the fuck out of here now.
When the bell went for lunch I walked out the class and asked if he wanted to hang out with me for lunch. He agreed, the voice still ran in my head over and over again. It became background noise in the end, I was having so much fun with a guy I have never talked with. Last lesson and then home. I let my mother know what was happening before going to Adam's house. It was a large house that had 3 floors to it, his mothers bedroom was on the top floor and his on the second. We jogged up the first flight of stairs when his mother shouted down the stairs, he cringed at her voice and showed me to his room. Before flying up the flight of stairs.
His room was huge, must have been triple the size of my room. He had a computer, double bed, flat screen HD, Xbox, ps3 and a bluerayer player. He was loaded, but as promised I grabbed his laptop and pushed my memory stick in. I was a computer nerd and when it came to other people's computers I was obsessed with what they were into. So with a bit of computer magic I fiddled with a few files, and up popped a few documents. They were all boring, until I found one page that was titled ' That is it'. being a huge fan of scary stories and creepy pasta I thought it was a copy and paste of one of his stories. I was mistaken, once opening the file it was a picture enlarged. A bloody corpse of a woman, I barely got a look in when I heard him coming down the stairs. I closed the files and smiled as he came into the room.
"let's get started" he smiled and sat next to me. The voices in my head were back and now screaming at the top of their lungs RUN, FUCK SCHOOL RUN!
Everything went as normal, he offered me drink and food. He ran downstairs and started to make the drink. I gently walked out the room and upstairs. One step at a time, each I carefully placed my foot. I came to the door and gently pushed on it.
"hello Mrs..." I couldn't finished the sentence before screaming. It slipped my lips. Hearing Adam now rushing upstairs, in panic I pushed the door closed and sat behind it. He tried to push the door open, but I sobbed and looked at the begging body. She was nothing, it looked like she had been removed from her skin. Blood was everywhere and I was sitting in her blood. The skin hanged on a hanger and her the blood was warm. He had only just killed her. I sobbed seeing the eyes of the woman look deep into my soul. She looked like the imagine, so close to it but she was not that woman. She was much younger, I caught the vomit in my throat. I couldn't look at her any more.
"Em come on out and I will tell you what happened. In fact I will tell you now. She was insane and tried to stab me. so in defence I attacked back and well I got a bit carried away. You know how much I love my mum, you wrote it in you dairy the other day." A deep chuckle echoed through the door, this made me flinch away.
I stopped listening and he walked away from the door. I heard him go down the stairs and root through his draws. Cursing he went down another flight. I got up and went to the window, Putting a chair behind the door before trying to climb out the window. There was a ledge about a foot wide. I balanced and climbed for my life. To be honest, all I remembered after that, was me calling the police and me falling off the roof. Adam was arrested and well he always says when ever they interview him that "a boys best friend is his mother". He was released on insanity and has to stay in an asylum. He sees a psychologist daily. They won't get through to him, from what I saw he knew every single thing he was doing. He knew I would climb onto the roof. He was going to kill me one way or another. I was lucky to survive but am I lucky to be alive. To suffer the fear of him returning to the world...
Wednesday, 5 December 2012
Christmas day
My sister; Olivia for English had to write all about her Christmas day and well it made me laugh. So to cheer you all up here is my sisters Xmas day....
On Christmas morning, I wake up to instructions through text for what to make for breakfast; which is normally pancakes. After indulging my sense in sweet smells and taste, my parents, sister and me gather in the living room near the tree.We wait for the dogs to wake up (Button and Basil) until we open our presents one at a time, letting of course the dogs go first. While mum is still laughing at how cute the dogs look with their Christmas bows on and uploads photos to Facebook, me and my sister ( the brilliant Emily) SO it is present time and I have opened one; being the youngest of the 6 of us, I thank my parents and the basil and button and we carry on opening presents.
For a while me, my parents and sister take time to get ready in some of our new clothes. Finally I am ready waiting while my mum tries on her 10th outfit, because the others were "too tight around the bum". she comes down looking a mess but we say she looks lovely so she doesn't moan, but of course my dad slips in a weight joke and we end up 30 minutes late. Arriving at my dad's parents house (This is the English side) we greet everyone in a festive mood; all talking and laughing. Nanny taps her almost paper thin walls with a spoon to call us to dinner, we walk to her beautifully set dinner table and wait in anticipation for the Norfolk bronze to grace our eyes. As my Granddad walks to the table, holding what only can be described as a golden glory. The beautiful savoy smell fills my nose; I could almost taste it. My plate is severed up and pile high with:
potato, turkey, Brussels, carrots, Yorkshire, beans, peas and gravy.
