Monday 15 October 2012


heya people :D
Right so I have now got 12 people or so to play The real slender game. We will be in groups of 3/4 depending who will turn up. Instead of one person just holding a camera, There will be one person in every group so you can see ppl shitting themselves in all groups. There will also be a certain colour note for that team and in that team will be a selected slender. So the rules to this as before is that you only have a camera and a torch, The notes will be glowing. red, green, blue and yellow (glow sticks) I am guessing they will be the colour of the notes depending. But yeah so if you guys wanna see me and my friends shit ourselves then please tune in :D more updates and name for those who will be entering.
 The date this suppose to happening is the 1st of November

Friday 12 October 2012

Good morning, the real slender and an investigation

hello you beautiful people.
Well I feel a great force has been lifted and so I am up at 7:12 am to greet you beautiful people ( not because my dog woke me up for a wee) so the I am gonna give you a plan of what I am planning to record and make.

1. The investigation. A little while ago I added a little intro for the story, I have got a guest voicing and he has said he is doing it. I will have to wait a few days before releasing a hint who it is. All I can say is that he has a lot more subscribers than me.
2. The real slender. This is going to be a video of me doing the real slender at 9 pm in a forest near me. I have to collect notes (8 of them) and I don't know where they are or where I will be, I will leave that to my sister and my sister friend. There will be a fence around the area and I will only have a torch. I am gonna test a glow stick against the darkness. I will have to escape as well and there will be a slender but my sister and her friend are keeping that away from me. But this will take me a while
3. The chair part 3, the final part to this series is coming out today. Although it will be tonight

so guys have a great day and weekend. I will check back with you soon :D EMILY OUT

guys and gals please comment on this so I can see what you think, maybe if you love me enough you would share this with Ur fanstatic friends

Sunday 7 October 2012


Slowly my eyes came back from the darkness and I looked forward to see what I hoped not to be there. I got onto my knees and cried. " I am sorry, I am so sorry" I kept crying trying to seem like I had some soul but the fact I was laughing so hard in my mind. "why am I lying to myself?" I started laughing as I got off my knees. I nearly cried where I was laughing so hard, when I heard a moan from across the room. I stopped so there was silence and the odd dripping. Another moan across the room, I raced to the source of the moan. A man about 23 years of age, dark hair and green eye. He was very handsome, I place my hand on his back and he started to cry. A few mumbles that I couldn't quite catch except the last one. "please just kill me, not more pain" I sighed and pulled the guys limp body across to the centre of the room. No sobs this time but actual cries. "please no more, I beg of you no more"
 He was hysterical and so to stop him I slapped my hand around the right side of his face. He went back into gentle sobs, 
" I will let you live and not hurt you if you can complete this task. This door behind me is locked, there is a key of course but only one." I looked around
 "but it is not in plain sight and so therefore you have to find it. But I will give you a clue there are 15 people in this room, You have 10 minutes." 
I walked to the door and sat down. The man gritting his teeth got up and started searching every where. I rocked slowly back and forth waiting for him to get the hint. " would you like another clue but you have to forfeit a minute of your time,You have 8 minutes." He looked at me with dark eyes and nodded. 
"I made one of the males in the room, swallow the key." He rushed to his friends side and started looking over the body for some kind of clue. It took him a while to get the man, he was able to get the right one because that was the only one who was blue in the room all the rest were bloody and white.
"what do I have to use to cut him open?" The man looked at me with sorrow in his eye. He already knew the answer to that question.
"tick-tock 4 minutes" I said looking around the room when a mask caught my eye. I was a Venetian masks that looked like a jesters face. It half blue and half gold with blood from my victims splattered over it. I smiled and walked over. I  pulled it off the wall to put it onto my face and chuckled as it fit perfectly.
I heard ripping behind me as my prey ripped open the guys stomach with his bare hand. A foul smell filled the room as the stomach of the guy empty, followed by the throwing up of my prey. I laughed at his reaction 
"1 minute and then you are my play thing." I kept laughing, when he pulled the key out. I went silent as he ran to the door to unlock it. The key went in smoothly and my prey's face smiled as he went to turn the key snapped. He stood there shocked and fell onto his knees. I walked up behind him with my mask on my face and smiled. I ran my fingers from one side of his back to the other.With force I smacked his head against the metal door knob to hear him hit the floor with pain.
He didn't last long after I started nailing his hands into the floor, shame he was fun to play around with. Oh don't get me wrong he is still alive, Just he is almost dead through pure pain and blood loss. I was watching the news this morning and they found him babbling random words. But he kept saying these word, 
"she wouldn't stop laughing and that mask just made her worse.That haunting laughter and That mask"
That is only the start though and I can't wait for my next play date. Oh but it looks like people are trying to find me. my name on the news is the masked killer, bit cheesy but it will have to do until I find a better name.

Saturday 6 October 2012

mystery guest on YouTube

second part of the chair will be out tonight and I am chatting with a Youtuber about helping me voice but no promises. But I will tell you who it is when he has confirmed that he is willing to do some voice acting for me. But all I know he has done more videos and if a lot more popular so guy keep an eye on this blog if you want to find out who this fab guy is ;)

Friday 5 October 2012

Monday 1 October 2012


SO I have received a few PM asking me for a new story and don't worry 1 shall be up this weekend. I have had such a busy life and if I had started this a few months before then I would have had plenty of time, so guys please be patient. Thank you anyway for asking :D have a good one