Sunday 23 June 2013


guys have a look on youtube if you want an update about somethings. now going to listen to some myuu and write some stories :D

Friday 21 June 2013

Streamside valley part 2

I walked towards the altar and saw a door that went into the back of the church where confessions were  made. It's hinges were cracked and rusted, they hadn't been moved for years. I pushed the idea of a person in this village out of my messed up my head, they weren't going to be here and if they were it would be a different place. I chuckled at my childish thinking and made my way of the church and saw that one of the houses was falling apart. I had not noticed this before, I walked towards what was left of it. I walked to the top of the mound as I saw something sticking out that was slightly stranger. I pulled it out before realising what it actually was, I screamed at the top of my lung; throwing the bone of an animal across the rubble. I wiped my hand on my jeans in a reaction of the sticky flesh that was left. I felt the hairs on the back of my neck raise up, I couldn't believe I was reacting in such a way. 'What am I a child?!' I questioned myself before rubbing down my arms from the goose bumps. I turned round to see of course nothing, this investigation was getting to me but I had to hold tight for the night as I was going to have to suffer the freezing cold and the ghost that may haunt me. I saw birds fly over the village hall and doing a circle before diving into a hole in the roof. That was my way in, I ran over to the side of the building and saw that a smashed window was just above my head. I saw a chair in the collapsed build and yanked it out seeing all the rubble in the middle fall further into the holes. A crashing sound echoed round the building, I made sure nothing else reacted to the sounds and then run over to the window. I stood on the chair and peered into the broken window, it was empty. Nothing was left at all, it was a large hall with a piece of paper left in the middle and that was it. I pulled myself onto the ledge and smashed the window a little bit more; before stepping inside the dark abyss. I hung from the inside ledge and dropped down.
"Hello?" I shouted loud enough for the building to answer back hello. It was a lot colder in here than outside and it made me shiver. I looked round for maybe something the village people missed, but the had made sure that everything was missing.
"It will seem the village people were prepared to clear this area but not the church, I wonder why?" I felt my chest tickle as the dust had slowly filled my lung. I started going into a coughing fit, heaving over trying to get air into the one working lung. I breathed heavily and looked up.
"Thanks!" I said; in a fit of rage
"I am sorry" a whisper barely audible shocked me into a upright positions and made me hold the cough that was trying to interrupt the peace,
"sorry for what?" I said hoping that it was the wind
" I am so sorry..." The voice was silent again and I waited for a minute or so before moving again. I was determined to remove myself from this building. I walked to the front door and tried the lock, I should have known that this was going to be the building that stood strong. I heard the door behind me creak open, I turned round as slow as I could, keeping one eye closed before revealing one of the hall doors had open. It was into the garden at the back of the village hall. I was all grown over and was barely visible but there was path down the middle. I made my way down it, pushing away the weeds and wild flowers. Eventually I had to stop because of the mesh of brambles at the bottom of the garden. I shook my head, this was a pointless day. I had been chasing shadows all day and now I had to get out of this fricking building and this frustrated me more. I could stand this place, why did I think of such a stupid idea.
"FUCK THIS PLACE!!" I screamed and threw a piece of plank at the door that had just closed. I calmed myself down before thinking how I was going to get out of this damn garden. I saw the fence that was covered in brambles, every other possibility was blown out the water because I really had nothing else. I walked over and got a grip on the edge of the bramble nest, I saw a dead piece of tree and pulled myself forward straight into the bush of bramble. I kept still so the thorns could not grapple onto my skin, seeing the fence I grabbed the little part that was showing pulled myself forward cringing in agony biting into my lip as the thorns ripped through my skin now matter how much effort I put in. I eventually was close enough to the fence to try and flip over it. It isn't a tall fence but the brambles made it look massive, I used both arms to pull myself over and I landed on the other side of the fence into a grass pile. I laid there for a while, letting my body rest. I sat up picking any remaining thorns out of me before going to my sleeping area. I had enough of today and I was ready to sleep, even if it was only 5pm.

