Saturday 26 January 2013

;) I am back for the creepy new year

welcome back oh you darling fans :)
how is everyone's spooky creepy new year :D almost the first month up. I hope you guys are ready for the scariest year of your life. Many stories are in the spooky creepy mind of me :D I am typing this as I listen to Mr Alice cooper. you should thank him because he is the one I write to when I have tons of ideas. so far listening  to wake the dead by him :) great album.

What is coming up?
since a sudden change in my life, I have found the time to start doing creepy recordings. I want to finish the investigator but I will call it the audio book version

What do you mean?
well due to the sudden burst of writing I have done in the past few months I am planning to get a book publish. But I need some people who will be intrested in reading through giving me feed back etc. This is where you beautiful scary story fans come in. I will be planning to send a short copy of 'Childhood nightmares' to those who are intrested but you will need to contact me. If you like it you will get copies of the book and a mention. If you don't like it feed back is needed anyway but also get a mention. This will be the main story in the book.

When will the book be out?
to be honest I do not know at all. I have to finish editing all the rest of my stories and get a publisher. So if you guys know anyone of any signifgance who will be intrested in my writings then please send me a message. otherwise I will try and find someone.

I went missing for a few months for a number of things that has taken my life. Exams, school, essays, uni and relationships. but the pressure is off me for a few months and so I will be taking my time youtubing as much as I possibly can

so I thank you guys who have been staying and reading my stories. Tell your friends, family and even strangers about my stories. I would love the help, even if you just +1 my stories then I will thank you. Have a good one and dont forget to send me a message on my google+ page to ask for a copy of 'Childhood nightmares'