It is like I had died and gone to heaven.
Recovering from the war zone that was dinner, we all hobble back into the living room hardly be able to talk properly; just slight murmurs. After getting the feeling back to my toes and neck, I join in the conversation around the room laughing occasionally at my uncles. So this nearing a close you would it was over, Oh you are so wrong. We still have my mum's side of the family * face palm*
On Christmas morning, I wake up to instructions through text for what to make for breakfast; which is normally pancakes. After indulging my sense in sweet smells and taste, my parents, sister and me gather in the living room near the tree.We wait for the dogs to wake up (Button and Basil) until we open our presents one at a time, letting of course the dogs go first. While mum is still laughing at how cute the dogs look with their Christmas bows on and uploads photos to Facebook, me and my sister ( the brilliant Emily) SO it is present time and I have opened one; being the youngest of the 6 of us, I thank my parents and the basil and button and we carry on opening presents.
For a while me, my parents and sister take time to get ready in some of our new clothes. Finally I am ready waiting while my mum tries on her 10th outfit, because the others were "too tight around the bum". she comes down looking a mess but we say she looks lovely so she doesn't moan, but of course my dad slips in a weight joke and we end up 30 minutes late. Arriving at my dad's parents house (This is the English side) we greet everyone in a festive mood; all talking and laughing. Nanny taps her almost paper thin walls with a spoon to call us to dinner, we walk to her beautifully set dinner table and wait in anticipation for the Norfolk bronze to grace our eyes. As my Granddad walks to the table, holding what only can be described as a golden glory. The beautiful savoy smell fills my nose; I could almost taste it. My plate is severed up and pile high with:
potato, turkey, Brussels, carrots, Yorkshire, beans, peas and gravy.
It is like I had died and gone to heaven.
Tuesday, 4 December 2012
All hope is lost....
They called me stupid when I started to panic. The first case was not reported until 6 days from when the person was infected. Dr Roland Frindle was his name I think, he had caught the Ebola virus when they were testing how it was adapting. Of course this was 6 days after the infection, the guy was on his last few hours maybe.
The thing is that this Ebola virus was actually adapted. The regular one would just get you infected and kill. It is easy to get it and easy to prevent getting it. This new strain well to put it simply, it's main objective is to get as many hosts as possible before ending that hosts life. when that person dies, the leak a large amount of blood out of every hole in your body making it easier to catch it. Your eyes, ears, mouth, nose, nipple etc will bleed.
The next four cases were reported. Each person died within 5 days of catching the virus, then a break news story happened. It said what no one had wanted to hear "The Ebola virus has no become either airborne or water borne. It has not been confirmed which one but. Please keep away from the infected, the blood touch skin could even cause you to catch the virus"
more people became infected and with panic I started to buy supplies, water, food, medical gear. It seemed no one was doing what I was doing. I called up my parents last night and asked them to prepare themselves for an epidemic. They just said I was being silly.
Eventually over 20,000 people were infected and were now walking the streets. Blood trails ran all over London. It had not hit where I lived yet and I was on the outskirts of London so I wasn't that far away. People here just carried on with their lives as if there was actually nothing threatening them. One night I fell asleep not knowing that my whole life would be changed in a few hours. As usual I would fall asleep with the Tv on and wake up at 2am to relieve my bladder and turn the Tv off. But this time I didn't wake because my bladder was aching but a scream. I jumped out of my bed and ran to my window, a woman was in the middle of the street; she looked straight down at the floor. I could hear her husband mumbling a few things at her, telling her to come back inside. Their children Sam and Alice both stood in the door way sobbing gently, the woman started to shake uncontrollably like she was laughing. My attention turned to the fact it was raining when I had gone to bed but a new puddle seem to have formed round the woman's body. She looked up at her husband and let out a loud sorrowful scream. It was shown, on her night gown was a rich red liquid. Her eyes were clouded with blood and fell from their sockets. She was falling apart right at that second in time, I held my mouth as i felt a little vomit travel up. I backed away from the window as the woman bit her husbands neck before she collapsed into a rigid corpse.
after going to the toilet, I walked back to my bedroom. But I had no chance of sleeping tonight. The army came not long after the incident. The brought the man out into the middle of the road and shot him square between the eyes. Another two shots were hear, I instantly assumed that the children had been dealt with. The left after torching the house and washing the street down. I watch the embers of the Georgian house and thought 'the world has gone to shit and I am in the middle of it.'