As I walked across the village I saw the door of my sleep area open. I shook my head as I remember not locking it. I let out a sign and continued forward into the house,
"can this day get any worse!" I looked at my things as I had noticed something had stole some of my socks from my bag. Not food, water, bedding but socks. I grabbed my can of food that I had grabbed from the house and heated it up through the means of the still working stove.
"oh shit!" I hit my head before turning the food off and hobbled to the church, I had left the damn camera in there.
I made my way into the doors again and saw my camera on the bench. I smiled as it had been on all this time and still was on. I stopped it and closed it before hobbling back to where my food was cooking. I sat down and ate the beans, they were hot but I was too tired to focus on the amount of actual pain I was in. After I had settled down to rest I looked at the camera, I shut the door and bolted it, then undressed myself pulling on my pjs for bed. I kept the same socks on before of that bloody animal that stole socks!
I laid in my sleeping bag that was next to the fire in the living room. I had actually got this fire going before I bolted the door closed for the night, the window I smashed in was covered in a plastic I had found in the house. I made sure that my sleep wasn't going to be stopped by some stupid animal. I watch the footage on the camera and saw the point I had put it down, nothing really was noticeable until it came to me around the time hearing that voice. The church was empty but then the figure I thought I saw that morning; returned in the door way and stood there for a good few minutes before walking back into the church. The door shut and it was gone, nothing again until I picked up the camera. You could hear my pants and as I picked up the camera it got the final shot of the man near the altar. I felt chills go up my spine and make me sick. I gulped before putting the camera down for the night. I fell asleep not long after.

I woke at 3 am, there was a heavy air about the place that made me breath gently. I looked up to see an actual mist form around me. I sat up slowly, dragging myself out of my dream state and looked around.
"I am sorry..." The voice had hit me again
"what for? I am..." I looked around to see where had the voice had come from, a woman with no face and wasn't touching the floor.
"He was the one, no children, no women, no life..." she said in her gently but ghostly voice.
"what? you are making no sense" I was now frustrated, this woman had decided to turn up at 3am and not make sense.
"RUN! He will not have any one live if they know the secret."
"what secret?"
"He killed everyone, the villagers never left, he brutally murdered everyone"
"I... I don't believe it" I said standing now, I heard a knocking at the front door.
I was shocked, why do we freeze when we are scared. I stood there what felt like hours and finally came to when I heard the second lot of bangs. I grabbed my bag which was next to my bed and shoved my sleeping bag in there. Another lot of bangs and I was rushing now, I shoved my camera and notes in there too before hearing a cracking at the front door. He was breaking in, I looked around to hide and hole in the fire place was big enough for me to fit into it. I squeezed myself into the gap and felts the floor collapse, it was a tunnel under me and I fell through. I stood still as I heard the footsteps on the floor boards, he was huge but not human. He wasn't physical at all and this scared me into running out the tunnel. He had heard me and started to follow the crashes of rock that followed me. I came out into an opening which I knew was under the church. I held my breath as I heard him turn up behind me, I looked round and saw this shadow man. Like the woman he wasn't touching the floor. But he had a face, too many teeth for his face, no eyes and thin nose.
"I just want to leave." I begged him
He just laughed and bashed me over the head.

"So are you saying, that the reason there is no inhabitants is because there was a man who murdered all the people Streamside village?"
"I am saying that this is a plausible suggestion, they found me at the side of a road with a crack in my skull where I had been bashed over the head. You can't call that fake evidence, plus the footage I have just shown you was not edited. I don't know what I can say to convince my fellow class mates that there is a huge murder scene that has been missed. That animal bone wasn't an animal bone, it was a fucking human bone"
"where are they then? The bodies?"
" To be honest I didn't really want to ask a man where he buried his victims, she wouldn't have told me either. He is coming here, he isn't just at the village and he will not just come after to me any more. You guys will be next unless you move from here."
I finished my project and then left the school, I asked my parents to move as quick as possible. They agreed and said the city life should be better for me anyway.
Months later I read an article in the news that said that
I placed the paper down and smiled at mum, she smiled back and drunk her tea.
"anything happened?" she asked gently
" Nah, just the usual" I smiled as I poured myself a cup of tea
I warned them


So I have been trying to find the will to finish streamside and I couldn't until about an hour ago. so I will try my best to finish before I sleep

Sunday 16 June 2013

Very quick update.

so I am just going to tell you guys that I am on my revision break because I was going to pull my hair out. Only have two more exams left and they are both tomorrow. SO after my 5 solid hours of revision I think I need a horror break :D

Monday 10 June 2013


So I was going to finish part 2 of Streamside village, but as you can see by the title it is exam week for the next 2 weeks. I am so sorry, I wish I could do it between revision but that is life.
I love everyone who reads this blog. Next week Friday should be when I post the story so keep a look out :D
Em x