Monday 22 February 2016

Do you see it?

Darkness is weird right!?
Oh you are scared?
You ought to be but wait a second,
Use your brain you fool.
See? No, please tell me you see it
Even if you squint a little?
Eventually you will see it
It is always waiting for you.
Tisk, you are a disappointment.
You are too frightened to look behind you.
Each moment you waste it gets closer.
Too Late, Do you see it?

Friday 30 October 2015

new youtube video for Halloween!!!


click it and what actually happened at Freddy Faz Bear pizzeria!!!

Friday 27 March 2015

Five nigths script

well, I have some news I am in the type up for the FFNAF script!
this means I am  just going to send them to the rest of the cast before we start recording.
But if you want to be a part of the FFNAF script please do message me. I will have a skype call with you and a little conversation of how the whole thing is set up. If you are up for it, please comment bellow.

Sunday 22 March 2015

I am so sorry

life has been harsh. not allowing me to do things I love, but I promise to you. My sweet, that I will continue to love and handle you with care.
As I hold you in my arms, I kiss your forehead, just know that I love you...
I sorry I left you, I promise I won't do it again. I was scared that you would leave me.

Don't look at me like that. I am still human. No stop crying, please! look let's stop here and say that I am going to be here forever.
No please don't shake your head. Look I promise and...
you are so warm. I haven't felt that in so long, I am so sorry...

look there is our beautiful baby girl in the corner and she wants a cuddle. She hasn't spoken to me yet but I know she wants to. Maybe she will forgive me one day.

I am so sorry...
I just couldn't help myself.
I just couldn't help it... I am so sorry. Please look  me in the eyes and...

I am so sorry...

( guys I am back from the dead and ready to party. Please for give me.)

Monday 3 November 2014

Now I feel bad.

I know it has been a good few months since I was last able to update but guys I have missed you. 
I have now created a facebook page where you can get updates for other things. 
Such as youtube, gaming and writing :) 
I am writing a full length story. 
My short story that was suppose to come out so long ago I just lost the motivation to continue. A lot has happened in my life that has caused me to stop doing a lot of things I really love doing. But since April I have found inspiration and have been trying to push forward to continue. 

I missed Halloween and I know you guys love a little scary story on Halloween. I am sorry. I will publish one soon :) 

Once again thank you so much guys :) 

Sunday 19 January 2014

Happy new year.

I am sorry that this is so late.
Happy new year to all my readers. I hope everyone has a good one this year. I am getting rid of 2013 as it was not great. But I am planning for big things this year and will get more creative as the year goes on.
Short entry but thank you guys so much for 2013 and BRING ON 2014!

:D have a great night,

Em x

Friday 17 January 2014

sweet bliss

"she left?" he whispered
"yes, I tried..." she said trying to convince him.
He waved her comment away and looked at her. She sighed feeling a wave of sadness passing over her.
"she..." She began
"she left, that is all I needed to know"
He stood looking at the sun that was slowly sinking into the vast sea. She walked beside him and grabbed his hand.
"she had to go because she loved you"
He looked at her and as smile slid across his face. He shook his head and looked at the floor.
"she left because she could not love me the way I loved her"
The girl stood there for a moment and thought.
"I love you" She looked at the sad boy and squeezed his hand as a sign of comfort.
He looked up at her and smiled. He just stared at her and leaned in to whisper.
"I cannot love you the way you love me". The girls face filled with colour and she felt tears well up in her eyes. 'Why was she so hurt by the comment?'
 she thought.
The boy continued "I could never love you the way you love me because you are truly amazing and my heart aches when you are not around."
Now she was crying, "I thought that you loved her?"
He shook his head and sighed " I did too and realised I wasn't hurt by her leaving. I was hurting because of the thought of you leaving really would kill me."
They looked into each others eyes and smiled. The sun gripping on the earth with it's last few moments of light before dropping into the sea.
The boy and the girl did not leave each other that night nor did they the rest of their lives.
When one passed away, the other did in a matter of days. As they had both wished, both were buried on the hill to watch the sun go down every night and the memory of them placed as a statue on the edge. The statue was of a young boy holding a key. Because he held the key to her heart.

(This is the story I came up with listening to the song below. Just a quick one to get going. Please do Listen to Myuu, he is incredible and really gets the emotion flowing :] )
EM x