I awoke about 12pm, a smoky smell had polluted my house. The burnt husk of the house was left and I could see the bodies of the children and their father amongst the ash and fallen beams. I got dressed and made a trip to the bank. I got every single penny out and went to the nearest shop, again there was no one out and about; even some of the staff weren't there. I got as much as I could before getting off home. On the way home I saw three bodies in the street, on of the bodied crawled towards the middle of the road. A driver clipped the edge of her skull and killed her instantly The woman came to a stop and got out of her car. She started scream at the top of her lungs, blood started flowing out of nose and ears. Her baby in the back cried also, tears flooded to my eyes. I got home as quickly as I could and got into the house with all supplies in one go. I bolt locked the door and walked up stairs after packing away everything. I walked into my bedroom and sat at the window as I listened to the TV. I was so shocked and I wish it was all a dream. I woke up the next morning with my head against the window. There was about 20 people in the street; all in a circle looking at one point. One of the men shuffled to the side and I could see a young girl about the age of 13 gurgling as blood flowed out of her mouth. she had no legs and one usable arm. she crawled towards the nearest man and spat another mouth full of blood at him. He screamed about a minute later, falling onto the floor clawing at his eyes. blood leaked out of him and the he died not long after. I was so angry, they were just standing there looking at this girl. she went rigid and died, she had left a trail of blood behind her; leaving a mark on this world. One of the guys in the group got close to her and took a powerful kick to her head. Even me inside I heard the crack of the girls skull. This had got way too much and any food that I had that day evacuated me.
The next few days nothing happened. A few bodies more clean up and more infection. It was now taking the average person 10 days to died. It had infected the UK, USA and most of Europe. My mother and brother had caught the disease and died on the same day. My father I had called not long after the young girl incident, he had told me all this information and now was on his way to me. It had been about 2 hours from the phone call but the sudden lack of sleep hit me. So with a stupidity I decided to sleep.
Just before I went to bed I listen to the news. " Your best shot is to stay inside, do nothing. The army has failed, the government has failed and science has failed. I am afraid to report this will be the last news update and I hope those who are alive God will protect your soul" thoughts again drifted 'The world has given up and we have all been left alone with the world so damaged. I just wish it would end quickly and it would all go back to normal'
I woke up to my father shouting up the stairs. I had left the door unlocked and he was able to come in with ease. He wasn't doing that well and looked like death warmed up to me. He claimed he was fine but I knew that he had caught the disease. I am just glad he got home to me in, although I knew it was too late, 8 days after he arrived he died. I burnt his body and have cried ever since. I had caught the disease 12 days ago and I have started bleeding yet but I know I have it so I am going to overdoes on pills. There is no hope for the human race. I know this because yesterday knowing I had nothing to lose, I walked and walked. No one was even around, not even the infected all were dead in heaps on the floor. No fresh blood was spilt on the floor, all blood stains were old and brown. All hope is lost...
The thing is that this Ebola virus was actually adapted. The regular one would just get you infected and kill. It is easy to get it and easy to prevent getting it. This new strain well to put it simply, it's main objective is to get as many hosts as possible before ending that hosts life. when that person dies, the leak a large amount of blood out of every hole in your body making it easier to catch it. Your eyes, ears, mouth, nose, nipple etc will bleed.
The next four cases were reported. Each person died within 5 days of catching the virus, then a break news story happened. It said what no one had wanted to hear "The Ebola virus has no become either airborne or water borne. It has not been confirmed which one but. Please keep away from the infected, the blood touch skin could even cause you to catch the virus"
more people became infected and with panic I started to buy supplies, water, food, medical gear. It seemed no one was doing what I was doing. I called up my parents last night and asked them to prepare themselves for an epidemic. They just said I was being silly.
Eventually over 20,000 people were infected and were now walking the streets. Blood trails ran all over London. It had not hit where I lived yet and I was on the outskirts of London so I wasn't that far away. People here just carried on with their lives as if there was actually nothing threatening them. One night I fell asleep not knowing that my whole life would be changed in a few hours. As usual I would fall asleep with the Tv on and wake up at 2am to relieve my bladder and turn the Tv off. But this time I didn't wake because my bladder was aching but a scream. I jumped out of my bed and ran to my window, a woman was in the middle of the street; she looked straight down at the floor. I could hear her husband mumbling a few things at her, telling her to come back inside. Their children Sam and Alice both stood in the door way sobbing gently, the woman started to shake uncontrollably like she was laughing. My attention turned to the fact it was raining when I had gone to bed but a new puddle seem to have formed round the woman's body. She looked up at her husband and let out a loud sorrowful scream. It was shown, on her night gown was a rich red liquid. Her eyes were clouded with blood and fell from their sockets. She was falling apart right at that second in time, I held my mouth as i felt a little vomit travel up. I backed away from the window as the woman bit her husbands neck before she collapsed into a rigid corpse.
after going to the toilet, I walked back to my bedroom. But I had no chance of sleeping tonight. The army came not long after the incident. The brought the man out into the middle of the road and shot him square between the eyes. Another two shots were hear, I instantly assumed that the children had been dealt with. The left after torching the house and washing the street down. I watch the embers of the Georgian house and thought 'the world has gone to shit and I am in the middle of it.'
I awoke about 12pm, a smoky smell had polluted my house. The burnt husk of the house was left and I could see the bodies of the children and their father amongst the ash and fallen beams. I got dressed and made a trip to the bank. I got every single penny out and went to the nearest shop, again there was no one out and about; even some of the staff weren't there. I got as much as I could before getting off home. On the way home I saw three bodies in the street, on of the bodied crawled towards the middle of the road. A driver clipped the edge of her skull and killed her instantly The woman came to a stop and got out of her car. She started scream at the top of her lungs, blood started flowing out of nose and ears. Her baby in the back cried also, tears flooded to my eyes. I got home as quickly as I could and got into the house with all supplies in one go. I bolt locked the door and walked up stairs after packing away everything. I walked into my bedroom and sat at the window as I listened to the TV. I was so shocked and I wish it was all a dream. I woke up the next morning with my head against the window. There was about 20 people in the street; all in a circle looking at one point. One of the men shuffled to the side and I could see a young girl about the age of 13 gurgling as blood flowed out of her mouth. she had no legs and one usable arm. she crawled towards the nearest man and spat another mouth full of blood at him. He screamed about a minute later, falling onto the floor clawing at his eyes. blood leaked out of him and the he died not long after. I was so angry, they were just standing there looking at this girl. she went rigid and died, she had left a trail of blood behind her; leaving a mark on this world. One of the guys in the group got close to her and took a powerful kick to her head. Even me inside I heard the crack of the girls skull. This had got way too much and any food that I had that day evacuated me.
The next few days nothing happened. A few bodies more clean up and more infection. It was now taking the average person 10 days to died. It had infected the UK, USA and most of Europe. My mother and brother had caught the disease and died on the same day. My father I had called not long after the young girl incident, he had told me all this information and now was on his way to me. It had been about 2 hours from the phone call but the sudden lack of sleep hit me. So with a stupidity I decided to sleep.
Just before I went to bed I listen to the news. " Your best shot is to stay inside, do nothing. The army has failed, the government has failed and science has failed. I am afraid to report this will be the last news update and I hope those who are alive God will protect your soul" thoughts again drifted 'The world has given up and we have all been left alone with the world so damaged. I just wish it would end quickly and it would all go back to normal'
I woke up to my father shouting up the stairs. I had left the door unlocked and he was able to come in with ease. He wasn't doing that well and looked like death warmed up to me. He claimed he was fine but I knew that he had caught the disease. I am just glad he got home to me in, although I knew it was too late, 8 days after he arrived he died. I burnt his body and have cried ever since. I had caught the disease 12 days ago and I have started bleeding yet but I know I have it so I am going to overdoes on pills. There is no hope for the human race. I know this because yesterday knowing I had nothing to lose, I walked and walked. No one was even around, not even the infected all were dead in heaps on the floor. No fresh blood was spilt on the floor, all blood stains were old and brown. All hope is lost...
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